Stopped Xeljanz
UpdatedI started on Xeljanz Feb 5; 5 mg twice a day. Within a week I experienced a very raw, sore tongue, mouth, loud ringing in my ears, blurred vision and dizziness. Anyone else experienced any of these?
3 Replies
Wow! I'm sorry about the experience you had. Are you feeling better, now? Has anyone else experienced this?
Blurred vision and dizziness are listed as typical side effects of this medication, by the FDA. They also list ear congestion as being possible, so that may be why you experienced the ringing. It can also cause a sort throat, but I didn't see anything about the rawness.
I have alot of these symptoms mentioned but I've been suffering with severe neck pain, in the muscles and tendons, on one side, which seems to be causing earache and sinus headache for 6 months now. I've tried physio, message and chiropractor. None of which helped. Has anyone else experienced this. Wondering g if it's the xeljanz. The pain is becoming overwhelming. Can anyone relate? Thanks so much.
Omg, finally! I thought I was losing my mind! I've been on xeljanz for 4 or 5 years now, and have suffered with this burning tongue thing, dizziness and severe neck pain on the right side, extending up into my ear, sinus congestion which leads to headache and earache, every day. Sometimes I can push through it with pain meds and anti inflammatory. Sometimes it's just too much to handle. This has been going on for almost a year. I went to massage therapy, chiropractor and physio, with no relief. Could it be the xeljanz causing this?
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