Suboxone & Or Pain Doctor Mpls, Mn Needed!!
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Hello Friends.. I am in need of help with locating a good Mpls Twin Cities, MN pain clinic who specializes in chronic back issues & rheumatoid arthritis that takes medica. I have been on opiates for 10 plus years work a professional career yet now with my newest issue with rheumatoid arthritis and how quick it has impacted me I may have to change careers after 15 plus years with my compay due to hand function. I have lived my life earning ro cope by using my opiates daily for years for blown lower disks and thought I could keep going on like this, yet last year's with hand deformities and limited use of them taking a toll plus the arthritis in my back and other joints have made my depending on my opiates more then I ever wished. Primary is now concerned that he is limited to what he can five or do at this point & back doctors want to fuse lower back which I want to avoid for I fear outcome of this. Rheumatoid arthritis has no cure just learn to deal and go to therapy which is 50 each visit to learn to open stuff with pliers or tweezers (I can and already do this & don't have to pay copay for that!) I also know having to leave my career I love and worked my ass off might have to happen, ywt will keep fighting to style while I am able. I am looking for a pain clinic to help possibly try to limit or try stopping pain meds ywt I know after 10 plus years on now 20 MG oxycodone 4 times a day some days more if a really bad day +1 MG xanax × 2 daily NOW I now I will get really sick if I just stop & I hear suboxone would help me from withdrawals and not put my career at risk for time away is NOT AN option for I am the boss of 40 plus team. Yet I also need to trust that these doctors will help me understand and help deal with my pain if opiates are something that I will still need?!? Yet NOT be judges while I try to figure out what will work for my pain yet keep my job, health and work with me to figure this out. If I need pain medication then so be it, ywt I want the option to try to stop without having to take a break away from the store I run and team I lead without going through withdrawals and ANY judgment. Does anyone know a good pain clinic in twin cities you trust and offers suboxone & will help me deside if keeping my opiates is what I need or help me see if attempting to try suboxone is something my body can do with my injury and ongoing condition of my rheumatoid arthritis as it grows worse or stabilizes. I do not want judgment just a honest doctors office that will help and allow me to try to stop 10 + years of daily high dose pain meds if needed yet allow me to get back on a plan if needed again for pain. Like I said I am in twin cities Minnesota area. I have medica for health care but do not want judgment for wanting to try to possibly get off the opiates, yet if suboxone DOES NOT HELP PAIN TO NOT GET JUDGED for needing the pain medication back again.. I hope this make sense because I feel like what I am asking does to me. Yet with the opiate abuse and judgment from most primary doctors these days due to many who do mess it up for US in need makes it frustrating and almost impossible to get the help I really want and desire. I have NEVER doctor hopped, never needed a pain contract or seeked from clinic to clinic yet I feel they presume my primary is getting from his higher up peeps and I know he feels the approach has failed us in need and he suggested reaching out to others like ME for advice. So HELP for anyone with same issue please. I need an amazing, understanding doctor pain clinic or a fearless doctor who is not afraid to help me keep pain med or let me try suboxone to see if I can stop opiates, control pain and NOT get sick, plus keep my career. yet if that does not work allow me to keep on my pain medication without judgement and then come up with a new plan on how we can work together. Medica again is my insurance, I am looking for a pain clinic who will work with me on suboxone or my current pain control which is 20 MG oxycodone × 4 daily and 1 MG xanax 2× daily. Thanks for any feedback yet please do not pass judgment on me. I am only looking for support NOT seeking backlash here.
2 Replies
Tabby cat
I could have been you 20 years ago. Except my profession was in the healing ( wow that's an oxymoronic term ) profession so discretion was imperative but I digress. I searched endlessly for a kind, compassionate understanding individual to just treat and MANAGE my pain. long story shortened I found that wonderful professional at a semi private clinic that specialize in methadone and suboxone treatment. I am still on said protocol and LIVING an enriching successful altuastic life. Funny thing is I feel more GENUINE respect love and support then I ever did before. NO CHARACTERIZATIONS WHATSOEVER. Please allow yourself the option to explore all options available to you. I would genuinely love to help you and please don't misinterpret my intent as judgmental. Everyone deserves kind compassionate care and no one should ever be left standing alone terrified there legit condition will expose them for something they have no control over. Best wishes.
Don't get on subs for pain it doesn't help real pain
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