Stop Smoking Forums (Page 4)

Recently active Stop Smoking forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Stop Smoking and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Are there any discount coupons for this product or how expensive is it? ## We paid $118.00 today for it and of course our insurance won't pay for smoking cessation prescriptions ## Try @ Sam's Club to get your scripts filled. You do not have to be a member to use the pharmacy. Your doctor may get Chantix packets with a $10.00 off card for your purchase. Check out the Chantex stop smoking web site. ## Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employees Bennefits will cover almost 80% of the cost of this medication. ## I work for a hospital and as of November 16 nowhere will anyone be able to smoke. So, Imy husband & I started chanix 2 weeks ago and we are not smoking. It is the best product so far to help you quit. We have tried them all. My insurance pays for this but not for patches a...

50 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

Ok so I'm on day 7 of Chantix and for the first 4 days taking it I was throwing up so I decided to eat before taking it. Well the throwing up went away but not the nauseated feeling.. Also I've tried drinking oj, apple juice, water, etc and nothing seems to help... What works for you guys? ## Hello, Mandi! How are you feeling? The nausea should eventually go away, as your body gets used to the medication, but that may take about 4 weeks, or so. Have you tried taking it with milk? Crackers or break may also help more. The FDA lists the other typical side effects of this medication as possibly including stomach pain, indigestion, constipation, weakness and dry mouth. Does anyone else have any ideas that may help? ## Sorry, I saw that right after I clicked submit, I meant bread! LO...

7 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I would like to quit smoking-Chantix helped me quit for 8 months before. I am afraid if I use insurance they will track me as a former smoker and increase my insurance rates. I am in the medical field and everyone thinks I am a non smoker. How do I get an RX filled with confidentiality? Please help! ## Hi Colleen, if you saw your doctor as a cash patient and then filled your script with cash, would the insurance company know? I thought that there might be a separation there since they would not be billing the insurance. I have seen a doctor's office (urgent care) before where I refused to disclose my SSN but they still saw me. What do you think? ## Whether you pay cash, gold or WILL be in the linked in Pharma that they all share. Can't tell U whether your Ins. will che...

3 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I am on day 13 of Chantix and have seen no results. Is this normal or should I consider that it is not working for me and give it up? I can't deal with the nausea if it is not going to work. ## It may take 4 to 5 weeks for this medication to reach its full level of efficacy in the body. The FDA lists its typical side effects as also including dizziness, headache, mood changes, and weight changes. Has there been any change? What has your doctor advised? ## Go read the other forums about chantix here. I took it in 2011 and have permanent brain damage from it- no pleasure from smoking but also no pleasure from ANYTHING ELSE. complete anhedonia followed by suicidal thoughts and no Dr. Or medication has helped. Stop taking this asap! I quit taking it cold turkey after 2 months. Perhaps w...

6 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I accidentally took a chantix about an hour after I had already taken one. Should I do anything? ## Hello, Marbak! How are you? It could be dangerous, if it caused Serotonin syndrome, but that's not highly likely if it just happened once. Did you experience any adverse effects? It is most likely to cause more severe side effects, which as listed by the FDA, may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and dry mouth. It would also be a good idea to inform your doctor, that way they can watch for any potential issues. In the future, you should also never be afraid to inquire at an urgent care, or via poison control, to be safe. ## I accidentally just took 2 doses of my Chantix. Now I feel really sick. Any suggestions on what I should do or what the side effects are?

2 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I've been on Zoloft now for over a year for depression, decided to quit smoking 11/2010, started on Chantix, right after thanksgiving went to the ER with SEVERE, and i mean Severe Head pain that required cat scans, docs dismissed it as a side effect of chantix, gave me pain meds, sent me on my way, by this time i decided 1 chantix a day was sufficient, my general practioner agreed, the next month, i becam irritable, angry, moody, my family didn't know what was happening.... xmas eve day, i slashed my arm, for no reason...., i was supposedly in control of my depression...., had a nice few days in the hospital which refused my requests for my Chantix, i came home, content, happy, realizing the doc's had weaned me off Chantix, So this is a very SERIOUS WARNING, IF YOU are Takin...

