Side Effects Of Lycra
4 Replies
Lyrica contains the active ingredient Pregabalin, it is an anticonvulsant that is also used to treat certain types of nerve pain and as a mood stabilizer.
It is not prescribed to help with problems sleeping, but it can cause drowsiness as a side effect, along with: nausea, dizziness and weight gain.
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I take 300mg Lycra in morning and 300 at night fro damaged to nerve in my wrist. I type a lot at work but do not use 2 of my fingers as they do not have much feeling and tingle. By mid day I have pain and when it is damp it is worse. What extra pain relief can I take?
consult physiotherapist to mobile the nerve. medicine gives side effect
I was prescribed Pregablin 50mg to be taken 3 times daily for neuropathy caused by diabetes affecting my feet. I am also taking Statin drugs for my chloestrol. I have suddenelly developed weakness in my thighs.Previously statin drugs have produced stiffness in my thighs but not weakness. Could this be due to Pregablin which I have taken now for about 2 weeks.Can I stop taking it abruptly without any adverse effect.It has helped only a little against my neuropathy.
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