Started Clonazepam For Methadone Withdrawls
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I just started taking 2 (0.5MG each) in the morning and 2 at night yesterday, I'm NOT A BUSER!!!! I just needed to get off my pain meds after back surgery and cant get threw the methadone withdrawals so my doc gave me the clonazepam for withdrawals and being able to sleep. The anxiety and RLS was so bad I couldn't stand it. I just want to get through the methadone withdrawal "hump" and then off everything so how long can I take the clonazepam before my body will need to wean myself off that. Instead of just stopping it in a few weeks like I plan, just enough to get through the methadone withdrawals. Thanks!
11 Replies
Who cares if you're an "abuser." That's an ugly judgmental term prob invented by J Edgar or one of his cross dressing cronies. This site is to help people with addictions, not so fake judges can sit high on the bench of judgment of how "dirty junkies" live their lives. So, please don't make excuses for where you stand on the psyche/soul/molecule. The Universe doesn't judge us, nor shall we judge each other. How absurd!
There is no way Clonopin is going to help with Opiate withdrawal !!!! You need Subutex or to taper off Methadone slowly. Or there is something I've heard of called rapid detox under anesthesia. Good luck finding anyone to do that! You can't cut corners unfortunately. Opiate withdrawal can be horrific !!
People seem to be giving you some solid advice. But its true meth is hard to kick, but it works for pain very well. After I stopped I haven't even thought of useing meth. I'm on a closly controlled Fent Patch. Anyway we are all made different. Good luck and seems like the person has gotton thru the hardest part.
Tell you what. At the methadone clinic I go to if you tell them your coming there for pain management they won't take ya. Best to tell them your a addic taking herion. I've heard too many people turned away. Not sure why but I'm telling you its that way where I go
Your benzo in take while taking for that short of a period should not effect you. However you may have some anxiety. If you seem to be over anxious and can't sleep you may have to be weaned of the benzos. Math is the worst drug to kick, I now had to to it twice, once a 2 year and once A 6mo habit both for pain control, I will never get on methadone again, I'd rather die. Its a trap, like all drugs, but its a gov trap that keeps us addicted for as long as we allow ourselves to go up, then the farther up, its a long way down. Watch drug has or should be weaned off seperate. I was in one of many years ago state run programs, I started to just kick at home end up in hospital then the rehab. There because I had refills on my xanax they doled that out. So I left with a bezo addiction anyway. Its such a horrid life that just robs you of everthing. I was a heavy drug user for many years. Finally got clean for 4years and I mean..nothing. I felt like I did when I was 20. I was 37 then. When I turned 40 had great jnod, got married and graduateted a very hard program. Life was good. Then I was knocked off my feet with pain in my back and spine. Lived with it for a whole year till I finally got KRIs I had 4 bulging disc that progressively got worse. Now after all that, I'M on a 50mcg Fentanyl patch. No breakthrough meds. I'm greatful to have the relief cuz it made me suicidal. Ity was to much and I'm pretty strong. God is good and full of mercy for me to even be alive. So now that I was always seeking drugs and now have no intrest, I have to be on something. Life is funny. Blessing and I hope everything works out in your life.
Its now day 13 and I sleep about 5 hours a night. Doctor gave me .01 clonidine twice a day, and I take 1-2 clonazepam at night with the clonidine. I'm feeling pretty good actually, no restless legs, or anything. I'm stilll feeling alittle tired all day long but thats it. Does this mean the withdrawls are over????? Can I stop taking the meds. The Doc did give Ambien at 1st but didnt help cause of the restfull legs so i dont take it.
I have been right where you are right now and then some. I had to kick 100mg methadone cold turkey in County jail. All they would give me after begging was benadryl to try and knock me out. Believe it or not but what you are taking now will be a cake walk to stop after what you have been through. There is a medicine for the naseau too but I just can't place the name right now. It is for that type of nauseau. Keep in mind that you are taking the stairway back down and every step gets you closer to your home base. After your Doctor starts to wing you off the clozepan which yours are prettty light mg. If that monkey starts scratching again see if your Doc will give you a script of 60 xanax .25mg. They take away that desire to chase down the H or The Done. Hope this helps.
When are you taking your evening dose of the Clonazepam?
It can cause drowsiness, as a side effect, but that won't really hit until about a half an hour, after you take it.
If you aren't, I'd suggest taking it at least a half an hour, before bed, that way it's kicking in, by the time you are laying down. Unless your doctor has instructed you to do otherwise, that is.
Are you also still taking the Ambien? If so, what dosage is it? It usually works very fast, so you have to take it just as you are getting into bed. However, like any medication, it doesn't work for everyone.
However, from personal experience, when I stopped taking high doses of narcotics on pain management, I can tell you that the sleep issues may last for a month, or two. I spent many nights on the couch, just staring at the ceiling and feeling miserable.
Well, I'm on my 8th day and the only thing is I cant really sleep. I was on methadone for almost a year, got up to 90mg (liquid, clinic) but then over 6 months got down to 5mg and then stopped. Went threw some pretty nasty withdrawls around 30mg but then got better and 5mg lasted me all day so I decided to quit. My doctor gave me Ambien and the clonaepam (0.5) but doesnt seem to work at all. Just wondering when I'l be able to sleep. I have no cravings what so ever, just want to be able to sleep!!!!
It normally takes about 4 to 6 weeks, before your body really adjusts to having any medication regularly. If you take it for that time period, or longer, then you might need to taper it, as well.
However, there is no hard or fast rule, some people's body's may become dependent much faster or slower than others.
Methadone withdrawals are known to be very severe, so I'd advise you to take it very slow and be careful. It may take longer than a few weeks for the worst of them to pass.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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