Side Effect Of Daneuron Tablet


Is there any side effect of daneuron tablet which consists of : Vitamin B1 100mg Vitamin B6 200mg Vitamin b12 200mcg. I read in the web that max limit dosage for b6 is 100mg. Overdosage can cause sensory neuropathy. I have been taking 2 tablets a day for 3 months and recently I am experiencing numbness and tingling sensation on my 10 fingers and 10 toes.

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Nutritional supplements aren't tested for side effects as is done with prescription drugs.

Learn more B vitamin details here.

However, yes the B vitamins can be dangerous if you take too much of them. So, if you've been taking more there is a chance that it could be at the root of the symptoms you're experiencing. Too much of them can be as dangerous as not enough.

You may want to get yourself checked out to make sure you've not done any permanent damage, though it isn't very likely.

In all probability, you just need to lay off taking them for awhile.

Do you have any medical conditions? Are there any medications you take regularly?

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Thanks. Yes the doc prescribed 2 tablets of daneuron which consists of total 400mg of b6 for my cervical spine degeneration of c5 & c6.

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prenancy can use Daneuron?

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