Side Effects Of Suboxone (Page 5)
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I have been on suboxone now for just under a month. I think it is an amazing drug, i have had no cravings or interest in returning to opiates, my drug of choice was oxy. I get up every day feeling happy, and am able to take on what ever the day brings me. I am also on lexapro for depression at this time. There is one problem after i take my dose, which is 8 mg. twice a day, I am extremely tired sometimes to the point where if i sit down I will nod off, so I keep moving and can usually fight through it. I am wondering do other people feel this way or does it get better the longer you are on it? Two other things that are sometimes very bothersome are dizzyness and extreme dry mouth. I just wanted to find out other peoples experiences. Thanx

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I've been on it for 10 months and I have the same problem very tired and noddy at times. It hits me really bad when I'm behind the wheel of my car driving. I'm only on 8 mg a day when I tell my doc he said it's not a side effect. But it does what it's suppose to do for me. Good luck and God bless.

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Hi, you do need to be in withdrawal to get put on suboxone. Otherwise it could put you into immediately withdrawal. If you are already detoxed, they can put you on a different medicine that will help w/your cravings. I forget what it's called, but it will help you w/cravings. Good luck!

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A suboxone doctor will tell you to be in moderate withdrawal when you come in for your first appt. I used a lot of pills Friday morning then went to doc Saturday morning was out by noon, took my first dose and was fine. Most docs will write your script for you to get filled and just ready to use when your within first 24 hrs of withdrawal.

Use til the day or night before your appt, day of your appt get your subs filled and then have them ready to use the next day when you start getting your more then mild dope sickness.

My worst problem about starting subs was saving the money to use for my initial appt instead of getting high, I ended up swallowing my pride, and asked my grandparents to pay the first appt for me because I knew I never would, especially if i ended up dope sick at some point before it.

If you can Google all sub docs n your area and compare insurance/Medicaid acceptance or compare cash prices, which can be high, then the cost of suboxone itself is a lot but barely touched what most spend on dope so I think it levels out.

Here to Help program, the pharma co that makes subs, will cover your prescription for a year, but only three patients per doc are allowed and you cannot have any insurance coverage.

If anyone needs the direct number or help understanding how to apply feel free to ask. The only downfall is the usual time on subs is two years... can be longer depending on extreme situations or the exception to the rule.

Good luck.

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I wanted to know to if you have to be withdrawling to be able to get suboxone or go to suboxone dr. I have been on herion for 5 years and this past year ive been trying to get off but found myself relapsing often and im still having cravings to use...i feel its just a matter of time befor i just go back even though im trying to fight with everything in me...i feel if i could get to a suboxone and make it part of my recovery it would help so much

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Yes one of the side effects of suboxone is sleepiness. I feel the same way. I can fall asleep almost anywhere if I sit down. It's frustrating to me and anyone trying to hold a conversation without me nodding off. My husband hates it ! Pretty funny!tbats the only side effect that I have besides constipation but that's only in the beginning of your treatment. Suboxone saved my life and saved my family!been clean for almost 6 years ! Yayyy me

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Ash, I no longer have a need for pain management. I have no idea how or why, but I no longer have back pain from my ruptured disks L3 and L4. Im back to umpiring and I feel fantastic. Not sure why I have no more pain in my lower back, but should I ever run into problems with pain again, I will head to disk decompression therapy. And there is no way that suboxone could still be in my system more than 90 days later, right? I mean, Ive been clean, and taking nothing but vitamins. I hike several times a week now, and get plenty of exercise while Im working. Anyways, my biggest addiction that I think Ive ever had, was the suboxone. And when the money ran out, and could not pay for the doctors visit, or the suboxone itself, I had no choice but to just quit. As much as I hate to say it, but I think it was the best thing that could have happened to me, otherwise I would still be taking subxone every single day. Whats weird, is I have had 0 desire to relapse, or even consider taking any meds. It sounds like it goes against all odds, but its very strange indeed. Maybe I created those endorphines in my brain faster than recovery time allows, I dont know. Maybe it was the 3 amino acids... I just dont know. All I know is that I am enjoying life again, and 100% pain free. Guess I am one of the extremely lucky ones. It does help ALOT that I have a great wife of 28 years, and 3 great kids in their 20s, who supported me. It might have been alot different if I did not have them.

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As well the naloxone does serve a purpose, significantly for addicts.

The naloxone is what blocks the opiate receptors, helping the addict avoid getting high, especially in fear of going into precipitated withdrawal.

Bupe is a partial antagonist and is SUPPOSED to work wonders in pain management clients who do not already have an opiate tolerance.

