Side Effects Of Bactrim (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I need to know of any side effects that may occur while taking this medication.

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Hi everyone, I posted here a while back about Bactrim and Cipro--- I have read these latest replays and I have to agree. Not many Dr will ever say it was caused by Bactrim or Cipro-- BECAUSE THEY GET TO MANY KICK BACKS FROM THESE COMPANYS. They get all kinds of wonderful vacations trips lodging meals you name it. ALCHOL too. So if you do happen to run across one that will tell you the truth KEEP THAT DR FOR SURE! It's been months ago and I still have numbness and tingling in my hands, still freezing cold.. Oh and did I tell y'all in inLouisiana and its 90* today! So all I can say is keep drinking lots of water and eating healthy food. And PRAY! I hope we all get over this episode and we never have any more side effects later on down the road.

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Did you make sure your pharmacist is aware of her allergies? That sounds more like an allergic reaction, rather than just a med side effect.

The problem however is that in spite of all those years of medical school, doctors do not learn or know as much about medications and the various ingredients. It is possible this is a new allergy for her, or that there was a sulfa substance in the inactive ingredients, and since the inactives vary from company to company and your doctor has no way of knowing what brand you are going to get at the pharmacy since generics are available, they cannot possibly know if such a substance might be in those pills.

It is really your pharmacist who has access to that information, they have the full ingredient list for each version of ever medication they carry so they can check that for you with much more accuracy than your doctor can.

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That said (see post below) I do have really crazy nightmares on it. :)

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Hello, how is your husband now? How long did it take (if at all) to feel ok? This has happened to me and scared as hell!!

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my grandson, 13 yrs. old, was given bactrim for a sinus infection. he had to have the liquid, because he can't swallow pills yet. after 3 doses (1 and 1/2 days), his fever went up , he feels bad generally, and is having trouble sleeping, he's wose now than when he first went to the doctor. if this is a bad reaction to bactrim, how long will it last? i hate seeing him like this. he is no longer taking the bactrim.

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I took Bactrim DS for 7 days for a UTI and on the 9th day after starting the drug I broke out with a severe rash. The next day I went to the ER cause it was getting worse. Got a shot of prednisone and a prescription for prednisone to take for 3 days. It is horrible. Covering 90% of my body, itching, and now it is in my face. My back is red like a real bad sunburn. I am also taking benedryl. I hope this goes away soon, miserable.

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I am a 19-year-old female and I have never been allergic to any medications (only experienced mild side effects of others), so I wasn't concerned when I was prescribed Bactrim for a UTI. I took Bactrim for 5 days (I was prescribed for 7 days) and each day I felt more and more nausea, horrible headaches, and my digestive system went nuts with diarrhea, until finally it started preventing me from doing my job as an RA at my college dorm. I have been off it for two days now and my stomach is still experiencing severe nausea. I've been taking Maalox and sipping Canada Dry just to prevent myself from throwing up.

I also have an undiagnosed stomach issue that gives me nausea (my doctor thinks it's an ulcer, but I didn't have time to get it tested before leaving for school), so the Bactrim might have piled on top of that. Regardless, I really don't want to ever take this drug again.

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Please read post 61..and the other posts of mine...jackie
I have been suffering from these side effects . My body is still not right and now I am on 900 mg of Neurontin for the nerve pain tthat I am left with .
I feel so sorry for the pain of all of you!

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Dawn, I am so glad to hear that your daughter is getting better- I feel silly for worrying about my symptoms in light of your sweet baby's suffering. That is just terrible- but, let's look to the future and good health!

I am going to the doctor today because after my one dose reaction i have had severe neck pain; the slightest movement is excruciating. No more hives which makes me wonder is this something else that just so happened to surface by coincidence or is it related?

My question is- Will the doc take me seriously or just tell me "it's a virus" and not really hear me out. What can I say to get his/her attention and to not just rule this out.

I feel out of the water because my hives are gone...but in the middle of the night, I reach a level of anxiety just thinking "what is going on with me?"

Again, I know my symptoms are small compared to so many others, but it's starting to freak me out a bit...and is there really any tx at this point? Or do I just need to let it run it's course out of my system.

Any advice or insight would be helpful. My appt is at 3:30 today EST. I'll keep you updated on the doc's response.

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Hi! I too have felt those anxiety levels. Now I have been sick to my stomach on and off for two weeks - could it be Bactrim? I don't know but I wonder. I suggest if you have a printer go to the wesite Bactrim and there's a man who exposed this in London, where they banned it. Show THAT to your Doctor and ask, why was this prescribed to me? He may say, UTI, bull! Best, feel better!

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We seem to have different levels of reactions to this drug. Some are pretty severe. When I told my dr. about it, he just said don't ever take sulfa again. However the ER doctors took it a lot more seriously.
I recently went to the eye dr. and he prescribed new eye drops for my glaucoma. When I got to the pharmacy to fill it, the pharmacist said do you realize this drug has sulfa in it? No...I sure didn't. I never gave it a thought that an eye drop would have sulfa. Thank god for the pharmacist catching it and looking at my records to see that I was allergic to sulfa. I will have to be more viligant on what I am prescribed and to research it before I take it. I filed papers with the FDA after my reaction to Bactrim. Don't know if it will do any good, but maybe with enough complaints, they will do something about this drug.

