Sleep Paralysis W/ Hallucinations (Page 10)


Has anyone else experienced sleep paralysis accompanied by hallucinations since starting viibryd? I have been on the medicine for about 4 months now and for the last 2 1/2 months have had several very scary episodes of sleep paralysis... I have never been on a anti-depressant before and never experienced sleep paralysis until i started this medicine. I am a 23 year old female and i take no other meds except a daily multi-vitamin. Ive noticed that if i accidentally miss a viibryd pill i have sleep paralysis... but have also had it on occasions of not missing a pill. It occurs about once a week... its to the point where i dread going to sleep at night in fear of sleep paralysis, but the hallucinations that come along with it are what I dread the most. Has anyone else had a similar experience with this medicine?

252 Replies (13 Pages)

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Yes, I just awoke from an intensely horrifying string of bad dreams. They seemed to last forever. The smells I experienced with each dream were the worst part for me. I finally awoke after 2 hours, in a tight ball. Also, my skin began to itch really bad. After about 30 minutes trying to figure out what just happened, I realized I had not taken my 40 mg of Viibryd. I'm wondering if that is what caused me to have such awful dreams.

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LS & Is....are you the same person? The past discussions about your daughter being upset w/ you when you go off your Wellbutrin....

I see you wrote your post at 3am. The posts are in regards to Viibryd & SP. Yet, you felt the need to attack me & venting obviously.

I will admit that I can only share my own experiences/stories. Now that should be the norm. Hilarious.

Erin, sorry that has happened to you!!! And I know you are not exaggerating!!!

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Hi...Maria/Marie here again. I thought the log on names were set in stone. So I just noticed that it may have caused confusion, as it did for me when replying the past few mos. to Is then LS. I didn't have time to explain that earlier today. So sitting down to genuinely share my feelings again.

If I were someone who was suicidal, I would've jumped off a bridge after reading LS's random post to me. Those were some harsh words from her. Many of us have been thru hell w/ Vii. It's still too early to tell for many if there are any long term effects. But that's why I follow the thread. Like many, I get email updates w/ replies.

Going back to post #115, from Mimi, that's when the attacks began towards me. Vii took a year plus from my life. Now that I know that LS & Is are the same person, I was able to see that 'Is' was the 1st person to respond to Holly. Why does it matter? Well, because 'Is/LS' has pointed out before how she was 1st & if you skim thru her replies, you'll see her replies of understanding how terrifying the demons are to then following a theme of "hang in there, it will get better." I am being accused of exaggerating, and a lot of my posts are about the discontinuation syndrome that comes with Vii, whereas, Is or LS is still on Vii. No one knows if she will one day experience the horrible d/c side effects when she one day stops the Vii, but it's likely. Unless she takes an SSRI, like Prozac, while weaning.

So almost 200 posts later & Is/LS is without a doubt, telling the freaked out people who post here, to keep taking Vii as the SP goes away. Verbatim folks.

Read the posts. It doesn't take that long to skim thru. And please skip all my long & descriptive posts. There are plenty of concise posts that say the same thing. :)

I do plan to continue following the thread, but even before today, I had no reason to reply anymore. Until LS directed her anger towards me. It is what it is. I understand that we all have our moments of fear & confusion. Your apology will be welcomed, LS. I am the forgiving type.

Lastly, Cymbalta is going great for me. No back pain (nice surprise!) & seems to work similar to Vii, being that it's an SNRI, but doesn't cause SP. I just began having a few weird dreams, so I've cut back my dose a little. Halloween type stuff. But darn it, enough that I know the dreams are from the CYM. I am on the fence whether its helping w/ anxiety. Too early to tell. I am mentioning CYM. because I do think that it's worthy of trying! :). Also, I am the 1st to say that if the Vii isn't causing SP, then stay on it! See my post to Elliott! Because as I've said before, the SNRI's seem to work better. SSRI's have a long history of 'the other side effects' that I've mentioned before. The usual SSRI side effects anyone can google. :)

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Hi Sarah,

I am kinda tired of getting picked on here by LS. So how'd it make you feel in your post #86 I believe, to be called 'sweetheart' by LS & to have her downplay your SP? I am not sure if you later replied (not reading thru all 10 pages :).

