Side Effects, Urbanol
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On the 07/03/2015, my mother of 81 years old has been prescribed Urbanol, simultaneously whilst she's taking Cilift. Over this week end she started with symptoms of feeling extremely tired, energy less and totally drained; almost like she either suffered a stroke or TIA. She has also, due to her legs suddenly becoming weak and lame, fallen twice. She says it feels like her legs become lame and her legs just can't support her body. She too experienced this throughout her entire body. She has been on Cilift for approx 5 years, however her GP prescribed Urbanol because she felt anxious and panicky. Today her GP said to stop with the Urbanol. Could Urbanol cause these side effects?

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Hey, I have recently started takind Urbanol with Cilift. I am on it for anxiety, recently my whole body started itching. Can this be a side effect? Or can it be a withdrawel symptom if you skipped a view days with the Urbanol?

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Hello, Louis! How is your mom doing?

Yes, it has been known to cause such side effects, as reported by the FDA, it also carries the risk of being habit forming. They are usually more pronounced in the elderly, because they can be much more sensitive to its effects.

Are these the only medications she takes? Does she have any other diagnosed medical conditions?

Side effects can also be intensified due to taking both medications, though she may not have a problem when taking just the one.

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