Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms Increasing


I'm so aware of the returning withdrawal symptoms since I dropped down from 1/2 strip to 1/4 strip of Suboxone. Is it the closer you get to being done with the Subs the stronger the withdrawal symptoms occur? I've been on the 1/4 strip for 8 days now. I haven't been able to sleep, constant turning, weird leg feelings. I don't want to go up a 1/4 as I need off of it! I've been on this crap since end of Feb. when I was detoxed from Fentanyl 25 mcg and Percocet. These were prescribed, after numerous surgeries since 2005. How long will these symptoms of, hot flashes, sleep issues go on? I have to be off of this Subs for 5 days, in order to have oral surgery. It's so unpredictable and scary. Can anyone offer wisdom??

10 Replies

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Hello, Sula! How are you doing?

It usually takes about a week or so, for your body to adjust to each dosage reduction. The withdrawal symptoms should gradually improve, as each day passes.

Have they improved, yet?

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Doing ok, thanks! I just came from a chiropractor Back was out on the right side. I was blaming all the discomfort on Subs withdrawal. I will see pain doc tomorrow.
May wait to drop off the 1/8 till back feels better.

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No, I've gone without sleep since Thursday. I'm a zombie. I do have more of an appetite and the chills and hot flashes have almost disappeared.

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I personally have had the most difficult time. I was on 2 mg daily for maybe 4 1/2 years. Tapered to 1 then .5 over two weeks. The first week was hell. The second was horrible but just a bit better. I was unable to function or sleep. Restless body syndrome was unbearable. Dehydration from diarrhea was scary. Make sure to drink plenty of Gatorade. Not to replace one addiction for another but honestly a couple of cocktails helped. I hate to sound discouraging but just hang in. Mind over matter. Just believe it will get better. I'm on week five and am beginning to feel a bit more like myself however I still have sleep issues. I lost my job cuz I couldn't go. Just called in sick. Was unable to get dr. note cuz I didn't have script so doing it on my own. Coming off perks was way sicker but not nearly as long. I just read you should wait til the 90 mark to re evaluate symptoms. YIKES!!! I said I'm on week 5 and feel like I am on my way back finally. I was also on subs for almost 5 years so it's all relevant. I wish everyone the best if luck. Oh....and coming online to read all these post makes me know I am not alone and if someone else can do it there is no reason why I can't. Also have a wonderful boyfriend and amazing son to take care of me when I couldn't move. Forcing me to take walks and eat and excercise which makes such a difference for the muscles and getting your strength back. Hey....if I can do it you can too!!!

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Hi Josie,
So glad to hear the sleep issues are to be expected. I'm 21 days off of the Suboxone. I'm lucky to get 2-3 hrs a night of sleep. Sure could use a good 6 hrs., but don't know when to expect this. I've had major back pain and knee pain which must have been masked by the Suboxone. I will start an arthritis water aerobics class with in the next few weeks. So glad you replied as I now know that the exercise will help!!
I'm enjoying having a clear mind!!

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I probably should not start sub matinence then? This drug sounds horrible. For short wd, a miracle drug. For longterm, a nightmare...from my research.

Pray to God! Youd b amazed that you can get healings w God. Happened to me!

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What I know is that we all go through withdrawal in different ways. My docs thought this would be ideal to treat any residual chronic pain I might have.

I was extremely sensitive to this drug. Someone else might be able to handle it better. My best move was finding an addiction/withdrawal psychiatrist at a university hospital near me. I'd still be on the Suboxone 16 mg if the pain management doctor had his way!!

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No really easy way to get off suboxone. One day, I reluctantly indulged and couldn't believe how much better my stomach, leg pain, and a few other discomforts that come with this (make the doctors and pharmaceutical companies richer) program. I realize some people have jobs that require random drug panels and moral issues. If this be the case? Don't do it would be my advice.

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Im on day 14 off suboxin and everytime i eat i get very sick for hours on end is this from the withdrawal or something else?

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Ive been on subs since 2006. Was on methadone before then. Have severe back pain for most of my life. Am 5'6 at 47 yrs old and used to be 5'9". I cannot do yard work & other things cuz of the pain. The subs seem not to be working on my pain like they used to. I feel hopeless and like a drug addict. A true junkie that doesnt use the needle. My body is physically dependent on this drug. I think about going to detox but what am I to do about my back pain & I've detoxed before and eventually went back cuz I have a home, no husband and no money to pay a professional. This is the firat year that I haven't busted firewood. I really dont know what point I'm trying to make. I guess seeking help for opiate use was the worst thing that I couldve done. Methadone was great. The quick fix. No pain. Comfortably numb until I mixed it with other meds. Lost the love of my life, lost my children temporarily, became a felon, simply couldnt maintain. I maintain on the subs. But I hurt. What do i do? Go back to methadone? No way. What do i do?

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