Suboxone Chat Room (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have now been on suboxone for a year, I got on it when I found out I was pregnant last January 2013 and I had my beautiful healthy daughter in August 2013 I used to be on subutex during my pregnancy but once I had my daughter I was switched to suboxone. I am on 2 1/2 strips a day and my doctor has been wanting to lower my dose however I have so much going on that I am really nervous to do so. I have lately been dealing with my daughter on my own her father just didn't show me the respect I deserved and he wasn't willing to work to support our daughter so we separated and now I am left on my own with all the finances out daughter and looking for employment which this all just recently happened since the last time I saw my doctor on top of that my daughter has medical issues due to her throat not developing correctly during my pregnancy so we have multiple doctor visits for her monthly and she has special feeding rules and medications to take so I am very overwhelmed. My doctor seems to be harder on me then his other patients some who have been on suboxone for 5+ years so this is making me very nervous to ask him to up my dose from 2 1/2 to 3 strips a day. Does anyone have any advice? I've really been trying to stick it out but I just feel like an emotional wreck and like my body can't take the stress. Please I need advice! How should I ask my doctor to up my dose?

89 Replies (5 Pages)

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Re: Aaron (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

I may be wrong but I believe you should test+ for opioids when you enter a program. I know this really presents a problem for those of us that are on Suboxone without a doctors supervision. That is one of the reasons I don’t go.

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I have contacted several Suboxone clinics that will not accept my medical insurance for treatment from addiction. I was told that because the physician would not take my insurance, I would need to pay cash for my prescriptions because running it through my insurance proposes risk of insurance fraud for my physician.

Does anyone else run into this problem? Does anyone have any advice for me? Thank you so much for reading and replying to my post.

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I noticed the Suboxone sublingual 8mg red tablets worked 75 percent better than the peach or orange tablets. Does the color affect the strength?

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Re: Nicole (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I don't believe so. I've never even heard of red tablets. What do they look like? What imprint did the peach and orange have?

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I have a friend that has touched a lot of Suboxone foil wrappers and quite a few of the Suboxone itself. I'm trying to make a point with my friend is there any way that could have gotten in his system without him orally taking the medication? He said he didn't take the medication but he has been handling a lot of foils and some strips is this possible? The doctor said he had a slight trace of it in his system she had given him a number and it was 35 I'm not even sure what that means. Thank you I'm hoping someone can help me.

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Re: Dj (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I hope someone told you the dangers of taking Xanax while on Suboxone; they both depress your breathing

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Anybody know where reg 8 mg tex r p or 54/411 or similar but not the crappy8 ?? ones are in shreveport,la.? Talking legit pharmacies people not whatever stinking shade u may have been about to suggest. Only adults here. Thank you

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I have a question about how I can take suboxone strips......Would it be safe to administer intravenously?

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I have been on pain pills for 14 years. They put me on suboxone 4mg / 1 mg strips 3 times per day. I still have pain and I always have an upset stomach.

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