12 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I was wondering, my friend struggles with cocaine use, I heard that this drug is not only used to help people quit smoking but it is used to help other addictions as well...Is this true? ## I have heard of it helping with smoking pot, but i dont know about cocaine ## For other addictions, most people use either Methadone or Suboxone. ## Maybe your friend should crush the Champix Pill and snort it, ... other wise the only cure for cocaine is more cocaine. ## What the hell is Champex? I know what Chantix is, but never heard of Champex??

4 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

stop smoking aid ## The name is Chantix, here's the monograph with more information: ## HELP ME!! i am a breast cancer survivor!! and i cant quit !even thru chemo! ive tried everything i sure hopes this works !! anyone suggestions ## I smoked for 58 years, I'm 69 now. I use to smoke 3 packs a day, and I tried to quit by every way I could think of, from hypnosis to group therapy, to classes and finally chantix. I did not have any bad dreams etc. I quit on 12/11/2011 and I am an officer of a club that allows smoking. My wanting a cigarette is now gone although I have fleeting thoughts of one would taste good right now, which lasts for about 2 seconds. My coughing has gone and my breathing is slowly coming back. The doctor said it would take time. Congrats on going through all of y...

4 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I haven't smoked a cigarette in 3 weeks and I have a blood test for nicotine for my wife's employers Insurance (Aetna) tomorrow. Will I pass it? ## I think after 3 weeks of not smoking you should be fine. I read that on average Cotinine (what is broken down from nicotine and tested for in the body) should reach nonsmoker levels in the blood within about 7-10 days on average, and about 2 weeks for heavy smokers. This is according to and It looks like you may have already had your blood drawn. How did it go?

1 REPLY Updated in Nicotine

I smoke cigarettes and have to quit cold turkey to get this job. They told me that if I quit 3 days before the screening I'll be good but they also said not to take Chantix because it has nicotine in it and will show up on the test. The google results ALL say that chantix has NO nicotine?

Updated in Chantix

I was addicted to internet slot games for 4 years. I am on my 3rd week of Chantix and have deleted all the games and blocked them. It actually makes me sick to think about playing them. All urges are gone as well with going to the casino to play real slots. Chantix is wonderful! The only thing that bothers me with this drug is not being able to sleep but otherwise it's great! ## @Cinderella, Congrats on quitting the gambling. After 4 years, I can imagine that habits like this would be difficult to walk away from. How does Chantix make you feel after you take it? Does it cut off certain pleasure points in the brain that may be associated with an addictive behavior? I've only heard about its use in helping people to quit smoking, but it sounds like its mechanism of action has a br...

5 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I am on day 5 of chantix and am having constipation. I have never had trouble with my bowels before now. I took miralax for a few days and had a little diarrhea so I quit taking it. Any tips on a happy medium so that I can get my stomach working correctly? Also, an someone give me an idea of how long it usually takes to quit completely? I have cut back about half (was smoking a pack a day) but am determined to quit. I'm scared because I have a lot of friends who smoke and I know this is a complete lifestyle change (been smoking for about 15 years). Any advice is greatly appreciated!! ## Hello, Jessica! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. Have you tried a fiber supplement? If your doctor approves, it may be beneficial. Anytime I suffered constipation ...

6 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I have been taking Chantix for a week tomorrow. From the first pill, I started getting a headache. Since then, the headache has stayed with me even after using ibuprofen and all throughout the night I am awakened by it. NEVER have I had a headache for this long and RARELY have I suffered headaches before, just mild and on occasion. The nausea comes and goes, but when it hits it hits hard. I feel weak and groggy too. I am hoping this will go away once I stop taking the Chantix, but I want to give it a few weeks so I can kick the habit. Yes, also a nasty taste in my mouth and no real interest in food, but eat because I know I have to. VERY BIZARRE how such a small pill with such low dosage can wreak so much havoc. I know for the long term, if it works, quitting is what's best for me, ...

