Side Effects Of Bactrim (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I need to know of any side effects that may occur while taking this medication.

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I took bactrim for a nail infection ( bar rot) for a week. The day after I stopped taking it I got a bad metal taste in my mouth and my skin broke out in red spots (arms,legs, belly, not face) went to cvs pharmacy told me to take Benadryl. Knocked me out and rash did not go away. Took 2 more Benadryl and spots look better. Might go back to dr. tomorrow if not all gone. Nightmare. Never take bactrim again. Never had allergies in my life or reaction like this!!!!! Horrible drug if was free at publix, but I would rather pay for something safer. Not itchy just rash

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Doctor prescribed me Bactrim 4 weeks ago (Sept 3 to be exact) for UTI. I took until I started having side effects like elevated heart rate (almost like it was going to explode), feeling "out of it", anxiety about the 6th day in (Sept 9). Called the doctor and told me to continue which gut feeling told me to stop. Took it anyways and had the same symptoms the next day (Sept 10) and called again in which the Doctor told me to stop. The very next day around midnight (Sept 11), I had tiny bumps all over my upper body and arms. Started benadryl and took it every six hours (I had only two rounds of it). Next day (Sept 12), it went to hell as I was numb all over and chest tightness with short breaths, went to ER and giving prednisone and pepcid to eliminate the reaction which in few hours it was gone. Close call and very scary. I was giving antihistamines as well as prednisone for 5 days. After that, everything subsided. Now today (Oct 3) I feel somewhat better but still get mild bouts of feeling "out of it" or itching here and there or sometimes mild chest tightness.

Question to all those out there, how long does this take to be practically completely out of your system? I hear anywhere from 4-6 weeks or even several months, is that true? There's no way that this drug can remain in your system for a long time, can it? I am thinking I will be ok but it will take some time for my body to recover/rebuild and be ok again. Drinking plenty of fluids and exercise seems to help a lot. Does anyone recommend any supplements or a cleanse or anything? I would appreciate any feedback or replies, thank you!

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This medication is poison!!! I urge anyone who takes this medication and has a reaction to go back to your doctor and make him or her aware. Physicians need to be aware that this drug has SERIOUS side effects! Nobody ever said "oh we' re so sorry" after I ended up in the hospital with meningitis from Bactrim. Nobody said that this drug has many side effects. And even as a nurse I had no idea. No clue. Please f/u and get tx if you have any side effects. Thanks.

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I took one dose and had the exact same reaction--severe headache, neck pain/tightness, painful to take a breath, sharp pain right knee. Took advil and Benadryl and it went away.

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Personally, mine began with red, glassy eyes. They felt HOT. Then my muscles began to hurt. The muscle pain was in groUps-thighs, then arms, calves etc. My entire body felt as if it were breaking in two. Then back pain began. Fever of almost 104 (taking meds did reduce it but it did not go away). Body felt rigid. Stiff, as if I couldn't move it. While this began, my chest was feeling tight, throat began to hurt and mouth and tongue began to swell. In no time my face was swollen. Now I would advise anyone to go straight to the ER once breathing is Impaired or labored. I however, have a cousin and his wife who are both RN's and a friend who is. I text them. I was NOT able to breathe if I spoke. Took 2 Benadryls. After 30 -45 minutes took 2 more. Then I began to feel nauseated And have diarrhea. I only vomited once but still... I just couldn't get comfortable. Felt like the flu except worse. Later on, my mouth became raw and is now full of canker sores inside it, on my tongue and going down my throat. Also there is a sickening headache that can be a side effect Of course I got that too! that one pill zapped all of the life out of me. I could barely walk for almost 2 days Due to weakness and dizziness. I took that ONE dose on a Tuesday afternoon.It is now Saturday afternoon and I still ache in my legs and arms, still have cankers on my tongue and throat. The inside of my mouth is still raw but now I can live with this. Oh and you may be sensitive to the sun. I sure am now. My skin is still flushed and eyes still glassy. I did find that coconut oil (organic and not processed) swished in my mouth has helped to heal the inside of my mouth. I just dig a spoonful out, and let it melt and swallow it (due to the throat probs) I hope this will help you or someone else. Oh and if anyone feels this coming on my cousins said take the benadryl asap and take a prilosec or Zantac with it as well.

