Suboxone Helps My Depression
UpdatedHi, Does anyone else out there get relief from chronic depression by taking the Suboxone? I take it illegally whenever I run out of Percs, and it always makes me feel better, like I can do more things and I have more energy. Next week, I go to a Suboxone doctor to get on this legally, but should I tell him that I take them illegally and that they help with my depression? I am not sure if I should tell him this. I would love to hear from someone. Thanks
4 Replies
I take suboxone from a doctor and after you taking percs, yes, he may start you on the suboxone program($$$) if he sees fit- or if you are truly addicted to opiates, but when you tell him you take percs for depression he will definitely add an anti-depressant to your med. list then taper you off the sub. program. It works. Depression is just the underlying cause of the reason most addictions begin anyway so don't think it to be strange.
Yes, some opiates do have that effect on some people.
You do not, however, want to make your doctor think you are drug seeking, so be careful how you bring it up and talk about it.
It is always wise, though, to be completely honest with your doctor so you get the best possible treatment.
Post back and let us know how it goes!
ABSOLUTELY it helps!! After a bad car crash I was prescribed high doses of Percocet for 5 yrs. I had suffered for years with depression and tried every antidepressant made coupled with years of talk therapy with no avail. I feared I was one of the 10% of people that can't be helped. Right before my accident, I was seriously looking into having an experimental surgery done, it was brain surgery because I was so desperate! Once I was on a steady dose of the percs, my depression seemed to of vanished! I read different reports about opiates and depression. And opiates have been successful with treating severe depression! My biggest fear going off my percocets was that my depression would return. And yes, I was sobbing when I told my new doctor my fears of my depression coming back. Absolutely tell the truth! I actually noticed it was coming back when I was cut down to a certain dosage of subox. I asked him immediately to bump me back up. I only take one 2mg a day, and it still keeps the depression away!! The percs were barely helping anymore towards the end. My energy was just awful, I was damn near useless. Suboxone changed my life & has cured my depression for 2 yrs. I know I'll probably get poo pooed for saying I've been on that long. But whatever, it's thus far the ONLY thing that has EVER worked long term for my depression and I plan to remain on it forever if that what it takes to keep my depression from rearing it's ugly head again. Good luck! Be honest with your doc always, really. He's there to help you get and stay healthy.
most suboxone doctors are there to help and most of the nurses at the clinic have been through it themselfs. i think you cantalk to them in confidence but feel them out to be safe
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