Suboxone Pricing Causing Grief....
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I was hoping someone has experience with the following or there is some expert that knows what he/she is talking about that can drop some advice. Thanks in advance. How long does suboxone stay in your system and how long do the effects of the drug hinder intake of other pain meds? Also, how long does suboxone show up in a drug test? This stuff is WAY TOO expensive and not covered by my insurance. My doc has me on suboxone since dbl knee replacements and low back pain. He said he would put me back on 5/500 or 10/500mg hydrocodone (what I had after surgery) once I was clean of suboxone. I have been taking suboxone for only about 2 weeks (over $215!!!!)but the script has refills for up to 3 months and I guess he doesnt want me filling both. Not that I would do that since it cost me $5 for 90 vicodin compared to $105 for 10 strips of suboxone. Sorry for the run-on questions.

2 Replies

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Hi Jaime,

If you provide a list of all the medications you are currently taking, I could find out whether or not Suboxone is interacting with them; or if any of these other medications are interacting with each other in a way that could effect Suboxone's efficacy.

The half-life of Suboxone is anywhere between 24-72 hours; so I would suggest giving yourself a week or so if you think you are going to be testing "specifically" for Suboxone. While there is a Buperenorphine (Suboxone) specific drug test, not many places use it. According to my research, most places don't drug test for Suboxone at all. This is not to say that it will never show up, but it is unlikely.

If you do think you are at risk for it showing up, I would suggest informing them that you are on it, under a doctor's care. But from the majority of information i've read on the subject, you shouldn't be too concerned about it even showing up.

Regarding the cost of this drug, I'm not too familiar with pricing, but there are definitely a lot of users in this forum that are taking or have taken Suboxone and can better understand what your wallet might be going through Lol. Have you tried looking around online for prescription coupons?

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Anyone have any pricing problems or have trouble getting suboxone ?

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