Stopping Xarelto (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been instructed to stop my 20mg a day after being on it for 6 months (2 PE's one in each lung at Xmas) and I have to say I am really worried and every little pain I think its come back. I have another 3 weeks to go until I got for a blood test to see if I am prone to clots however I am completely paranoid. Anyone else had the same the meds have been my comfort blanket for so long.....

120 Replies (6 Pages)

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I don't know if it will help you but I was on xraeltro for a year and I quit. I started by one every other day for a week then the next week I took two, then none. I took aspirin since. Told my doctor and he said that was okay just continue the aspirin. Best of luck

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Thank you for the update. Did you experience any weight gain while taking Xarelto? I have gaine 20 pounds in my lower stomach. I exercised before my PE and still do my best to walk every day. Once again my Dr said , quit eating so much and loose weight. I told him I never had this problem along with the swelling in my joints until I began Xarelto. All this fell on deaf ears. I am to be on it until the end of June for a PE that resulted from having a shoulder replacement in late Dec. 2015. I feel like the medicine is killing me! I have never felt more awful! I'm short of breath I can feel my heart beating irregularly and as stated my joints hurt along with weight gain. I greatly appreciate your feedback. I really want to stop taking this medication.

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Dear hotinohio,

You asked if I gained weight on xarelto. YES. It looked like I had backed up to an air hose. It is terrible. 30lbs weight gain in 11 months. My Dr. said you need to exercise. I had just told him I could barely walk. My back really hurt the worst with muscle spasms. Again the Dr. was very nonchalant about these symptoms. I could not find a way to get through to him or his nurse practitioner. I can not stand up straight without a lot of pain. I did not take Advil because you can't while on a blood thinner. I started taking Tylenol Arthritis and it didn't touch the pain and made me retain more fluid. I just have been trying to suck it up and endure. Then I thought why am I living like this. I began doing my research on xarelto and it's questionable testing history. Because my sister is a physician she could get on medical sites that I could not. We could not believe the lack of research on this medication. It did not have a good track record in testing because it made the blood too thin causing bleeding gums, intestines etc. AND YES extreme body pain was noted as an adverse effect. They did not test the medication very long before it was pushed on to the market. Like I said, we are the test subjects. I'll make a prediction that xarelto will be taken off the market. It has thousands of legal cases against Drs. and the company that pushed the medication. Ultimately it is the FDA that allowed it through. Some individuals must have gotten a pay off to push xarelto on the market before it was tested sufficiently.

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I have the same symptoms and feelings. My lower back bothers me so much and I walk like I'm 90 instead of 55. Same results with my Dr as well. Told to quit eating so much abd exercise, even though I do exercise, and loose weight. I appreciate your input. You have helped me make a descion.

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I stopped my xeralto 5 days ago and started on Nattokinase immediately! I was extremely worried also . Had three clots in my right upper leg and no reason why???? Any way after starting the nattokinase I feel better than ever ! I ate fresh pineapple while on xeralto (a natural clot reducer )along with daily vitamins as soon as I learned I had blood clots and will keep that in my diet always! I pray it helps me never get another clot but xeralto caused me to have depression and panic attacks that were horrible! Along with the fear of internal non stoppable bleeding. When I first stopped xeralto every pain I had I was afraid of bad consequences also , but the docs just say ok, time to stop the xeralto! I thought it would be a slow withdraw ,,, but nope! Just stop . Good luck and check out the natto. God Bless you helps also! So God Bless you.

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Hopefully this helps people coming off. I hated taking the stuff and worried about bleeding to death every time I picked up a knife to even peel an onion. My scan showed the clot had desolved and coming off I was so worried my Clot would come back but I'm off it 6 months now without a problem. Once in a while I take oregano oil which is a natural blood thinner just to feel safe. Feels great not to be taking the drugs anymore.

