Side Effects Of Wellwoman Original Vitamins (Page 6)


I am taking one capsule a day of this vitamin with my breakfast, but have very severe nausea after taking it. Is this common or normal? I am 44 yrs old and in good health.

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I am 36 I have started using well woman about a month ago. I finished the first pack without any side effect but this month when I started using the second pack. though I use it with other medication I discovered my eye lid swells. Can it be the cause and what is the solution?

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Ever since I started taken wellwoman am getting early period 4 days early is it bad ?

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I've hepatitis b and I want to know if this drug can course more harm to my liver.

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So do I, I've been taking it for 3 days and every time it triggered my migrain headache.

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I have been taking well woman for a couple of weeks and always feel nauseous the last couple of time s I have been physically sick and have stopped taking them ,does this mean I'm overdosing on vitamins never had a problem before with other vits

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Hey, I find that if I take it with a whole glass of water I don't feel sick afterwards. Otherwise I get the same thing.

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Am feeling pains in my stomach though i just startef using d pills yesterday could it be d drugs?

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Hi. Started taking well woman around 3 weeks ago. My periods are heavy but always on time.since I started well woman I had my period 4 days early. Was on for 4 days.stopped for the next day and now I have come back on. My cycle is 5 days without fail! I suffer really bad from anxiety and scared this is not normal. If anyone has had this happen before could you please comment! Thank you!

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Has your periods gone back to normal? I started well woman and come on 4 days early! Also had 4 days on.1 day off and started again!

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Hi my name is Kathy, I started taking wellwoman 70+ a month ago ,have much more energy but have what feels like period pains . I am 70 yrs of age, could this be a side effect?

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I was diagnosed with PCOS and hadn't had a period in 15 months. I started taking wellwoman 2 weeks ago & today they are back! Can't quite believe it worked.

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I took my first tablet today and my eye lids have swollen up. Also feel sick and had diarrhoea!!!

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I have been taking well woman for years now ( 3years) and have never experienced any of the side effects mentioned here. It's helped a lot with my PCOS, as it makes me have regular periods. It is recommended you take it with your MAIN MEAL. Meaning you need to eat well before you take it. If you don't it will make you feel dizzy and nauseous! The benefits are tremendous if you follow the directions.

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Am 35years now, I started using well woman and vitamin E about a week ago, but what I notice is podding heart, don't knw if to continue or not

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Please i am 57yrs,start talking wellwoman50 plus 8 days ago, i am a BP patient, the first 3 days i felt some uneasiness, but i am fine now, after eating plenty food before taking it, can i take my BP medication and take the wellwoman50 plus as the same time. I really feel good with this wellWoman, which i will recommend to everyone.

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I've been taking well woman for 3 weeks had my first period while taking them had I'm losing alot of blood. Lots some big lots of small . Not had this before wondering if it's normal ?

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My periods are heavier since I've started the well woman ?? Is it normal? Does anybody know if that's a good or bad sign . Plz help

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I experienced the same effect when i take it with breakfast.
Today i decided not to take it and i don't feel nauseous.
Bet i need another recommended vitamins from the doctor.

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I am a 22yr old lady and can't eat unless I take medication before I eat. Can I also take well-woman?

{edited for privacy}

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I have been using well woman for more than 5yrs now but for sometime now I find it difficult to pass stool is the prolong use of well woman the cause.

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