Is/LS has gone to great lengths to try to reassure many here that...
1. SP isn't caused by the Vii
2. SP is probably caused by the Vii
3. many drugs cause SP (false!!!)
4. the SP will go away!!! (seriously!?)

Again, I have no need to reply to new posters or old, but just wanted to share this info because I can see now that I unknowingly made myself a target to LS when replying to Sarah's post. I didn't notice this back in Sept. Wish I had as I see the full picture now.

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Just caught up to this thread again. Don't have the time to go back and read all of it and don't recall if I posted to it or not.

I went off Vii about 6 months ago, Dr. Put me back on WB 150 at my request. I couldn't get past the GI issues, had the weird dreams, SP on the Vii.

I am on a lot of drugs, I have MS, PTSD, and chronic pain from back injury in car wreck. I have been being treated for the PTSD and anxiety since '96. I think I have been on every drug out there . The Vii worked for my mood. That said coming off of it is hell.

One of the worst things has been waking up in the early morning with my legs in such pain 10, on the pain scale. I stand as soon as I can and start pacing the floor, I have always been able to "walk " it off. This has had my Dr.s puzzled, I am on strong pain meds, 75 mg Fenytal patches, 900mgs Neurotin, .5 mgs xxanx, copaxone, Percocet for break through. I have told the Drs that it feels like I did a marathon the day before. Happens about once a week. I think it is the Vii still screwing with me. I don't remember dreams but think that I am tensing my legs so hard and causing the pain. My GP, neuro, and shrink just refuse to address it, just dismiss it. I am not asking them for an increase in drugs, except want to go back up to 300mgs WB, because so far I haven't even had to take a perc, just walk it off. But the pain in bed on waking is out of control, bad enough to make me cry which is bad as I have a high pain tolerance.

I have no idea how long this drug screws with you, I don't think the Drs do either. I feel like we that were put on this early were not warned about the side effects other then the GI stuff. I was on 20mgs, up to 40 a few times but couldn't tolerate so would go back down. I pretty much just took myself off, just started going down on dosage as Dr was not hearing what I was telling him. Stupid to have to do that to get a med change. We do know our bodies and I think we can tell when something is not good for us.

We all react to these drugs in different ways. For those that this drug works for, I say good for you. The WB doesn't do a lot for me but enough to keep me stable with no side affects, not even the dreaded weight gain, and the added plus that I always quit smoking!

Good Luck to all and always nice to know how others on these meds are coping.

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Whoa....freaky coincidence!? I was just thinking that what other's might not relate to is to have chronic pain & try to deal w/ AD's & their side effects!

I've mentioned my peripheral neuropathy many times (but unless one has it, it's hard to relate) & I too have noticed a severe numbness (worsening) in my legs, since going off of the Vii.

When I was on the Vii, the pop rocks sensations hit one elbow to arm one night, waking me up. Then weeks later, the other arm. Then eventually in my legs.

Finally got off the Vii w/ Prozac & was DX w/ ET (essential tremor) due to tremors in my L hand. My mother has ET (head) & her father had Parkinson's (& probable yet un-dx back then, ET).

So I jumped from Vii to Prozac & along came the horrible upper body especially, tremors. Eventually stopped the Prozac, went to Cymbalta (currently) & I am still dealing w/ some of the ET, but not as bad as when on the Prozac. I've read that some get tremors from Prozac.

I know I had full body seizures from Vii (after being on it for a few mos. & the SP hit hard) & then facial seizures from the auditory hallucinations on Vii. So that's why I say that it's too early to tell if the drug has lasting side effects.

The leg numbness I attributed to ET, but if you are also going thru it, then it's something that can be followed here.

This is probably the best site to follow Vii. And this know angers the Vii sales reps!

The pain in my ankles & feet has already been a 10 during & after chemo. But since it's new to you, it's possible that you have developed toxic nerve damage from the Vii. I recommend seeing a neuro. & having a nerve study done. I've tried the Gabapentin/Neurontin drugs & nothing helps. Was even prescribed an Opied based lotion recently that did nothing.

Cymbalta helps w/ nerve pain supposedly, but it has only helped w/ back pain.