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In March 2017 I discovered what Afib was at 65 yrs old. They sent me home taking Eliquis for 30 days. I was having muscle spasms in my neck and sinusitis that would not go away. So I stopped the Eliquis and immediately started to get better. 30 days later another Afib and the doctor put me back on Eliquis. Symptoms returned to the point of my throat and tongue swelling almost to choking. I went to my primary care doctor and went through 2 rounds of antibiotics until finally, someone said it's the Eliquis! The doctor then changed me to Xarelto. I call this the nightmare drug... Every night horrid nightmares, awake at 4 am with the worse headache of my life, also cried a lot. 2 days ago I said no more! I am a very active person, run a business and work everyday. These meds were absolutely destroying my life. Like others, I was never told of the dangers of blood thinners. I was just told it was a precaution I could have a blot clot. Well, I could get run over by a train also... This has been the worst experience on this medication and getting off this medication. I now need nerve pills I think! I have a pain and think I need to go to the ER! But being tough and taking my life back!

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Re: Tony L (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

I had itching but it stopped after getting off the drug. I bet once the drug leaves your system you'll feel better. I went back to aspirin 325mg. Good luck and I agree with your regarding drug companies

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Re: Barbie (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

You sound like me, I too stopped in July because of side effects after only 10 days which were many. And the bleeding. That's when I said no more. Took a week for bleeding to stop but I feel much better. I don't think the nurse believe me but that's her problem. It's our right to say NO! To these Drs. Under no circumstances will I ever take their poison drugs regarding a fib. There was a study stating that aspirin was just as good as that horrible drug. This was on the radio.
If your Dr gives you a hard time fire him! And find a better one. I thank the Lord every night for the good day I had with no blood clots. Hopefully you find the right answer for yourself. Bless you and good luck!

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Re: Buckeye 54 (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I had been on Xarelto for 6 months for PE, unprovoked clots. Now I had a CT scan last week and told I could come off them (the clots had gone) crossing over to Aspirin (Cartia) coated, after three days of taking asprin with Xarelto I had the runs, dizziness. This morning without the Xarelto, I felt like crap, lightheadedness, felt I should have remained on the Xarelto. My husband told me to go and lie down, I had managed to do all my chores. But instead I’m here reading your views on this medication. My Haematologist didn’t tell me the blood clotting fig that it was ok to come off these meds. My GP said my CT scans were clear so to come off them cold turkey. I reminded him I couldn’t do that on these Xarelto. He looked it up and told me to do the above, take the aspirin too for three day. It’s very well going on these medications it getting off them is the problem. I’m hoping tomorrow will be a better day without dizziness, tinnitus, tightness in my chest similar to anxiety symptom. Anyone else having had change over side effects please tell me. As I’m so anxious. Get better soon everyone. Don’t be like me being a nervous wreck. I’m 77, no history of clots. I did hurt my right knee by a twisting on the spot, didn’t think anything of it until weeks later. My knee swelled up and a calf pain. Still didn’t think of having clots.

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Go as fast as you can get there to emergency room. Liam Neeson's wife hit her head when skiing. Natasha Ricardson Neeson went to doctor and he said she was Ok. They did not do a brain scan. She had a headache later the next day and she did not go back because dr. Said she was OK. She had a slow bleed and she went into a coma and died. I don't want to scare you but demand a CAT SCAN OR MRI ON YOUR BRAIN. BETTER TO BE ON SAFE SIDE. PLEASE GO. GOD BLESS YOU AND I HOPE IT IS NOTHING. BUT GO! Angelina

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How can I stop? I have just finished the 21 days of 15mg. I have only been on 20mg about a week. Can I stop it slowly like an opposition withdraw or should I stop it all at once? My leg is no longer swollen due to blood clots I believe came due to injected testosterone. I have stopped that slowly also . Now I want off Xarelto .i will start a natural blood thinner like natti. Xarelto scares me more than the risk of clots!

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i fell the same way. i feel like when they see me coming they say, here comes that nut again. if they had to go through it they would think different about it. does anyone know the withdraws when stopping it?

