Suboxone Long Term User (Top voted first)


on oxys for 5 years for pain .a haze of 5 years of methadone and xanax for 6 get off pills ..quit both cold turkey then suboxone for 5years my doc weined dwn back up twice. now im in pain and depresed and out of work afraid to tell my doc im in pain because of my past, but the truth is i know a lot about drugs i would b better off on a maintnenece pill of like 2 oxycodones a day and one zany.....really .....any advice??

2 Replies

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Suboxone was designed for addicts originally but some pain suffers are taking it for pain that have problems with regular opiates. To take suboxone for pain it should be given 3 to 4 times a day. Like methadone for pain. The dosage your getting doesn't sound like its helping your pain. Are you sure your not just dependent on opiates? That's normal for pain patients that take them for pain. It doesn't sound to me your an addict. Taken as prescribed pain medicine works good for most. I don't know your history but suboxone can taken for pain or just bupe with no naloxne. I think a lot of doctors would prefer for everyone to be on suboxone but I see no difference in that than methadone. I hope you feel better soon

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The only thing you can really do is talk to your doctor about it.

However, for the best outcome, I'd suggest not asking for specific medications, because most doctors will see that as drug seeking behavior.



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