State Medicaid In Pennsylvania (Top voted first)


Keystone Mercy has stopped all prescriptions for ADD for anyone over 21. Mental Health program Magellan in my new county won't continue my psychiatrist's dosage of Clonazepam because of it's class of drugs. I checked what this drug is used for. Restless leg syndrome plus it's an anti seizure medication. What's the big deal here?JT

2 Replies

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I am not sure where you read that information on Clonazepam, but it's not actually accurate. It is a Benzodiazepine, which is the same class of medications as Xanax and Ativan, the name brand for Clonazepam would be Klonopin.

While it may be used to treat some other conditions on rare occasions, it is not actually approved for such issues and it actually much more similar to a sedative and is approved to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.

Learn more Clonazepam details here.

That said, the reason they are reluctant to cover it is because it is highly addictive and very commonly abused.

Where you on it and an ADD medication at the same time?

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I read about it online in a medical encyclopedia. My shrink has had me on it for years: 1mg. Anxiety is the name of part of my diagnosis. I can't see how a group from another county doesn't prescribe it as if it's Valium.

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