There's nothing extreme in our dosages we've cited. Some people are different and require more or less. And if weaned off appropriately, in addiction cases, it's worked wonders for the majority. People addicted should use Suboxone as only one tool in their overall treatment and not just depend solely on subs to change their lives, I'm sure that's the mentality that led most to become addicted in the first place.

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Baldcat, one who tries to point out wrongly stated facts may want to utilize spell check to avoid looking like a "rubbish" sayer themselves.

What facts are wrong here BTW?
Everyone, physician etc is different. We are not in the UK, which has been utilizing suboxone treatment for pain/addiction much longer then us. A short tip of facts: it's naloxone, not naltraxone, or whatever you cited, and the UK may want to reevaluate their mandated treatment, the overall consensus is it's quite flawed with a meaningless success rate.

Share your experience if you want but no one here is wanting some crazy brit naysayer typing nonsense when this is a place for discussion of legitimate facts, honestly answered questions and where we share our OWN EXPERIENCES for utilization by others, not to be condemned, trashy as you have, because yours was different.

Good luck.

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Azumpire, thanks for sharing that with us...I've heard a lot of stories like yours when people use it for pain. Sorry I assumed someone was treating you for addiction. So did they just stop you cold, or was that the choice you made? Either way you're completely right, staying at the same amount daily for years, would be devastating on your mental and physical state. Have you started any other pain management? Maybe something holistic could help your pain??

I couldn't imagine being in such a state but tired of being doped up all the time and just wanting some sense of life again without being dependent on anything!

There's another thread on here where people ask a lot about subs for pain and people's experience on it, your story could be invaluable to someone there, helping them avoid the hell you went through....

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PLEASE get your facts right! Its a very dangerous thing to hand out rubbish,,just as dangerous as the drug of choice,, Suboxone is a mix of subutex and naltrexone! The naltaxone is inert(no effect)if taken propely.I.e. under the tounge but is meant to send you into precipated withdrawl if injected though this does not appear to work. m from rainy ol uk and i read with amazement at the doses most of you are on! A one 8mg pill EASILY lasts me a week,, i think your doctors are paying for their holidays with your money. And for your info buprenorphine(active in subutex/suboxone) is SIXTY times stronger than morphine. Take care,have fun,stay safe!

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Leslie I replied with a previous, hopefully helpful, post but the website administrator needs to review it first but here's another link that may help.

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Leslie, I figured, like suboxone, the company that makes Nuvigil probably had patient assistance programs too. Which it seems to.

Suboxone manufacturer have a program called Here to Help which covers your prescription costs but only for a year.

Here is the link for Nuvigil patient, without insurance, program you will probably need your physician office to fill out a portion. When I participated in it to expedite the process I had everything faxed and faxed back immediately and had my coverage within a week tops. Until I received what looks like an insurance card, I was given group, id numbers etc. It helped a lot while it lasted.

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Yes I have had the same experience with the nodding from Methadone, & was still nodding out after gradually decreasing from 173 mgs to 72 mgs. I had been fed up with the embarrassment of nodding out at starbucks, family functions, etc., & spoke to my Dr about going back on Adderral, but due to my addictive past, he rx'd me Nuvigil, which works beautifully! No jitters, no crash, just a great ability to focus & function. I got my 1st month of Nuvigil for free from the manufacturer coupon online, & then the next month, Walmart wanted $750.00, & even with an online discount card, it's still $547.00! Any advice on how to get it cheaper?

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You said: I don't know the mitigating circumstances that led you to be on Suboxone for so long. Well, I did not have it bad, like people who were, and are coming off H. What happened to me, is that I ruptured 2 disks in my lower back, and though I was in the hospital for a week, they told me I did not need surgery, which was true. They gave me ephidurals, 3 of them, instead. They lasted 5 years, and then wore off. Thats when the pain meds started. Perocet, Lortabs, and some, but not alot, of Oxy. I think I was taking 4 40mg, or 4 20 mg of Oxy a week, thats how long they lasted on the pain relief for me.. The problem was, when they wore off, I felt like total crap. ANyways, this went on for about 3 or 4 years, and someone told me that I need to go see this indian md close by my house. So I did, and thats when he put me on a low dose of methadone. After like 10 days of that crap, I lost like alot of weight, as it just made me stop eating. Felt pretty bad too, so I told the doctor, who charged $100 per visit, which is cheap compared to some, that I am done with methadone, and I will just suck it up, and get over the pain in my back some other way. Thats when he recommended suboxone. It took almost 2 weeks to figure out the correct dose, and when it was all said and done, I was on 6gm for 8 straight years. I could not stop taking it. And tapering did not even come to mind. For me, suboxone was more addictive than any of the other stuff I had taken. Dont know why. But I am guessing that part of it was, that suboxone also works as a pain reliever, and it took away all the pain in my lower back. I dont know. However, I hit my 90th day clean on Saturday, and I still have 0 back pain.. Ive not relapsed, Ive not taken any prescription drug, and only take vitamins. Not sure why my back pain has vanished. But Im able continue work as an umpire with no pain whatsoever. Anyways, thats my story.. if my back pain ever starts to come back, I will get into that disk decompression therapy.. no more pain meds or suboxone, ever.