Thanks for taking the time to 'redirect' the conversation into a more...helpful tone. :)

I am not crazy about legal action, but even if it takes a decade (if the cancer doesn't take me 1st) for Forest Labs to note SP & Vii, I'll be waiting! :)

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I just believe we need to try and keep it civil, we are the ones taking the drugs. My first shrink put me on Prozac and as I got worse, full body tremors, unable to leave house due to panic attacks, he just kept raising the dose. The pharmacist stopped my husband when he was picking up a script for me and told him that the dosage was going to kill me, get me to another Dr., so yes, I research these drugs as much as possible, I want to know how the people taking the drugs are tolerating them.

Cymbalta was a nightmare for me. I was put on it when i got shingles, my ankles swelled so bad that I could barely walk. Ended up on methadone for that. Horrible pain.

I get results of a brain MRI today. Going to be interesting.

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there is hope!

I found a new psych doc that thought my other one was crazy for keeping me on vybriid when I was having such intense side effects! it felt so good to be listened to and taken seriously.

I'm now coming off them slowly while easing into zoloft and take klonopin at night to combat anxiety, horrible dreams and SP,

only been a week but it's been working great so far!

I can't say zoloft has wowed me, it feels pretty standard. but it's been less intense than vybriid and that's all I wanted.

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Yes it was hell. Also mini siezures. Horrying. Talk to ur Dr let him prescribe something else.a

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I love searching Google and finding exactly what I am looking for. I started Viibryd back in August and recall having SP one time. Since I have had them before, I chalked it up to bad food or something. Then last month, I was at a friends bachelor party and I took it at 1 am before I fell asleep. I woke up since the air mattress had a leak and started looking around the house for another place to sleep. I had about 3 brain zaps before I laid down and about 3 before I fell asleep again. Then the hallucinations began. I was still in the same house in the same position but there where ghosts flying around me trying to get at me under the covers. I remember trying to wake myself up but it was as if I were in Inception and needed a first kick just to bring me up to the level needed for the real kick. Finally, I threw my arm up and yelled. When I woke up, I looked around and nobody seemed to hear me so I thought It was in my head, Wrong. At breakfast, we ended up all having a big laugh over it and my friends still bust my balls. However, I didn't connect it to Viibryd until today. I watched Paranormal Activity at like 3 pm yesterday but BOY did that movie fu-- with my head. After hearing noises in my apartment, i fell asleep and woke up yelling Oh Sh--! and I think I kicked my dog. So I decided to skip tonight and shift my routine to a morning pill tomorrow to see if that will help. So far not good as I am writing this right after another SP episode.

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Aah yes Dee... that IS another thing! I have dreams that are so played out they are like movies that I am writing as they go. Nothing weird, just a long film. If I wake up, I fall back asleep at same spot and just keep writing the next scene. I am bummed because Viibryd really has helped me out during the day and I am only on 40mg. in fact I just bought 90 day supply because Rx company won't cover Tier3 drugs unless bought in bulk.

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From prior experience, not taking the Viibryd like that could make you fly over the coo-koo's nest! I highly recommend that you take your 40 mg. dose, with food, perhaps even carbs....and try to give it some time before going back to sleep.

You cannot stop Vii abruptly. And weaning is like removing a fleck of sand daily. You have to take this slow, if you choose to not wait it out to see if the SP goes away for you (for most, it's too terrifying & it never let up for me).

If you continue to have issues tonite then Prozac does stop the SP dead in its track (1st pill even/take in replacement of Vii...not together! But check w/ your Dr. see Dr. in AM). You might need to take a sick day? This med is nothing to mess around with.

Xanax .25 (up to 4) is supposed to help w/ the discontinuation syndrome. That's the thing w/ Vii...there's no withdrawal, it's just straight d/c syn. or what herion addicts must experience when going thru w/d.

Hang in there!

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Thanks Marie, I did not have any more terrors, but I did have the loooooong never ending dream. I can remember most of it if I close my eyes (which are dry and heavy right now).

My analysis has led me down to 2 things. Either time of day or lack of food. So first is to try taking it every morning with breakfast and see from there. Will let you know what I find.

I appreciate the assistance and good luck to everyone.

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I think I have. I'm on a higher dose than I've been on and every once in awhile if I miss one or maybe take one before bed I have auditory hallucinations and what I think is some form of sleep paralysis. It is horrible. It's 7AM, I haven't slept because this keeps happening every time I start to fall asleep. I am calling my doctor today and getting off this medication.