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I have had a-fib for 18 years. I never had a major episode until 2013. Only took Metoprolol and Xanax. Now I have started Xarelto 4 months ago and am not happy. I cough a lot, have shortness of breath and hurt all over. Tired, anxious, headaches, bleed a lot from hemorrhoids. Can I just stop? Doctor says you need to take it. Well I am 70 and I want to enjoy what time I have left. I was very active and could handle afib most of the time. My heart meds have been adjusted and I had a cardioversion and am ok as of now. I really am going to stop this horrible blood thinner. I guess I need to let the doctor know.....but I also know that you can get thinners from vitamins and food. Also anticlot foods... It's a money maker for the doctors also. They get so much for each prescription, as I understand it... I had blood drawn for a test a few years ago and I bled a lot. The nurse asked if I was on thinners. I said no. So I have thin blood anyway....Anyone know of natural blood thinners? I take garlic, vitamin C, all of the B vitamins, E, D, and foods with blood thinner properties.

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Re: Sayrahh (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

I tried to get the doctor to give me the ok, but guess what? He slammed me. Said I was a large woman of 70, had afib and need to remain on it. I asked if I could take less....he said NO, your weight and age is a factor. I am NOT that much overweight!...Then I asked if I could try Eliquis or Pradaxa. He said they are all the same with the same side effects. How rude is that??? So I am going to finish my bottle of Xarelto and see what happens. I am getting more side effects all the time. Cold weather is set in here in Iowa and I hurt so bad and told him that...he gave me tramadol!!! More pills to help side effects of other pills. I am done. And he said aspirin won't help with blood clots with afib........wth?? This pharmaceutical crap is making us sick, not well...research it better!! I cannot tolerate Coumadin so I will go at it alone with natural blood thinners!! If anyone has an ideal diet to follow for thinning blood I would like to know? :) Have a nice day!!

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Re: Xarelto (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

If your tasting blood I think that's a red flag. I'm not medical person but I would think twice about taking another pill until talking with your Dr. It sounds like your bleeding somewhere. I stopped on my own because of side effects. Dr wasn't happy with me but it's my body and since this was the second time being on blood thinners and this time with zarelto the side effect were greater and with GI bleeding I decided enough was enough. After 24 hours I felt much better and I have no regrets stopping that nasty drug. I feel Drs are pushing and scaring us with zarelto. I take 325 coated aspirin daily instead. Every night I thank the Lord I made through another day with no problems. Good luck with what you decide to do.

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Re: Xarelto (# 82) Expand Referenced Message

You know.......taking this terrible drug is supposed to lower your chance of getting a blood clot, but they tell you that stopping it could raise your risk of having one. Think about it. They tell you this because it's to their advantage. Money.....but I do think if you start the aspirin and eat healthy and take the natural blood thinning supplements that it will help. I did that for 18 years with afib and had no problem until these fancy unknown thinners came out.....I have been on Xarelto since June of this year. After these last two bottles, I am DONE! Too much pain, bleeding a lot, eyes are getting worse. No, I am not taking it anymore! Good luck to you and keep me posted. Hugs to you...

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Re: Annie (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

I would like to thank everyone for responding to my post and sharing their experience they had with reference to Xarelto, it's been one month now that I stop taking it,yes I'm scared because of some information that I read about coming of it,but I need to be honest ,every morning I crush to clove of garlic and consume it and I'm also drinking morning and I feel great, because I understand that garlic is a natural blood thinner, I'm not recommending this for anyone I'm just saying what I'm used in and how I feel,again thank you all and God bless.

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Emma please read my response below ..... Your not alone I feel like I want to be admitted to hospital when they stop my Xarelto just to be on safe side.... I feel like I am in a no win situation. J&J HAS to come up with a bleeding antidote. This is not right that we should have this anxiety because of the drug company's rush to put product out so they can start making $$ in the meantime the FDA approves it? At least with Coumadin we can get vitK and plasma. I don't know but you and I were sick at same time Xmas with DVT's now we r wondering what Now? Keep in touch.

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I have the same symptoms after being on Xarelto for about 8 mos now at 20 mg day...

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