2 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

Hi, on day two I woke up with this horrible metallic acidy bad taste in my mouth, mostly my tongue. I searched the Internet for help. I tried the following: Gargling with salt water, no effect. Gargling with baking soda, no effect. Eating drinking citris - somewhat effective Spraying my mouth with sore throat medicine - short term effect Started taking Zinc- BAD TASTE VANISHED - EFFECTIVE! ## Ironically enough, Chantix does list "having a bad taste in the mouth" pretty much word for word as a general side effect. So I wouldn't be surprised at all if it never went away until you stopped taking the medication. However, I am curious to know whether or not any metallic taste will return after you've continued to supplement with Zinc? If you could keep us posted every now and...

5 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I have been smoking for about 45 years easy never stopped, want to stop. This sounds very helpful nothing has worked so far. I take 1 high blood pressure and gabapentin 800 mg 4 times aday ( not diebetic). How would i find out about being able to take this with my other meds.

Updated in Cytisine

I have been on chantix for 3 days and im not sure if i can continue taking this medicine.. i have been extremely emotional... fighting with everyone that comes near me.. everyone is on my last nerve.. i just grabbed a knife and threaten to slice my arm... is this drug doing this to me... can i take an anti-depressant with chantix... I currently take loritab, soma, anti-inflamatory for a chronic back pain... i asked my doctor if it was okay to take this medicine with all the others that im on and he said it was fine.. i feel really weird.. cant stop crying.. somebody help me.. ## I am very sorry to hear about your experience and I have been going through the same thing. I quit taking it a couple days ago because I was so emotional and driving my girlfriend crazy not to mention myself. I ...

17 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

When given an under the tongue saliva drug screen/test (a test that takes 5-10 minutes to collect saliva from under the tongue into a stem that when done turns blue) could any of these medications (chantix 1.o mg, omeprazole dr 40mg, or simvastatin 40mg) give what is called a false positive result or show up as any other type of drug? Plz help..thank u ## ABSOLUTELY!! It can show up as methamphetamine and most likely several others! I know this because I was prescribed Chantix and tried to commit suicide after being on it for two weeks. When the food and drug administration spokesperson spoke to me he told me they found methamphetamine. I really don't know why it was in my system and marijuana, which I haven't done either. I argued with him about it, went running to my doctor do...

2 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I could not stop smoking. and I smoked a lot! Everything revolved around the next cigarette. I was a major stress smoker. I smoked two packs a day, plus more. I kept getting serious sinus infections and allergies always going to drs.. Then I started with bronchitis! The dr said I was just beginning into the first stages of emphysema...I wheezed and had chest pain like mad...I prayed for some way for me to quit. That night I heard my first tv ad on Chantix.. I sat up and said... that's it!! All I remember hearing is 'they found a pill that shuts off the brain receptors that crave nicotine'... I said thank you god, went to the doctors and got some. I made a quit date, for 5 days later. That was 8 years ago! I never smoked again... No side effects at all! And I had a history of...

2 REPLIES Updated in Chantix

I would like to know if a person who takes chantix and has the common side effect of headaches ever stops having these side effects? ## Yes, according to FDA reports, most side effects are transient and tend to go away, once your body gets used to the medication. But that may take 4 to 5 weeks. Other side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings, and weight changes. How are you doing regarding smoking cessation?

1 REPLY Updated in Chantix

I have been taking Chantix for a week tomorrow. From the first pill, I started getting a headache. Since then, the headache has stayed with me even after using ibuprofen and all throughout the night I am awakened by it. NEVER have I had a headache for this long and RARELY have I suffered headaches before, just mild and on occasion. The nausea comes and goes, but when it hits it hits hard. I feel weak and groggy too. I am hoping this will go away once I stop taking the Chantix, but I want to give it a few weeks so I can kick the habit. Yes, also a nasty taste in my mouth and no real interest in food, but eat because I know I have to. VERY BIZARRE how such a small pill with such low dosage can wreak so much havoc. I know for the long term, if it works, quitting is what's best for me, ...

4 REPLIES Updated in Chantix
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