South Georgia Pain Management Still Open For Buisness (Top voted first)
UpdatedNeed a pain dr. in south Georgia ASAP. Needing a doctor that can prescribe sufficient amounts of pain medication so that I can function. I have a lot of back problems compounded by fibromyalgia and so on.
I live in canton georgia have sever back pain been treated for the lAst 2.5 years by one doc. But he is mean and very strict. I'm looking for a liberal doc. Have valid problems and current MRI's anyone know good doc that is nice and liberal. 30114
I live in a small town about 20miles from Vidalia, Ga. I have spondylosis & stenosis; got an MRI about a year ago & have been getting treated with methadone ever since receiving my MRI. I have been going to my family Dr. for this treat meant but he has told me this month that he can't treat me with pain meds any longer because it's against his medical group policy...I need help finding a local pain clinic Dr. any suggestions? Would like,to have one that would write either my methadone &/or roxycodone....a Dr. who would listen to my to my "concerns" & is also not strict. post ASAP please
I would like a name of a doctor, just moved to that area and in need of a new good doc
It looks like law enforcement has been cracking down on the pill mills over there, so they may not be as generous as they might have been in the past:
n regards to finding a local pain doctor, I have listed below a couple websites specific to locating pain management doctors in a given area. All you have to do is input your city or zip code for narrowed results:
{link removed because site no longer exists}
Many of the results you find (in one or both of the links above) also list a phone number for that specific doctor; I'd consider calling up a number of them to see if they are accepting new patients; some aren't, but most usually are.
Unfortunately, no one can know ahead of time what a doctor is or is not willing to prescribe, as that is based on the doctor's discretion. Some advice I can give you is to not specifically ask for any 'specific medication' when you see a new doctor. Make sure to transfer or take a copy of all your medical records with you. Then, the best approach is to discuss up front and honestly what has and hasn't worked for you in the past. Most doctors will take it under consideration if they know it's worked for you without causing any problems or severe side effects.
I hope this information helps!
Tracey can i.have the doctors name and office is he easy to prescribe what did he write you have you tried filling it a little further out of town? I may know a pharmacist that will fill legitimate scripts she works at pharmacy but would be willing to help you if u help me with doc name and office thanks or you can email me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}
I would like a liberal doctor that listens and is willing to help. I don't sell my pills I take them. I have real back problems. {edited for privacy}
I'm leaving to North Carolina tomorrow the 28th of may. I am in the middle of pain doctors in Colorado, the most strict state I know of for pain management! We sell pot, but if your in pain they pretty much tell you to go to hell! I have to find a doctor who I can go into and get at least a few of my meds before I have to come back to sell my home. I notice ppl list every symptom on this page, why? I think it's stereotyping ppl, an validating why you need meds is more important than the meds! Doctors have found a way to make us feel like dirt. After 10 sine surgeries I WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT OPIATE TREATMENT. Our dessiese of chronic pain is no less then those with other dessiesa ( correct) .. But we are suffering because some abuse..if this is HONESTLY TRUE, why are liqueur stores open, what we all suffer is being stripped away, an soon all we'll not be treated at all the way things are going. I feel like we are in many ways like the AIDS EPIDEMIC IN THE 1980's, no progression is helping us. We are to be protected by over zealous doctors but we are not and no one cares. I often wonder what will ppl think of the way pain is viewed an treated 50-100 yrs from now. I do go to Europe when I can to receive extra meds but the trip is to far. I've been told Mexico at a resort has pharmacies that will give you what you need but again just hear say. This is my first trip to the south for meds...any helpful information is sincerely needed and more importantly thanked for!
We have the right to a quality of life no less then those who take meds for high blood pressure or sugar diabetics...we NEED OUR MEDS! Again thank you so much for anyone's help!! It does not matter if I go to Georgia or Virginia I just need resources fast. Luv to all in pain! May the USA treat us equally or we wouldn't need "pill mills". Sue. K
I really don't want to give the name of the doctor on this website. I have been in pain management for almost 4 years so I know a few places. I just don't want everybody who comes on here trying to get into the place.
