Suboxone Doctors Needed (Page 3) (Top voted first)
UpdatedLooking for help for my son. He doesn't have a job and needs help for drug addiction.
Yes I need a sub Dr in stl that is reasonable in price please help
Do you know of any vouchers for the Suboxone? It is so expensive and I do not have insurance.
Hi I have been looking for some time for a doctor.
I'm in Sandy springs and my dr has vanished, any help w finding a new good one is appreciated.
I need one please share. I'm looking to get in quick too because I'm bad off. Thanks for any help.
I'm in desperate need of suboxone and coming off of 24mg .I'm in marietta ga
Where do u go im in need of a doc asap
Dr Hege is where I go top of perimeter.
I do need a doc asap. You say u have one?
Anyone know of a sub doc that writes or let's you take benzod
How much are visits and what is his name? I am new to Georgia and for some reason we make too much to get Medicaid anymore so I need to find a cheap doctor. I'm dying here
Does anyone know if doctors might accept a patient who is taking Suboxone without a prescription? I have been taking it for six months and want to get into a legitimate program. booking to get Suboxone pills. I had a prescription a while back but it was in a different state I don't have insurance and I don't have a job. I really appreciate your help I'm in Atlanta
What is his name? I need one that has openings.i am in Atlanta could really use help asap
I need one bad. I can't find one that takes my insurance. Vie been looking everywhere. Where can I go?
Moved here to Atlanta recently (from New Orleans, where my current doctor is) and need a doctor in the area that is good and doesn't charge hundreds of dollars to be seen and treated. What's your doctor's name, which you're recommending here? Many thanks! Any details will be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to come off of fentanyl, I never abused it. I have taken it for 10 months for nerve damage I incurred during a routine surgery. My pain doc can prescribe it, but can't help me get off of it without the horrible side effects. I need help tapering so I don't suffer awful withdrawals.
Hey are you still with the same doc? I know it's 2017 but I am is a good sub doc in Atlanta area.
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