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Just further proves the point that the only way Suboxone kills is with misuse.

As to the neurological effects of Suboxone, I feel it day to day. I can't stand the feeling of detachment that comes with my maintenance. I much prefer my standard of living now compared to when I was an addict and just view this as another step in my ultimate sobriety.

The research of physicians I've read up on comes to the common conclusion that Suboxone should be used for a maximum amount of two years, unless certain personal circumstances call for longer, even life long (typically for life long H addicts whose chance of relapse outweighs the cons of long-term bupe exposure).

I don't know the mitigating circumstances that led you to be on Suboxone for so long. But from the reliable reading I've done that length is almost unheard of, and the exception to the norm when participating in maintenance therapy.

The information says that for a typical heavy opiate abuser, it takes two years for your receptors to shrink back to normal and any treatment ended prior to that can have an 85% chance of relapse.

Suboxone has given me some senseo of my previous life back, I will be weaned off earlier then the usual two years and have never used since my first dose, I've been weaning little by little and the foggy feeling is slowly diminishing.

Also keeping in mind every medication FDA supervised has side effects but with keeping in mind the pros must significantly outweigh the cons. This medication is meant for addicts who are READY for their lives to change. If they're misusing it, I'd say obviously they're not ready for sobriety but only looking for a new high and probably would die eventually from an overdose anyway.

Not trying to seem callous but it's the patients choice wether to utilize this hard to obtain chance at a better life or not and Suboxone didn't kill them they killed themselves.

Just my .02...

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Ash, I have to agree, you are correct. Suboxone is less lethal than H or Percocete or Oxy... The problem is this... Do you really know what Suboxone does to your brain? Especially to long term users? It can, and most likely will change the complete nuclear function of it, because of the suppressing of the neurotransmitters. Percocete and Oxy does the same thing, but the difference is, with Percocete and Oxy, you bounce back 100x quicker from the withdraws, than you do with Suboxone. That being said, if a person absolutely does the proper tapering from Suboxone, they will feel little to nothing in the way of PAWS... sure they will still have some withdraws, but for a shorter period of time, and less intense than from Oxy or Percocete. I do not know about H, since Ive never taken it. Now, do I think Suboxone can kill you? Yes, it can, especially since people do not follow the directions, and inject it, rather than under the tongue. Its the same with any of the powerful drugs. And people need to remember this, Suboxone is 10x more potent than Morphine. It most certainly is not for long term use, just as in any drug really.

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I'd say Suboxone maintenance is much less lethal then being addicted to H or prescription pills Lisa.

Cars if driving recklessly, or food when eating excessively, are known to kill because of MISUSE.

Go preach your paranoia elsewhere, not to people like us who, mild side effects aside, Suboxone has been a life saver. I've read up on extensive research and the only preventable deaths I've come across associated with Suboxone use are people who procure it illegally and use it without doctor monitoring.

Now rain your ill advised opinions on someone who hasn't seen their friends or family die, or close because of addiction and turned our lives around with Suboxone. I'll take mild constipation, weight gain etc in place of ruining my family's lives over dope.


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I have read thousands of posts and lots of medical info over the past four years, your post is my favorite Saul. Maybe because that's where I am on my taper, but also because your post is clear and concise.

Thank you Saul.

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Jennifer, what you need to do is start tapering. If you are taking 8mg per day... divided up 3 times per day, you need to start tapering. Start by taking it down to 7 or 7 1/2 mg per day. Stay on that dose for a week at least... then go down another 1/2 mg when you feel stable on the 7 1/2 or so. and keep doing it until you taper down to 1mg per day..some taper downs may take longer than a week, thats ok. Maybe it will take 2 weeks on the lower dose before you are ready to taper down again. But this is the only correct way to do it. Do not jump ship like I did... even though I was only 6mg per day, it was 8 years worth,and I had it bad. Tapering is the way to go.. that way you avoid the serious withdrawls, and the PAWS. PAWS is worse than any withdraw you can imagine. If you taper correctly, you will be in good shape.

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