Suboxone, Dexadrine, And My Misery
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I'm Canadian. Not sure if this forum provides Canadian answers but here goes. I'm currently taking Suboxone for opiate abuse. I'm down to 8 mgs a day and was up to 16 at the highest dose. I started pain killers for a very real pain problem but quickly lost control of my prescribed dose and started buying additional pills. It became a huge problem and nearly cost me everything. It did cost me my vehicle and a lot of other material things. Don't care now. It also cost me my wife's trust. That I hate and am working on trying to get it back. I'm miserable though. Finally going for a visit with a psychiatrist in a couple of days. I've had a lot of trouble with concentration for the last 6-9 months and my Docs think ADD. One mentioned Concerta and another Ritalin. However I've done some research and think Dexadrine may be right for me. I lost a ton of weight over the last few years. Healthy ways at first but I also lost another 20 or so Lbs while I wad taking the pain pills. I've started gaining back all that weigh. It seems I eat crap food when I'm down. Makes me happy. How sad. Lol. I'm a dude, got a hot wife and she became more attracted to me when I dropped the Lbs but hated the weight I lost from addiction. Mademe look sick she said. Long story short, is Dexadrine a good idea for the possible ADD issue and to help some with keeping my weight under control? Maybe, but will it work well with Suboxone? And is there any link between Suboxone and depression? Or am I just a sick loser unhappy being sober? I hate all this. I don't want to come off Suboxone yet because I still think about the Oxy. Suboxone is working well for that, but I feel like s*** all the time no.matter what's going on. Any help or advice or even stories related would be great. I fear I'm losing her again because I'm so miserable all the time. Now I'm starting to become anxious about my weight regain too. Lol. This is no good my friends.

3 Replies

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It sounds to me like you not only need to stay on Suboxone but perhaps a higher dose. Opiate dependency is no joke as far as what I read you should be on shots of suboxone not pills. Why Wellbutrin? Does that cause weight gain? I'm on Tramadol for an antidepressant and my psychiatrist wants me on Paxil as well but not yet. I'll tell you my story when it's not the middle of the night. I can't seem to sleep lately. I hope you have a better day today. It will get easier I promise. You just need the right combo of meds.

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Thanks Verwon.
Ultimately I'm hoping to completely stop the Suboxone soon. I had an appt with a psychiatrist and I've been prescribed Welbutrin. I'm 5 days in and its making things worse. I can feel the anti depressant working the way it should which is great, but its making me drowsy which is the opposite of what I need. And I'm eating constantly. Also not good. I'm worried about putting the weight back on and now I'm hungry all the time. Lol. Woops. I have to follow up with my Doc and see what can be done with adjustments or possibly stopping/ starting different medication.

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Hello, Tyler! How are you?

Depression is a possibility with any narcotic, because by their very nature, to treat pain, they are in essence downers.

There is a slight issue with taking Suboxone, with the Dexedrine, since it can increase the effects of the Suboxone, but it should only be a simple matter to adjust one or the other.

Both medications carry the risk of being habit forming, though.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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