Hey there I'm in Acworth going through same issue trying to find a pain management doc. My gp won't deal with me no more even though as y'all I got records. Would be glad if you could help me with that doc in Woodstock. Ty kindly
H has made it's comeback! Big and bad! Everyone KNEW IT WOULD, thanks to endless lobbying against the drugs that keep a population alive. Say?, if you had one breast with cancer, the other already gone, ate away inside with cancer, and going through chemotherapy, remember, you've got a pick line pick in your body for 4 months now( it's like an XL, IV placed in a vain that you go home with and it stays in your neck, arm, wherever it's placed until chemo is over, they often are like red, swollen an bleeding by the 2-3 week) ..Do you think she's going to take the Tylenol equal pain drug mr big s*** pain dr gave her, so she don't become addicted??? She's going to treat herself, even if she's a soccer mom and church lady. You WILL SAVE YOURSELF BY SELF MEDICATING! There's a level of pain that can not be described, a suicide level of pain many many ppl will never know. An example, your 36 and your 12 year old child passes away without any warning. That's pain and hurt only one can TRY to explain! You have no idea how it really feels until it's you!!!! Chronic pain destroys millions of lives daily,the whole family suffers! Self medicating generally comes from UNDER TREATED OR UNTREATED PAIN. You bet self medicating can kill you, but who's FAULT IS IT?
I'm not speaking about a dope addict, their as common as alcoholics...alcoholism actually kills OTHER ppl not just the addict... I'm addressing ppl who know what a pain circle is, who suffer without end slowing giving up in life, desperately seeking a solution BEFORE THEY SELF MEDICATE!! No one comes Nilly-willy asking where's a pill mill?? To some it's a last hope!! As a true chronic pain patient I suggest we fight this..I think we group together we can change things. We have the right to live too! If you have an advocate, a friend, mom, brother, anyone healthy around you who does support you, write a small letter and photos if they'd help, copy of paper x-rays, therapist will write on your behalf, mine did.. If you can write, write, if not have your support person.. If your like me you may not have a support person, I'm entitled to one, so I can live in my home as long as possible, I'm fighting that fight right now, add your alone, state you NEED HELP AT HOME! If we go state by state we can gather 1,000's of letters. My son went to Washington as a mock senator in college..we start objecting against our senators, and governors! We must lobby back!
I don't think many ppl who come here n ask WHERES A PILL MILL?? Are 99% drug seekers! Their ppl who hurt! Who are being ignored by mass in the name of the FDA..the DEA...every citizen in USA is going to be effected by these changes, perhaps it could be a sister, mother, wife fighting breast cancer until there's no more fight left in a body frail and lifeless. It's a hell to know what chronic pain is, you can't describe it, but EVERYONE WHOS SEARCHING is looking for an answer! To save THEIR LIFE. DO NO HARM, treat me fairly and treat mr with respect.write that on your CONTRACT! Were the only group on CONTRACTS! Who's meds are not refilled if lost, stolen, in a flood!! That really happened!! We will go into flight or fight by no pain control, AND. Withdrawal that can cause death...but anyone else is have a "cushion" so they always have meds! I've NEVER HAD ANY RECEPTIONIST OR DOCTOR READ THESE PAPERS..My therapist attends pain mgt meetings that are filled with pain mgt doctors. Her diagnoses of them as a licensed therapist??? She stated she'd " never been surrounded by so many disconnected people in her life" they are more important and believe they should we should bend a knee to them their so self entitled, she added.
No doctor will "give you whatever you ask for". They can see thru your bulls***! You are the reason people in genuine pain can let get anything more than a Tylenol!
All the Dr's I know of aren't taking new patients for months due to them being good docs...
I'm sure she was using that as a figure of speech. The fact that you are responding to a post made back in 2012 is pretty insane. It is like being in a new world when you need to take a pill everyday in order to be able to walk! Lame.
People like y'all are ruining our health care system, and costing tax payers millions each year for those of you using your medicaid and medicare to pay for all the pain pills and anxiety medication your getting filled from these unethical money hungry pain clinic doctors. And if your not taking it yourself your probably putting it on the street by selling it and just contributing to america's prescription pill epidemic. If your in real pain you shouldn't have to ask questions on a forum about which doctor can get you the meds you want. Those are the words of a drug seeker if I've ever seen one.
But I applaud you guys for your will power. FYI though, pharmacies and Georgia Drugs and Narcotics know which doctors are running pill mills, good luck getting them filled somewhere. Because those scripts written for oxycodone you got from a doctor yourpaid couple hundred bucks cash to get are gonna be about as valuable as the wrapper that comes on a Mcdonalds hamburger.
