Suboxone 1mg Subliqual A Day Is Good For Someone Taking How Many Norco


I have been addicted to lortab, norco, viocoden for 20 years I took between 14 to 3 a day. Today I am on norco 10/325 5-6-7 a day. I was given Suboxone 8mg/2mg. I would not be able to drive 200 miles during a withdrawl of 24 hrs. My friend gave the Suboxone to help me stop my addiction the the pain pill. Could some one tell me how much to start a day subliq.

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I'm sorry, but the proper dosage of Suboxone is very carefully calculated using formulas that aren't made public. It's based on the drug being abused, how long its been abused and the amount being taken.

Additionally, Suboxone can't be taken until you are already in full withdrawals, because taking it too soon may cause you to go into dangerous withdrawals.

Learn more Suboxone details here.

You don't have any doctors that treat with it that are closer than 200miles?

I wish I had more information to help you, but I really don't.

It's not even usually used to treat someone taking only up to 7 tablets of Norco a day, it's used for very high amounts, when someone is severely addicted.

Does anyone know more?

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I was taking 20 norco a day now on soboxone 8 mg 3 x a day working great

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Hi, first off suboxone does not stop addiction. It will stop withdrawal and it is used as a tool in recovery to get your life back. I was taking up 18 Norco/vicodin a day and I started out at 20mg of suboxone and went to 8mg within a month. I have been on subs for three years and am now down to 2mg a day. More is NOT better with subs...I waited 13 hours before taking my first dose. If you have already taken one from a friend then you are good to go. While on subs, you must change your life, addictive behaviors, etc. Subs is only a tool to keep you comfortable, you have to do the rest. Good luck!

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Re: Charlie (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking Buprenorphine ( pure form of Subutex/ SUBOXONE for many years and its been very helpful for my pain. I take 8mgs 3 per day

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