Shelcal Or Gemcal Which One To Take
Updatedcan anyone clarify the difference between shelcal and gem cal?
16 Replies
Some of the ingredients are different.
Shelcal contains Calcium Carbonate and Vitamin D3.
Gemcal contains:calcitriol 0.25 mcg, calcium carbonate 500 mg amd zinc 7.5 mg.
So it is what they provide and their formulations, it depends on what your body needs and what your doctor recommends that you use.
Which has your doctor recommended?
Gemcal is alws better then the shelcal...cause it contains Calcitriol which is an active form of vit D3...n zinc which reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
what are the side effects of Gemcal
Thanks for your valuable advice. By the way are you a Doctor? I was prescribed Shelcal by my doctor but I got Gem Cal from my CGHS Dispensary.
Thanks and Regards,
Which one to take Gemcal or Shelcal M. I am 47years old.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I want a composition of calcium, d3, magnesium, zinc and if possible vitamin
Re: Ramesh (# 4)
They are same. Both have Calcium and Vit D3. Take instead Calcium Citrate. It's better absorbed. Available as CCM, AARACHITOL-O, THYROCAL D3, OSSOPAN MCM etc
Gemcal plus having calcium carbonate 625mg magnesium 50mg zinc 7.5mg calcitriol.0.25mcg boron 1.5mg mecobalamin 750mcg and k2- 7-45mcg.
Is shelcal ia better than gemcal ?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Shelcal CTN max was recommended by my doctor.
Shelcal contain calcium and vitamin D3 and gemcal contain calcium and vitamin or zinc so its mean gemcal is best to take.
Re: Ramesh (# 4)
Which tablet is better Shelcal 500 or gemcal D3 ?
Re: Deepak kalra (# 2)
Is gemcal safe for stoma h
Re: Deepak kalra (# 2)
Re: Verwon (# 1)
Which tab best shelcal or gemcal
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