And if you didn't know, Georgia now has a Controlled substance monitoring program, meaning whether you pay cash or use insurance. Pharmacies submit a file to Georgia Drugs and Narcotics weekly that reports, who got what filled, and who wrote it for them. So they know. And pharmacies can also use their database to see what you get filled at other pharmacies, even if you paid cash for it. The days of doctor shopping and paying cash are coming to an end for all the dope heads. I hear H might make a comeback.
I just moved here from up North and don't know about these pill mills. Right now I am desperately looking to find a Decatur Ga Dr who can help me continue with my suboxine One who doesn't take urins. Anyone have any extras to hold me over. Please
Not everyone here are seeking a pill mill. The majority seem to be looking for a compassionate doctor not a doctor who wants to play god. I am a legitimate long term pain management patient. Believe me when I say long term isn't a choice anymore. After 2 spinal fusions, meniscus surgery and endometriosis I have a hard time coping with ordinary daily life without pain medication. You sir act as if this is a choice as to whether or not a person needs pain medication. I have been seeing the same doctor for 4 years and he is by the book. In fact he fired many patients after implementing the prescription monitoring program into his practice. I have never seen more than one doctor. I do however have to take oxycodone as it is the only medication that permits my ability to move. Have you ever laid in bed and had what feels like bolts of electricity running down your buttocks to the tips of your toes? And while these electric jolts run down your sciatic nerve your knee begins to spasm and becomes locked? I cannot stand when a person who has never had debilitating pain casts judgement on those who do and how they should cope with it. Walk a mile in my shoes before you pass judgement on me. Oh wait I don't have that luxury of being able to walk a mile any longer. I am in constant pain. My entire life revolves around it. Sometimes I can't even complete a thought in my head because the pain interrupts my thought process. I hurt myself taking care of the elderly. I have had to put my education on hold, my dream of becoming a nurse so that I can try to alleviate this pain through physical therapy, inj's., acupuncture and more less invasive surgical practices. I hope sir you never end up in my position. Stop being such a judgemental self righteous bully. Shame on you, grow a heart! By the way our Healthcare system has been shifty since president Regan was in office. Blame the insurance companis who gouge the crap out of their policy holders and give themselves million dollar bonuses. Not the poor people who live in constant pain on a daily basis. Karma will come to you sir.
I live in the Atlanta,Ga area. My Doc. recently was busted for running a (suspected), "PILL MILL" PLEASE someone i need to find a good lib doc. I have M.S. and very high anxiety. My appt. was on the day before my clinic was busted. I have real pain . Can you give me info. We might be able to trade info. Thanks.
I'm north of Atlanta in Gwinnett Co. and would greatly appreciate any info on these docs you mention. That is, if you're still around : )
I live in Columbus ga andI am looking for a dr not scared to prescribe opanas or oxycodone to soneone who actually has bulged disks and knee problemsand neuropathy among other problems it is so hard with the government and stuff nowadays I have wellcare of ga but dont mind paying cash
It is quite obvious that you have no flipping clue what REAL pain is. Imagine if you will you get a headache EVERYDAY and you take an aspirin to alleviate the pain. Now imagine that this goes on for 10-15 years and then all of a sudden the establishment tells you that aspirin wont help make your headaches go away, it was all in your head from the beginning. And so they remove aspirin from the shelves of all the stores. But now you get your headache EVERYDAY however now the pain is 10 times worse because your body got used to the aspirin and your body is telling you that it will keep the disorienting pain coming day and night until it gets that aspirin. SOOOOO, what are you going to do???
I use the headache analogy because many can relate to that. But if I use the story of debilitating chronic back pain,along with a host of other illnesses people like you just make the statement "Pfft, your just a junkie looking for a fix.". Well let me tell you one thing, first if all I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on my worst enemy, hello wouldn't even wish this kinda pain on even you for even a single day, because you have absolutely no flipping idea what your talking about. I realize you may find this hard to believe but not everyone out there is a junkie. We are lawyers, construction workers. Grocery store mgrs, hair dressers, computer geeks, teachers, etc, etc,etc. But you had better get down on your knees and thank God above that your body is in such great health and ask Him to help you to always keep it so. There is an old saying that you never really know someone until you've walked a few miles in his moccasins. Might I suggest you go to a pain Dr and see if his patients would let you shadow them for a few days, perhaps then you might have a greater appreciation and maybe even some sympathy and REAL UNDERSTANDING of what WE CHRONIC PAIN PATIENTS ACTUALLY GO THROUGH.
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