Suboxone Help? Insurance? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hi my name is Carrie and I'm from Hermosa Beach, CA.. I have been taking oral 8mg suboxone for months, as it really helps me and keeps me from popping 40 vicodin or norco's a day. I was on cobra with Blue cross when I began taking it, but it was too expensive. The cobra was 600 a month. Do you know of any independent rx coverage for suboxone? Right now i just paid 400 for 90 of them, and that's a one month supply. I'm better off taking the vicodins. I am disabled, but haven't gotten approved for medical yet. I have no insurance. If you have any suggestions, please help me, best regards.

96 Replies (5 Pages)

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Great thats the advise she needs. Find a dealer. Then what, she goes to jail being popped buying them off the streets?...............Really??

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sorry man, but it's the truth. I agree with him. So does everyone who knows the difference, or lack there of, between these doctors and dealers. Money doesn't grow on trees and if there's someone out there that will offer them for less than what you can purchase them's not a bad idea. I want my life back, but life without money isn't really living.

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Unfortunately, no all suboxone prescriptions require a prior authorization!

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I'm in a suboxone program and i can't afford my meds is there any way i can get help with getting it filled no insurance

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I live in Racine Wisconsin and I lost my medical insurance and I cant find help mainly for my soboxone and my adderrals ?????

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No I did not have to sign up for anything. Just go to and navigate to the discount/coupon. Print it out and take it to the pharmacy. The pharmacy will store it on their system and you'll get 50 dollars off per month. The coupon does have some rules though. It can only be used once every 25 days and it has the prescription has to be written for at least a 15 day supply.

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I am I'm Racine visiting family and ran out. I know this is a long shot but where is a clinic?

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I know exactly what you are going through. I switched to subutex because it is 1/4 the cost. You may want to give it a try. They are just as good if not better.

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A few days? Try a few months...

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Really? For those of who were addicted to an opioid & were getting it on the streets turned to Suboxone because the high cost & the high were killing us. Suboxone has given me life back. Employed, healthy relationships with friends & family. Now the company I worked for folded & I lost my insurance. Had unemployment & struggled to pay bills & keep getting Suboxone & pay for Dr. visits. Still looking for work. Like so many unemployed folks, I have a good work history, education, & skills (managed to swing that on the pain pills at least.) now I can't find a decent job. I can't pay my mortgage & bills, let alone continue Suboxone. No kids so I don't qualify for most state assistance. Applied for food stamps now (on unemployment my "income"was too high to qualify for food stamps) Hoped the "Affordable" Care Act would help but I did not find a single plan that would help my situation. On the streets here, Suboxone is more costly than the pharmacy or I haven't come across the right person. Really do not want to do something criminal anyway. Think I am about out of options.

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Hi! My husband travels for work as well. He used to go to Dr. Zemichael on South Peters Road here in Knoxville. I am pretty sure he is still practicing. Therapy only once a month that I know of. Pill counts occasionally but they will work with you. I hope this helps. I know the struggle and it hurts my heart to see so many people going through it.

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Hi all, be thankful you're able to get / be on suboxone..I lost my medical ins and I'm now on methadone..there's days I think vicodine is better..

Be grateful, BTW, from what I've heard, each Dr gets 2 free patients if they choose to use it..I know that from upstate NY. Stay off methadone.its a ugly drug...I'm 55, I'm not a kid

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My husband has been on suboxen now for a year.Last month was his last month his uhc insurance will pay.Anyway so his doctor has sent a letter of appeal to his insurance company.Anyways its been a few weeks and no answer and my husband is getting very worried because he knows if he does not have it he will feel bad so he had his doctor to call in some kind of generic of suboxen so he won't get sick.Thing is we called his pharmacy and wouldn't you know this to is not covered either,its over $700 dollars for 90.He was taking 3 of the 8 mg film a day.He only has maybe only a few left now?Does ANYONE know which generic IS covered by united Health care?I think what his doc is doing is he called in this generic to get him threw until his insurance approves his suboxen but like I said it is not even covering the one his doc called in.I belive it starts with a z.Zubutol im not sure.Does anyone know what he should do or even how long it takes for insurance to approve his meds.Another thing he's worried about he knows over a year ago I was on methadone treatment and I switched to suboxen and because I did this I ended up in the er with the worst withdrawal ever in my life!The worst!I wanted to die!He's scared of this because he sees other people saying that some of the generic made them feel like they were going into withdrawl bad.Please help I won't be able to live with my husband if he has nothing.What generic does united health care cover and how long does it take to get approved?

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So when i fet this unsurance thur my company just dont tell them i am already on it

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good luck finding a MD who takes the Medicaid card in LA it cover meda but not MD visit bc the meds don't tk it so u will still pay just as much and they will not let u file claim urself to get reimbursed that's issue I am having need an MD my MD moved no longer takes now stuck w no MD to prescribe meds to me

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How do i sign up for the patients insurance help by the makers of suboxone

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I've been on suboxone for 5 years as well and have a hard time finding insurance that all I have to pay is a co-pay for suboxone. I live in Tennessee. Do u know an insurance company it is covered by?

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How about get a job. You could probably make 300 a month..

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You said you have been on it for 5 yrs. I am confused. How do you get off of it? I want to use it to get off opiates but I don't want to take it indefinitely.

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So my insurance wants a pre authorization before they will start helping pay for my prescription. Is there any program that will help me at least for the first month or 2? I've been on suboxone for 4 days now and only take 1- 8 mg strip per day, and it works, I really need to find help in paying for the prescription, my insurance covers my dr. visit. I only have to pay 10.00 Co pay.... any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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