Still Dizzy, Close To Blackout After Chantix
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I took chantix for 6 weeks. I am glad I quit smoking after nearly forty years but while on it I couldn't bare the nausea and the stomach upset.

I quit after taking it for six week but now I get headaches and I feel like I am going to pass out several times a day.

Has anyone experienced this side effect.

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YES! I'm have never replied to a post like this but I've been searching for a relationship between my sudden dizziness that has caused me to nearly fall out of chairs on a now daily basis. Its getting worse by the day. I quit taking Chantix about a month ago and the dizziness has been increasing in severity for 2 weeks. I will state that I was on chantix for 3 months, dr forgot to fill the prescription and I said "oh well, guess I'm done" and just quit taking it. Please let me know if you find anything out.

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Hello, GT! How are you doing? Has there been any change? How long ago did you stop taking it?

djba, same questions for you? How long ago did you stop taking it?

Like any medication, this one works wonderfully for some people, but not for everyone. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, weight changes, and mood changes.

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I suffer from the same thing. I thought maybe it was my BP but when it was checked it was good. I would like to know how long it will continue before I go back to normal.

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Sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Lately there has been cases where people have gotten late onset diabetes. It is type 1, insulin dependent. They got it shortly after taking chantix. You may want to see a docter. Also check for these symptoms, very thirsty all the time, using restroom a lot and loosing weight. Those are also good signs of type 1 diabetes

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