Side Effects From Zyprexa (Top voted first)


The only adverse side effect I've experienced with Zyprexa is weight gain. I've gained 40 pounds in a year but I'm so stable on it it hardly matters! I love Zyprexa!

2 Replies

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I will give you an early warning though, if you ever try to stop using this, because you don't need it anymore, or you are switching to something else, you will have great difficulties with addiction to this, I know many people who have had this problem, even if they were only on it for a very short time. My own husband was on it for just a few weeks, he is diabetic so the weight gain was a real problem and he had to stop taking it, and even in that short time span, trying to get off it was just miserable.

Also, since Zyprexa causes hunger, the weight gain will not stop or slow down, that is a constant effect of using it, not something that wears off, so you will need to be careful, or the weight gain will continue and just get worse.

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Also beware of long-term usage. My Mother was on zyprexa for years with fairly good results until we realized she now has permanent nervous system damage. Strong antipsycotics can help in one area while destroying another, weigh the benefits carefully!

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