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:( many suffering w/ SP side effects. There's nothing worse, IMO.

Just wanted to mention that all is still well on the Cymbalta. Look it up, but I think it works the most similar to Viibryd, w/o the scary side effects. I started on it for nerve pain, but my nerve damage/pain is bad enough that only narcotics (which I don't take) will touch the pain.

I have relief from back + neck + sinus pain on the Cymbalta. It's the weirdest thing. How could an AD nearly cure someone from those chronic conditions for me?!

I can't even say that Vii lifted back & neck pain for me. I don't recall noticing, so prob. not, but daytime energy was higher & I had a somewhat normal libido on Vii.

Cymbalta is made by Lilly(Lily?) & has been around awhile. Walgreens recently had 1 left. Guessing popular! I do pay $55/mo.

I do not want to go back on the Wellbutrin, for energy...because I feel like it will cancel out the calming benefits of the Cymbalta.

So it's possible---& this is based on my experience only--that taking Wellbutrin with Vii is unnecessary. Because Vii seemed to give me more energy alone.

I've mentioned this way back, but Wellbutrin & Buspar made my libido 17 again. Yet, Buspar alone, for anxiety, falls about as flat as taking Gabapentin & hoping for nerve pain relief.

Prozac made me feel like I needed to bite down really hard/major jaw clenching...but only when 1st starting the I could've chewed thru an over the counter $30 teeth guard. None of that sensation on Cymbalta.

Lastly, being that Cymbalta & Vii both have a lengthy d/c syndrome side effects, take that into consideration when talking to your Dr. about trying CYM.

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I'am a 20 year old male and, I used Viibryd for 2 weeks in august and had these reactions IMMEDIATELY, and was told to stop cold turkey by my doctor. I was terrified to fall asleep, i didn't sleep for 42 hours after missing a dose. this drug is 100% BAD NEWS, I've personally dubbed it the devil drug.

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Ok, I have an update if it helps anyone.

Take WITH a solid food BREAKFAST

Try that for 3 days... so far so good with me.

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Hi everyone!

I am currently looking to take Viibryd but am trying to follow up with people who have passed the introductory phase. If you don't mind me asking, how has it been going? Thanks and so much appreciated :).

Thank you,

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Hi Ade8,

Just an FYI, all you have to do is post a comment & you can address people or hit reply once on someone's post & ask your ?. Otherwise it comes up multiple times. :) I love this format because I get an auto email when there's a post. So just incase you don't have your settings like that, check it out. :)

As far as the increasing dose pack goes...I recommend giving it a shot & see how you feel. But keep in mind that almost everyone?! has night terrors & sleep paralysis. Auditory hallucinations & horrific side effects from discontinuation syndrome while cutting back on the dose. I don't want to scare you away from the drug, but you've read the other posts, & like just mentioned, I also feel it's the Devil's drug. But thank God I wasn't alone in this.

So ask your Dr. what he/she thinks about the med. I doubt they will give you a straight answer & you'll be brushed off. Which is pretty risky being that all this info is out there, going back to 2011. The media hasn't been informed about this med., but all we can do is continue supporting others.

Btw....Forest Labs sold the drug to another co? Or names changed to some LLC? Suspicious. Husband works in health ins. We have decided recently after reading recent stories that we would include ourselves in a class action lawsuit against the makers of Viibryd.

Anyone know how that process is done? Is there a law suit already pending? How do we track this? Thx!

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I have been taking Viibryd since it first came out. I have had my issues with it off and on but I would say it has really helped me a great deal. I find the tricks are:
1.) don't take too high a dose -- at one point I was up to 40mg and while I had tons of energy I had some sleep paralysis (which is unbearable!) and those brain zaps when I was trying to fall asleep
2.) take it with food especially some nice complex carbs (toast, oatmeal etc.) It really makes a difference is blunting the crazy side effects
3. ) have a sleep aid on hand for when you're just not falling asleep
Having said all that I still get weird kind of brain zaps right as I'm falling asleep accompanied by a nasty taste in my mouth -- it wakes me up and I have to shake it off before I start to fall asleep again. Does anyone else experience this?

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