Suboxone After Just One Pain Pill
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I have been off of roxys for about 3 weeks now. I have been taking suboxone daily. I started passing kidney stones. So I took only one Roxy to help with the pain. Thankfully I passed my stone. I don't know how to go about starting back on the suboxone. I do not have a craving for the pain pills at all anymore, and I really didn't want to take one but I was in agony. Any info is appreciated. Will I have the precipitated withdraws that I have heard about? I don't think that taking just one would make me get back addicted, right? Please help.
2 Replies
I would think u would be ok after one pain pill also.
Usually ur reading about people dealing with a habit. they may have to wait 24 hours or more. Give 8 hours maybe. If u ca before u take the sub.
But. Even tho that one pill didn't wake the sleeping dragon of addiction, it could have. Really. It only takes a slip. D
U had good reason. But be very careful with ur reasons in the future. Don't know how much sober time uve had put together in the past. But it can be a slippery slope!
Good for u. Taking control of yr life!!!
I'm not a dr either.
So do it st ur own risk.
But I think the risk is low.
Oh my! From experience I know that kidney stones are horrible, I've had a couple of them over the past few years, seems I am becoming prone to them, as I am aging.
As to the medication, if you were taking Suboxone for several weeks, it is not likely that one Roxicodone tablet had any effect on you, since Suboxone blocks other opiates from working for several days. However, I am not a doctor and having never taken it myself, I cannot provide a definitive answer to your question. In this case, consulting your prescribing doctor would likely be the best thing to do.
The FDA does warn that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
Do you have any idea what caused the kidney stones? If you can get one and have it tested, you can get a better idea of what to avoid in the future to help prevent them. Sadly, in my case, they've always broken up, when they passed, so I could never get an adequate sample.
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