Suboxone Doctors In Indiana Who Accept Medicaid (Page 37)
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Need a doctor who prescribes suboxone in Indiana - i am on medicaid.

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hey there...I haven't found out anything on my end yet which sucks really bad... simply because I'm still going through the same thing as before!! Its such a horrible feeling dealing with this monkey on my back EVERYDAY!!! stressed out and no where to turn!!

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I live in Northwest Indiana &am in desperate need of finding a suboxone/subutex doctor who accepts medicaid or who's doctors visits &such aren't outrageously priced. I was addicted to H for 5 years &am only 20 years old. I just moved back to Indiana from North Carolina &I had a doctor out there that prescribed be the subutex. Can any please please help me?

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Mother of two need to talk please

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Did you ever find any help

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Michelle hello there. I'm in Indiana and I'm lost. Can't find help anywhere and I'm so worried. I'm looking for a friend who knows where I'm coming from. {edited for privacy}

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Hello, I am on Healthy Indiana Plan and I am looking for a Suboxone Dr. Please HELP ME!!

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hey motherof two... Yes it helps to have someone to talk to. would love to chat. goin through the same thing and feel alone.... {edited for privacy}

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have you tried any of the doctors at st johns that do suboxone treatment.. are you living in anderson right now?? Let me know. maybe I can help you find someplace that can help you!!

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There a doctor in Greenwood who hasnt any waitlist. She was able to get me in that day. Dr. Green. They are very flexable the first munth with money. They are 300 per munth but thats less than what i be spending on the street. Number is 317-672-8599

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Please tell me the names of any doctors u found ...having same problem ...thanks Pennie

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Dr Patel in Indianapolis, IN is a reasonably priced suboxone Dr. with little to no waiting list. $50 deposit is required for your appt. Number is (317) 429-9336

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Thank you. I'm calling Dr deal first thing and let everyone know what he says to. Pray

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Wondering if person in Anderson found suboxone doctor because I'm also looking for doctor

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I know Dr. Deal, in Indy was a few months ago, not sure now his #s 317-884-1752. If he isnt, ask if they may know anyone that is. Good luck

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Please let me know how it goes. I'm calling Monday. I have been waiting on them for months

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Keep calling avon, i called and got my fiance on the waiting list, they didnt call for 3 weeks, so i called and they said he is on the list and will hear something in a few weeks, so that same day my sister called to get on the waiting list too and they set her an appointment for just 5 days later!! that made me mad cause my man has been on the list for weeks, so he called that same day and asked why he was on the list for weeks but my sister calls and gets an appointment for the next week, so they set him an appointment for a few days later, his appointment is on monday 4-21 finally, so make sure to call them, they usually do theri calls on fridays, someone named tabitha is who you need to speak with at avon.

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I called medicaid and they advised me i need to talk to my pmp about suboxone and a referral.

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I have been on suboxone for about 7 months now, i was taking perks, vics or any pain pill i could find, got sick of being out and searching and not finding any and feeling like crap, so i called avon urgent care on a thursday, they told me 2-4 week waiting list and the lady calls people on fridays, so the next day they called me and i got in the following tues. have to be in withdrawl for 48 hours, i was really in withdrawl for 24 hours , i went in feeling like crap and they gave me two half strips in the office and i actually felt better when i left, but that night i did throw up a few times and was sick that is prob cause i wasnt in withdrawl for 48 hours. well now my boyfriend is wanting to get on suboxone, put him on the waiting list like 3 weeks and called twice and they wont say anything, he told them he was miserable and in withdrawl and they told him to go to the er!! like the er is going to do anything. but im hoping they call him soon, i hate him feeling like this, i know what it is like and suboxone is a miracle, i felt better the next day and i can be around pills now and it not even bother me i could care less, if someone handed me a bunch it wouldnt bother me to just throw them away now, there is no way i would go back to pills , the withdraw is too horrible.

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I'm on the waiting List. Can't believe they told you three weeks can't get them to tell me that. I have been on it before they said they called everyone. But I'm positive I was missed cause I'm holding my phone like my life just so I dint miss the call. I'm struggling here and I'm running out of hope the number there is right

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Avon urgent care accepts medicaid. But it's a 3 week waiting list just to get a appt. Hope this helps

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