Soma Information
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Has anyone else (Besides myself of course) EVER RECIEVED A MEDICINE MANUFACTURER / MANUFACTURED BY A COMPANY OR LABORATORY (Maybe called Centurian Laboratory's) from the country India? And if you have gotten some what do you think about the product that you received?? The 1st shipment I got was in a blister-pack called the following: Pain-o-Soma Manufactured in India by H A B Pharmaceuticals & Research Ltd. with the name "Carisoprodol Tablets 350 mgs" Clearly written on the "Blister-Pack's Qty#10 Per blister-pack" Ithe company that I ordered them from has a 100% money-back satisfied guarantee & I had paid up-from for 7-10 day buisness day delivery date guarantee & after I didn't receive my ORIGINAL ORDER THEY DECIDED TO RE-Ship it out to me at no charge.. So while awaiting for my order to clear customs the 1st one, the original order placed I received these Pain-o-Soma blister-packs.. 10 each pack 14 packs. Qty#140 pills.. I took some & I promise to god instead of making my horrific muscle spasms got worse!!!! The very medicine that I needed so desperately to relieve these horrible muscle spasms actually made them worse!!! So a few days later I received the 2nd shipment & those were by a drug company called Centurian & called "Prosoma" & at first I thought they were the real deal & I'd gotten lucky finally.... Wrong... They did have some of the active Ingredient in em, but definately not the 350 mgs per tablet thats for sure.. I'm now awaiting for the last attempt that I'm willing to try before I request a refund (Which they WILL GIVE TO ME / RE-CREDIT MY CHARGE CARD) please does ANYONE OUT HERE HAVE ANY SIMILAR STORY TO MINE THAT I CAN TALK TO??? I need feedback really, really badly... The website is called "" has anyone else ordered from these folks?? Has anyone received either of the two different types of medicines that I received?? Also I've got over #110 of those Pain-o-Soma blister-packs of that medicine & I heed advise where & how can I dispose of it safely without hurting anything or anyone.... HELP......HELP.......HELP..... Thank you
Re: Frank (# 20)
Hi Frank. I’m having such a hard time getting Soma. They're not for me. They're for my mom. She is in so much pain. She screams every time she sits up. The doc will not do anything. Could you share where you filled your prescription at? Anyways I appreciate you listening. Take care.
Re: Backache girl (# 23)
Prescription Soma is not small and has numbers stamped on it. While Mexico is generally ok to pick up medicine, I would only go to a trusted Mexican pharmacy. These pills do not sound like Soma?
I’ve been having severe back issues and picked up some Somas in Mexico. They are small, round, white, no numbers on either side and scored on one side to break into quarters? Can anyone let me know if this is an actual Soma?
Re: Wendy (# 13)
Ive tried pain o soma they are plain white with line on back but pretty good
Re: Frank (# 20)
Matter of fact they come close to anything we have had in the US since doctors wont prescribe.
I take prosoma 500mg and they seem to be pretty good.
I agree about the Carisoma being the BEST medication, but no-one has it. I have tried several different pharmacies, but they only have Pain O Soma, or Prosoma. I also find that ordering the 500mg tablets is the way to go because then you probably receive 350mg of the active ingredient, which is Carisoprodol. I hope this helps.
I am prescribed three 350mg doses of Soma. I always take the same amount. Sometimes I feel like a wet noodle, but other times I feel like I haven't even taken it. Do you know why that is?
Re: EDDY (# 16)
The only Pain O Soma that is helpful is the 500 mg tablets. Then you probably receive the 350 mg that you are looking for. The 350 mg tablets don't do much, unless you take more than 1 tablet at a time. The best Soma is Caisoma from Wallace Pharmacy, which no one seems to have.
Re: ronan (# 10)
As a rule it might be best to stay away from Indian Soma due to potency issues. I wasn't aware your Doctor could prescribe 500 mg here in the U.S. although they are clearly made in India and elsewhere
Have you ever seen white generic Soma 350mg pills with an imprint of "A 266"? The bottle was old but I know the taste lol.
Hi. I have tried both Pain O Soma, and Prosoma. Both HAB and Centurion manufacturers are from India. I find that the regular dose of 350mg doesn't help, but the 500mg of the Pain O Soma works better. I am not sure if Prosoma comes in 500mg. The medication that works the BEST is Carisoma 350mg from Wallace. Unfortunately, every mail-order pharmacy says the same thing, that Carisoma has been discontinued. I did receive it, but the price was OUT OF THIS WORLD, so I have had to look for other meds. That is when I decided to try the 500mg of Pain O Soma. It works a lot better than regular Pain O Soma. The Prosoma I tried wasn't much better than the regular Pain O Soma (350 mg). I hope this helps you.
Re: Amber (# 4)
This is the exact soma my gram had on vacay. She had a script for them legally and had a few left. They were mfg by hab and had no markings anywhere on them, just a score on the back. She said they're giving her a huge panic attack that won't go away and making muscle spasms worse. They did the same thing to me (I never take anyone else's Scripts and I never have before but I was in so much pain I couldn't move so she said go ahead and take one. I was hurt at work in 1997. I worked on an assembly line and the machine malfunction and tried to tear me in half. I've had 36 surgeries so far and I'm in constant horrible pain with muscle spasms like it so bad they closed off my lungs and my ability to swallow) I'm really scared. Are these really soma. Please help!!! Desperate and disabled and cant get anywhere. It's just me and my little service dog.
Re: Amber (# 4)
I have the same exact ones you mentioned and they made my back spasm so hard i couldn't move and it gave me a panic attack. I can't find anyone to help know if they're really soma. They have no markings anywhere and only a scored line on the back. Please help if you know any more info!!! I'm severely disabled and look along with my little service dog so I can't get anywhere and no one can get to me. Please please help!
Re: Mercy (# 6)
You should take the pills only according to your doctor's prescription. Better consult your doctor.
I was on soma medication for a very long time and I never faced any negative side-effects as I was consuming it according to my doctor's prescription and directions only. Most important now, I am totally free from my chronic backache.
I was diagnosed with severe muscle aches and my doctor suggested Soma 500mg for it and it really worked like magic and my pain vanished immediately after the intake.
Actavis soma is not the same as Watson soma. They are terribly weak pills, they changed the amount of active ingredients after Watson sold out. It's so sad for us who really need them.
I received my Pro-Soma from Centurion Pharmaceutical Co. in India. I have taken them since Saturday, 12/24, and they aren't any good. So I called the people who I ordered them from and they are sending me free of charge more from another company. I've never ordered online before. I'll see what the new ones are like. It's kind of scary taking something from out of the US, but doctors here will not prescribe them. I'm not one to "doctor shop", but I need relief.
From Soma? I would be terrified that the DEA or Postal Inspectors were watching me as importing controlled medicine is a Crime where you can spend some time away from home
Prosoma helping my spasms and sleep (fibro)....but having night terrors. Anyone else?
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