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For me benadryl wasn't enough, I had to get a steroid shot and take oral steroids for a week. I should have said that before. I ended up in the er, my arms were feverish, red and swollen.

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I have had very sore muscles and joints starting about 2 weeks after stopping Bactrim. I didn't take the last 3 pills also because I was nauseated.

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I was on Bactrim for a bacteria found in my lungs after a broncoscopy. I had a lot of side effects with this antibiotic. Watery eyes and very blurry, pin point red spots on body, itchy skin and dry patches. I managed. To. Get thru most of this with not too much discomfort. But, after about 3 days I started getting aches all over my body. Still I kept taking it. After about 9 days the pAin kept getting worse. Here I am 3 weeks after my 10 day dose and I can't get rid of the aches and pain in joints and muscles. I read somewhere in one of these ads that it could take months for this to go away. I certainly hope not. My right leg gets so weak, I have almost fallen several times.

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I also had a rash on my skin in my skin fold where my elbow is and on my hand. I felt real bad indigestion, terrible constipation (which I already have, but got worst) weak, fatigue, trouble breathing. Throat issues like it was closing up and doing weird. It was terrible, I just wanted my skin to clear but I'm so sensitive to everything. I took Benedryl and felt better afterwards that's how I knew.

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I've been having crazy dreams- nightmares- and exploding head syndrome- otherwise known as auditory hallucinations. Bizarre.

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I was put in the hospital, crazy low blood pressure, throwing up, flu like symptoms, awful rash, headache. STAY AWAY. Worst experience of my life

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I read the posts concerning Bactrim. I took it over a period of ten days, two tablets per day. During that period, I developed a rash on my tongue and my cheeks, gum and tongue were sensitive and sore. Even my teeth felt odd. My forearms and hands were weak and I had no idea what was going on until I finished the prescription.
Then I decided to take a good look at my tongue and was shocked to see the long, red rash - I thought it was a result of biting it. I now know it was an adverse reaction to Bactrim. I no longer have any pills left and wonder long these side effects will last

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You said that you had insomnia and anxiety, I too have those symptoms. I would like to know how long it took for those side effects to go away.

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I had my reaction almost two years ago. I still have a little issue with the redness when I get too warm and also when I get upset. It's not as extreme as when it first happened bury it's still there.

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I was on Bactrim for a UTI. 10 day dosage. On day 2, I was getting a headache and fatigued. On day 3, I got a sore throat. I thought I was catching a cold or flu. My UTI cleared up, but I kept feeling worse. On day 6 I was having nausea/lack of appetite. On day 8 I got a fever of 101 degrees, uncontrollable chills, and a few red spots on my hands.

On day 9 I had hives over my entire body. I immediately went to urgent care and they told me to stop taking it, gave me a steroid shot, and prescribed prednisone for 5 days. They told me to take Zyrtec if I needed it. My rash got incredibly itchy and red, and was still spreading even after the steroids. Basically had to suffer through it. It has been 15 days since then, and the rash is fading, but still isn't quite gone. It also flares up every once in a while.

Coming off prednisone also gave me an incredible acne breakout on my face/neck/back that is only just clearing up. I feel closer to normal, but still not 100%. Be careful with Bactrim and anything your doctors give you for a negative reaction...

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I had the exact same problem! The muscle pain was so bad that when I tried to take a shower I couldn't stand so I sat down. Then the pain was so bad I couldn't stand up on my own. Went to the doctor twice and both times they said it wasn't the medication. I took one pill about a week and a half apart and had the same reaction each time. It was horrible and I don't think I'll ever take it again!

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get off this stuff immediately. this medication nearly ruined my life. seriously. stop taking it.

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Oh ny! Mine allergy to this showed up after 1 dose! I all but stopped breathing! So glad you stopped taking this. I didn't feel right or get over the one pill for well over a month!

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Mine was on my arms. It was red and swollen, felt like a sunburn. Two years later it's still red and that part of my arm feels cold all of the time now.

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I have this too after one dose , i have horrible health anxiety too so im freaking out about it.

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