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Ginger- thanks for sharing. I just read that diuretics (water pills) have sulfa too. And THAT explains my visit to the ER while I was in Hawaii about 6 years ago! No way would I have thought water pills could blow me up like that! Looks like we have to question/research everything our docs tell us.

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I must say, I was treated as a crazy person when explaining this to the E.R. Dr. I was never helped by anybody, although I was seen by about a dozen Dr.'s at 2 private practices and the E.R. The only thing that gave me hope was this thread and the online research I had done. I was sick for many weeks, I lost so much weight and missed 3 weeks of work. I cannot believe healthcare professionals are not aware of the reactions or refuse to admit they are aware because they know it must run its course. I actually broke down and just started sobbing at the E.R. Because they treated me as if I was insane and threatened to call social services. I am now fighting the bills because they did not help me at all and billed me almost $6,000. I wish anybody experiencing this the best of luck and advise that if you are not taken seriously to find a better Dr.

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i had same experience i was upset with the nurse at the er bec. she told me what i had was not the effect of bactrim...i wanted to tell her who the heck is she to tell me that i know my body more than anybody else does and i never had those symptoms until i took bactrim .symptoms such as tremor, total loss of appetite , stabbing pains on my pelvic areas on and off, and a bit pain on my right forearm,couldnt sleep, i was dehydrated, had loss of breath, my nose was clogged even if i had no colds , nausea, hard to swallow, i was so weak..those all happened on the second day of taking bactrim.....I hate that Er doctor who prescribed me for UTI....BACTRIM SHOULD BE OFF THE MARKET WITH ALL THESE SIDE EFFECTS. why doctors prescribed them especially to a pregnant woman like me? maybe they should use bactrim to those who are diagnosed with severe cases who need a strong dose, unlike us who needs antibiotic for simple allergies or uti...

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I just started taking the generic form of Bactrim DS for a UTI on monday. Now I'm not sure if this is because I pulled something in my back and neck somehow, or what, but the second day I took the medication, I got a pain in the back of my head--like the middle of the back of my head--and this was very unusual I've never had a headache in the back of my head before. I took some ibuprofin and it disappeared after an hour or so.
The next evening, I began getting a really bad neck ache on the left side of my neck, tender to touch. By the time I crawled into my bed, I also had pain in the back of my neck, and up into my head again. It's a constant, burning pain. I eventually fell asleep, after taking ibuprofin and cursing my muscles.
The next day, I am still in pain. I went ahead and took the Bactrim DS in the morning, but after reading this thread I decided that maybe it wasn't a pulled muscle. For sure, this is weird not normal feeling pain.
I am definitely not finishing out the Bactrim DS. I'm only on day three, but I'd rather not have any more back pain if that is what is causing it.
I called a nurses hotline, and she acted like it was just a pulled muscle, but to contact the pharmacist and tell them to change the medication.
I just hope the UTI doesn't come back worse, since I barely took my medication. :S

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Ive been taking that bactrim too and it had me feeling really bad so ive stopped taking it. My side effects are still here with me. My question to you is how long did it take for your symptoms to subside?

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I was on the double dose of Bactrim and also on a 20 day course. I was on the 14th day when bad side effects started to happen. At first I did not link them together to the Bactrim. My mouth and lips became itchy. Then on the 15th day I had headaches and a very stiff neck that I thought was attributed to how I slept. As the day progressed it seemed to get worse. Motrin didn't even relieve the pain or headache. That night I could not sleep because as soon as I began to drift off I awoke with a terrible itch all over my body. By 4am I took an allergy pill and that seemed to help calm the itch. By the 16th day my neck was in so much pain I could not easiy turn my head. I felt as if I had been in a accident and had whiplash. That is when I began to search online and see if this was a reaction to the Bactrim. Thank God everyone posted these reactions online or I would have had no way of knowing. I called my doctor and also my pharmacist to report it to them. Now, I will also call the FDA. I understand some people may still need this medicine but this drug should be one that is given with caution. I took Aleve and that seems to help bring down the neck pain to a level of 6 1/2. Now, if I sit without any movement I almost feel no pain. However, if I move or do not prop both my arms on the armrest with pillows the arms put a strain on my shoulder which strains my neck and I am back in pain again. I cannot wait until this is out of my system. I drank lots of water and took some milk thistle to help aid the liver in detoxing it out. I hope everyone feels better soon!

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I took bectrim and it was a half of one and my mouth broke out with blister and hurts very bad like something burnt me inside my mouth

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The drug is long out of your system, typically an antibiotic is only in your system about 24 hours after you stop taking it. What you are experiencing now are after effects. No way of knowing how long they can last, but if it's been 7-8 weeks, I'd recommend seeing your doctor.

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I was prescribed Bactrim for my UTI. On the 3rd day of taking the antibiotic I woke up at 3am sick as a dog. I was nauseous and had watery stool. The side effects continued to present. Headaches, body aches, nausea, back pain, shaking and just generally an ill feeling. I am now on day 7 of 10 and am toughing it out but I feel horrible.

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