Stopping Levothyroxine (Page 2)
UpdatedI have been taking Levothyroxine .88mg for the past two years. I just left town on a three week vacation and realized I left this prescription at home. Should I be concerned?
Erin, I am currently experiencing the same symptoms you described. I actually had to be taken to the ER after a dosage increase of levothyroxine. I quit taking the meds after that. When i take the medication i am swollen, dizzy and have shortness of breath and sometimes trouble swallowing. I am now extremely fatigued and cold, also dizzy. It's been six days. Did you get your levels under control and if so how was that done?
I went off Levothyroxine about 5 weeks ago and just began experiencing the following symptoms a few days ago:
-Bouts of depression
-Appetite swings
-Confusion (ie. I'm having trouble remembering if conversations and events happened in real life or dreams)
-Hot flashes
-People have been remarking how uncharacteristically quiet I've been
Levo takes a while to leave your system (3-5 weeks, according to a few Google searches I've done), so this is perfect timing to be experiencing the effects of thyroid crash. I've messaged my doc to advise. I have a refill pending, but don't want to go back on full dose in case that's a bad decision. I'd recommend consulting with your MD/OD before doing anything.
I'm having similar thyroid issues. How are you doing? What was the final result? Were you able to reduce your levothyroxine dose or stop taking it altogether? I'm at the first panic attack stage and am hoping this won't be a downward spiral...
I'm a 72 year-old who was given levothyroxine for a very minor deviation in the thyroid test. My previous tests were all in the middle of the normal range. My PCP gave me some name-brand 50mcg to take for a week and a half, and then a Rx for 100mcg, which in retrospect was too high. After a few weeks my body began getting very hot, without a rise in temperature. Then a few days ago, fever and chills set in. (No other flu-like symptoms.) I went to urgent care clinic and they tested my blood and said my THS was low, but still within the acceptable range. I discontinued the medicine until I can talk to my PCP (two weeks out) but I'm still having symptoms, particularly fever, sluggishness, and inability to sleep well. I'm hopeful the symptoms will pass in a few days, and my PCP cuts my dosage to no more than 25mcg, if we continue at all.
Hiya please help, I have been on levothyroxine 14years now it's been up and down I feel I'll all the time can't think straight headache blured vision, pains in joint hair loss, am taking 50-25 my doctor says take it when and how I feel, but my life is just not mine any more, what can I do ,
@Les I do not normally recommend this but I would find a different endocrinologist. Synthroid aka levothyroxine is something that should be taken the same time every day and at least 30 minutes before the ingestion of anything containing iron, calcium or magnesium.
It has a half life of 6-7 days and so taking it whenever you happen to feel like you need it is terrible advice, It takes too long to get into your system and too long to eliminate from your system
Have your levels checked T3 T4 and TSH at a minimum and see what a doctor then advises.
As for other people's questions as to alternatives the only other alternatives on the market are:
Armour AKA Desiccated Porcine Thyroid (Dried pork thyroid gland) it does have the advantage of containing T3 and T4 in near idea ratios but can be more difficult to get balanced right.
Cytomel AKA T3. Most doctors will not prescribe T3 since it is what results when your body first pass metabolizes T4, but can be necessary in some instances.
My name is Deanna I went on levothyroxine 50mcg because I had hypothyroidism I was on it for 6 months now my tsh levels are very low so dr said don't take the medicine now I feel like I am gaining weight should I go back on the levothyroxine.i want to lose weight not gain
Because the medicine is synthetic. Levo is not natural. Levo is taking over and your body is trying to adjust to it or process it.our bodies know the difference between fake and natural. My son is 20 I am thinking about taking him off of the levo. Do the research on levo.
Try to find a natural doctor. Becaful with the endothey might tell you to keep taking the levo medicine. You are having these symptoms because the levo is synthetic and it does not come close to the hormone that our bodies produce. Our bodies know the difference between fake a natural. Try and look for natural vitamin for thyroid. And also do research on the levo and take the information to your doctor. Because all the doctors do is right out prescriptions and do not know what half the ingredients that are in the medicine they perscribe
I'm so fed up with this levo ,I'm on 100mg. I don't know when it's best to take it,morning or night,I'm rubbish at taking tablets anyway. I also take 1000mg of metformin once a day but am supposed to take 2000. One has to be with food metformin and the other apparently not. I'm so blimmin tired all the time and have gained a lot of weight. My body aches all the time and I am depressed big time. If I have a .gd day it's very rare and does not usually last all day. I had half my thyroid removed in may.large growth lots of small ones. Still some on the other half. I want to stop all my medication fed up with it
AFAIK it takes ~6 weeks to de-/saturate thyroid tissue. Perhaps that is why 3 weeks withdrawal went not much noticeably.
Hi i wanted to see if you have been to see the endo yet? And if so what was the outcome?
I also have been experience all of those same symptoms anxiety like no other, heart palpitations very bad , depression and yes i feel crazy lol
Another thing my thyroid is swollen and has been for about a year!! The endo is supposed to be calling me to schedule a appointment hopefully soon...ive noticed their not much in a rush ugh this is so aggravating...ok well hope to hear from you Erin..thanks
I am on 2 doses really underactive thyroid and have continued ti gain enourmous amount of weight I am stopping today and seeing what will happen if I will accually lose weight also I am blasting a vegtibles kale broccoli spinach garlic tomatoes and eating healthy im going to win this dam, fight since all my blood work came back 100 perfect levels on every level why can we heal our bodies naturaly it in our minds we can heal our selves god I am sick of dying of over weight due to medication causeing dam weight gain wish me luck , I will restore my thyroid
My husband has been taking 110 Mcgs of levothyroxin for the past yeAr or so. He has normal thyroid levels w out it but Dr. Put him on it cuz he removed half his thyroid. He did not have cancer but a tumor they could not identify. He has been have stomache issues and has developed tinnitus . He does not want to take the levothyroxin any more and is insisting on discontinuing drug. I'm nervous of the side effects. He appears to be heavier now than when he began taking it also. Should I worry if he stops taking it?
sea vegtible and coconut oil and kelp try those first
I had cancer and thyroidectomy in 1992. It took a very long time to get my dosage regulated - it kept going higher and higher. Now, I go back and forth on 250 mcg and 275 mcg for the last 15 years. Today, my (primary) said I had a new dosage and it was down to 150! I find that hard to believe. Could this be right?
Hi. I saw the endo and she said my anxiety is unrelated to my thyroid and that maybe i have developed an anxiety disorder?? I am currently not taking thyroid meds. I still suffer from anxiety occasionally. I am due to go.back to endo.amd have levels checked. I am way over due for blood work. I just didnt want to deal with it anymore. I am hearing more and more that going to see a natural doctor is the best way to go but they can be very expensive. Many drs dont want to prescribe naturally desicated thyroid meds.
I also stopped it because I was having anxiety, and high blood pressure
I was just wondering what the long term effects are of just quitting the levothyroxine. Ive been on them for 3 years now for an underactive thyroid. I am currently on 220mcg after slowley building upto this level as my bloods kept coming back not right. Apparently they are fine now. I still feel like rubbish everyday, tiredness, no appetite, weight stays the same. This is while I was taking them. Ive decided to stop as I dont feel any better and have been off them for just over a week. So now concerned over the long term effects.
By chance have you been checked for Fibromyalgia? That can cause the weight gain, tiredness & pain. Do you have knots all over your body?
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