Suboxone Doctors In Indiana Who Accept Medicaid (Page 37) (Top voted first)


Need a doctor who prescribes suboxone in Indiana - i am on medicaid.

770 Replies (39 Pages)

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Re: Luv24n7life (# 746) Expand Referenced Message

I just saw ur mssg- They take Medicaid, really? But there's probably waitlist ???

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Hi everyone & anyone seeing this. Does anyone know of a provider that DOES accept 2.0 for treatment?

Thank You.

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Re: E (# 708) Expand Referenced Message

Did you find one? Cuz I just got dismissed from mine cuz I was honest and relapsed. I’ve been to deal 2 years. Leer 7 years.
Klim in the past 4 months cuz I left it go to deal. 8 years.

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Re: Michael (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Who is the doctor please your referring too? I am having a hell of a time finding a dr! I have hip. I don’t have much money. Dr Farr let me go as a patient.

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Re: Cassie (# 719) Expand Referenced Message

Did you find a doctor hun? Try klim! Or dr Simon Feng in white land. I wish people were more open to helping others find a doctor.

I have been through 4 Doctors now I’m a mom of 3 kids & I had Dr leer for like 7 years then I was kicked off for adapex it’s a diet pill that’s a narcotic which I felt dumb cuz when i hear diet pill I don’t think narcotic! So I went to klim but I left his office cuz he refused to give me subutex and I feel like withdrawal from suboxone I sweat idk maybe it’s in my head?

So I left klim and paid $125 to go to deal in Indy. He was ok but he never came into the office until noon so there was a five hour wait on him. So since I had money I left him & paid $275 to go to Peter Farr & he was cool great actually until my 8 month visit. I failed a drug panel for adderall & he kicked me out. Now I have a horrible record with sub doctors and I have a new appointment Monday with a new Dr. So idk, I’m tired of this crap and ready to give up!

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Re: Richard (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Richard, I live in Indianapolis Indiana. It's really hard finding a stubborn Dr. Here. I've recieved packets with all the Dr's who accept Medicaid & I've called every one of them, & most of them have switched to only taking cash, or the number is no longer good or the waiting list is closed. If you have a different list of Drs that would working would appreciate it.

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Nichole King in Jeffersonville Indiana excepts Medicaid and is an excellent nurse practitioner. If you want her number, leave me a message and I will post it on here!

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Re: Maricica (# 757) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for your post. I had no clue that all dr's who prescribe suboxen must accept Medicaid.
I've called almost every sub dr. In Indpls. & a lot of them said they don't accept Medicaid, but they do accept cash & a lot of it. This can't be legal?

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Marsha (# 758) --

Marsha that's what they all tell me
Dr deal is only $150 a month that's cheap Linda is awesome

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Re: val haase (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Did you? What did your primary say and do did you get a referral?

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Re: sherbear (# 758) Expand Referenced Message

I need her info please.

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Opioids are very potent painkillers which are frequently prescribed by the doctors to patients suffering from unbearable pain. Suboxone is one of these drugs. It is a partial antagonist to opioids, the reason why it is used during the treatment process. But excess dosages can cause addiction.

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Need doctors in or near Bradely Illnois who accept Medicare and prescribed suboxone. Can't afford 250 a month on disability. Any doctor in Illinois please reply.

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I'm looking for A Suboxone Dr. that accepts HIP MEDICAID INS. I am wanting to get off opioids and methamphetamine.

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Re: Cassie (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Are u ok bro?... txt me {edited for privacy}

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Re: danielle (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Muncie IN has several suboxone clinics and they accept medicaid/hip... CleanSlate, and they also have groups.

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Re: Samsizzle69 (# 760) Expand Referenced Message

Dr deal now takes anthem hip. Not mdwise tho. I had to switch. He is a good. Doesn't really believe in anti depressants either. Old school dr. He even has an app now. He was just to far away from me and I wasn't able to bring my young kid. I'm sure if i had to i probably could have. They let u smoke now bud.

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Re: Sunnye (# 751) Expand Referenced Message

Well it depends on the place now like most do allow people to smoke pot in Indianapolis anyway. Even through the new clinic through the new city justice system. Its Not legal in the big city but the prosecutor announced they will not pursue criminal charges again anyone with marijuana that had not committed any other crime because they are more worried about more important things. A lot has changed for the better. I'm allowed to bring my child with me. I wasn't before.

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Re: Jizzle (# 767) Expand Referenced Message

I need a suboxone doctor close to Winchester In…besides Spero health

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I'm on the waiting List. Can't believe they told you three weeks can't get them to tell me that. I have been on it before they said they called everyone. But I'm positive I was missed cause I'm holding my phone like my life just so I dint miss the call. I'm struggling here and I'm running out of hope the number there is right

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