Side Affects For Lartab 10-500
UpdatedWhat are all of the side effects for Hydrocodone 10=500
1 Reply
Side effects of Hydrocodone in and of itself can include:
fuzzy thinking
abnormally happy or abnormally sad mood
dry throat
difficulty urinating
narrowing of the pupils (black circles in the center of the eyes)
slowed or irregular breathing
chest tightness
difficulty breathing
fever or chills
Side effects of Acetaminophen are:
swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs
difficulty breathing or swallowing
In recommended doses, the side effects of Acetaminophen are said to be mild to non-existent. However, prolonged daily use increases the risk of upper gastrointestinal complications such as stomach bleeding, and may cause kidney or liver damage.
Linked below are a few references for these side effects:
Lortab Side Effects
Acetaminophen Side Effects
I hope this helps!
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