Side Effects Of Topamax


I was prescribed 50 mg of topamax a day for migraines. I took it for one day before I realized that I shouldn't take it because of my history of kidney stones. However, from that one dose, I have had the annoying side effect of cokes and anything carbonated tastes flat. I took the dose Tuesday - it is now Friday and cokes still taste flat. How long does this last?

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For me this lasted as long as I was increasing (titrating) up to where the Doctors wanted me to be.( about 30 days) As we realized, in my case, we overshot the necessary dosage, the taste gradually returned.Although, I still think some drinks still don't taste exactly right after several months.

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There is really no way to say how long any side effect will last, for any given person, because it can vary depending on your individual metabolism.

However, if it does continue, then you should consult with your doctor, because there is always a chance that something else is causing the problem and not just the medication.


And as to the kidney stones, it is only known to increase the chances of those, when used in combination with certain other medications. Have you discussed this concern with your doctor?

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I have been on topamax 25mg morning and night for the past 3 years to help prevent my migraines and cluster headaches, I have lately been getting more severe headaches and my doctor has advised me to increase my dosage to 50 mg at night. As yet I haven't done so, because I'm frightened of the side effects. Will they be as severe as when I first started on the medication or not?

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Hello, I was hoping someone that knows a lot about Topamax would post a comment with some advice, it would really help me out. I have been prescribed Topamax 25mg 2x's per day in A.M. & P.M. for weight loss. Due to being on Suboxone and Remeron I have gained close to 25 pounds, craving sweets all day and a lot of food at night. I even wake up at 3am and eat a snack barely awake, almost sleep walking! If I try to not eat at night, I stay awake all night tummy growling and so hungry feeling, its horrible. I am currently 5'6 weighting right at 169. Almost 1 year ago I weighted 145. All I wear is my yoga pants cause I refuse to buy bigger pants and I cannot fit in any of my jeans. Im 33 and slowly gaining more. Its making me not go anywhere and depressed. I donot feel good about myself at all. I know its is not a lot of weight but it has a huge effect on me. .....Now, my Pdoc gave me the script 25mg in am and pm...I took first dose at night and I stayed up all night and almost had an anxiety attack! So I am having the insomnia side effect of this drug. I am pretty sevsitive to meds. I cant take any SSRI's cause they give me extreme anxiety&acute insomnia. My pdoc is out of town for 2 weeks so I cant ask her either. I am wondering if I split the dose of 25mg to 12.5 or EVEN 6.25mg? and only take it in the A.M. and see if that stops the insomnia and anxious side effects it is giving me. Has anyone ever split the 25mg dose? It will probably cause it to dissolve faster maybe but Im just needing to not feel anxious and sleep at night. I get extremely depressed having insomnia so I dont think its safe for me to take this in the P.M. Any insight's or advice will help. I will ask my pdoc as well, Im just needing help until then. Thank you for your time.

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What happens if you take brintellix and topamax together? Can it cause a false reading on a drug panel? If so, what does it come up as?

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