Side Effects Of Coveram 10/10 (Top voted first)


I cant sleep while taking coveram 10/10, is this normal? How long will the side effects last? The DR gave me 60 tablets for 2 months.

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Since taking coveram 10/10 for about a year now I have been experiencing symptoms of ED. Once I climax it takes forever to get ready again. It is frustrating for my partner.

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This medication contains Amlodipine and Perindopril, it most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and some cardiac conditions. Harry, the Amlodipine is known to cause insomnia in some people that take it, along with nausea, headache, increased urination, and hypotension, according to NIH reports.

Denhow, that can also be a normal side effect according to the NIH. Additionally, it is also normal for a man to take awhile to be ready to engage in intercourse, again, that is just a part of human physiology and aging, but that is not considered ED, it happens to all men. If you are still able to engage in intercourse on a fairly regular basis, which for most people in committed relationships is approximately 2 to 3 times a week, then there is nothing to worry about. Some engage more often, and some less often, it can vary from couple to couple.

Perhaps your partner just needs to relax and be a bit more understanding? I can only imagine that your partners frustration worries you, and the stress of that would make it even harder for you to get back in the mood.

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