Stress And Anxiety Off The Charts With Viibryd
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Due to some mild anxiety and low level depression I was put on Viibryd two months ago to supplement the Wellbutrin 150mg I had been taking for a few years. I titrated up as scheduled from 10-20-40mg. Over the past six weeks my levels of stress and anxiety have climbed thru the roof, sleep has been awful, and sense of self-worth and usefulness has plummeted to levels I never felt before. Worst of all is a sense of depersonalization and complete loss of identity--it is very unsettling.
I'm now down to 20mg and it's helping but as of today my doc has had me quit Viibryd altogether...substitute Zoloft whcih has worked for me in the past).
Folks, I know that each of us have different reactions to various meds, but please watch for theses signs once you start on viibryd.
4 Replies
My husband was on 10 mg and because it wasn't working it was increased to 20 mg. Its been 6 weeks. He is experiencing the same symptoms. It's a nightmare for him and makes him feel like he's crazy.
Hi I started out with 10, 20 then 40mg of viibryd a few months ago. I noticed about a month after I was taking the 40mg that I became depersonalized, foggy, can't sleep, and feel like i have completely lost my identity. It is so scary. I think it is from the Viibryd, so I went down to 30mg the other day. It's still just as bad. Can I stop taking it or do I have to gradually taper down to 10mg then none? Please help. thanks!
I know that most of these medications carry black box warnings about the possibility of their increasing suicidal thoughts, but in my opinion, I think these warnings should be expanded.
It is well known that they can cause the complete opposite of their desired effect in some people and I think more details of this nature should be included.
Learn more Zoloft details here.
How are you doing on the Zoloft?
Thanks for the information re: Viibryd. It's so helpful for all of us to hear/read a first-hand account of one having used a med. In many ways, it seems that this type of format is just about the only way to recieve accurate info re: affects of Rx meds.
God knows contacting the pharmaceutical manufacturer(s) is an exercise in futility. In some (possibly many) cases, our prescribing physicians are not helpful and certainly not pharmacology experts. Our pharmacists dodge all inquiries, referring us back to the prescribing physician and there we all are: back to square one..stumbling about, trying to land on a med (or combo) that will, in some way, help.
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