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Can I have unprotected sex while using canex v cream? ## I'm a 20 year old girl. I went to the doctor for a vaginal rash, then i got better. Now my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex but i used canex v earlier before we had sex, so now my vagina doesn't feel the same; it's kind of itchy and my boyfriend's penis is now having a reddish rash....So i dont know wether is it okay to use canex v after or before having sex?....Please help me. ## Well you should have stay for 1-2 days after using the cream. You must not have sex even if you are to use a condom.Let the treatment work.
Anyone know of one in Michigan? Seen it can greatly increase female libido. If anyone knows of a doctor that would be amazing! ## I'm sorry, but there is no listing of doctors according to what they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to for you. If you're having libido issues, you should consult a gynecologist for help, they specialize in such problems. Depending on what's causing your problem, this might not be the appropriate drug to help. Are there any other questions or concerns? ## Cannabis is fantastic for the female libido.
The doctor gave me Sporasec capsules to take for an infection and I need some details on it. Whether it's for a sexual transmitted disease or/& the purposes of Sporasec and side-effects of it. In light of all of this, I am also bleeding and need to know why? So I'm waiting until the capsules are finished then I will go to another gyne for a second opinion. What do you suggest? ## My wife has had a series of infections, mostly yeast, for some time. Just the other day her GYN prescribed SPORASEC to her, every 12hr/3 days, and without any consultation or test on my part, said that I as well needed to take this. I am exhibiting no symptoms whatsoever. Is this med commonly administered to men when their wife/sex partner has to take this drug....thank you ## Sporasec contains the ...
What is a white oblong pill with RX 504 on it? ## This tablet contains Acyclovir 400 mg (NDC 63304-0504). It is primarily used for the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections, as well as in the treatment of herpes zoster (shingles). Inactive Ingredients: - Silicon Dioxide - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Starch, Corn - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Corn Ref: DailyMed ## What is a white RX504 pill used for? I received it for pain but it is not really helping. ## This is an antiviral drug so it's not meant to treat pain directly. It could help to clear up viral infections, which would in turn alleviate your symptoms.
Can you please identify a tablet I found, it's a peachy colour round tablet with V & I on one side & on the other side it has the letter C Thank You ## It's Aciclovir used for treating herpes. Sometimes also used for shingles or chicken pox ## Hi, i was under the impression it was an ant acid, how do you know its acciclovr? Thank you ## Pink tablet with c on one side and V then a straight vertical line then a c Do you know if it is a vitamin c tablet
i went to the emergency room yesterday. I contracted herpes in january and after taking strong antibiotics started to becone sore afain. I have painful sores and thick whitish light yellowish discharge. THE doctor gave me adco m along with other medicine and a viginal cream. WOULD this solve my problem or is he confusing the herpes with a yeast infection or vangitis? ## Hello, Natasha! How are you? That type of discharge is indicative of a bacterial infection and the Metronidazole is an antibiotic. Learn more Metronidazole details here. It is often the first choice to treat bacterial vaginosis. That discharge isn't typical of herpes, as I said, that's indicative of an infection. Is there anything else I can help with? ## What does adco metronida 400 do when you had miscarriage?
large oblong white scored pill with M123 on one side ## This tablet contains 1gm of Valacyclovir, an antiviral medication most commonly used to treat herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster. (NDC 0378-4276). Inactive Ingredients: - Ammonia - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polyethylene Glycols - Propylene Glycol - Shellac - Titanium Dioxide - Ferrosoferric Oxide Common side effects may include: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headache. Source: DailyMed ## What is herpes simplex and herpes zoster? how are these transmitted and where on the body does the herpes normally appear? Is this a common sexual/nonsexual outbreak?
My wife was prescribed this medicine for use after seeing the dentist. She got a lot of stomach aches and now her lips have developed a rash that hurts. What can we do? She stopped using it for about seven days now. The stomach ache has stopped but the rash on the lips are still there and not going away. She went to the pharmacist and they said to drink lots of water. Any suggestions please? ## Hello, Micah! How are you and your wife? A rash on the lips like that is usually due to a herpes simplex virus, which is easy to catch and nothing to really worry about, it should clear up on its own after a couple weeks. However, there is no cure and it will likely recur a couple of times a year. While the rash is still active, she should see her doctor to have a culture done to confirm if that...
I used Zyclara as directed for 2 weeks, the last 4 or 5 days on my cheeks. It peeled as I expected but left some scaring on 1 cheek, and both cheeks turned bright red. The redness did not go away in the following 2 weeks so my Dr told me to stop the 2nd treatment that was to begin Nov 28, 2019. Now 2 months lated the cheeks are just as red after Oracea 40mg and 2 different Rx creams with zero results. What now? Am I stuck with red cheeks forever? ## I also used Zyclara on my face as directed for 2 weeks on, then 2 weeks off. Had a few scabby red marks, but those faded before I began the second round of cream on June 14. Overnight, my face was full of red spots, much more reaction than the first time, which is "unusual" according to my doctor. I stopped on the 19th as I developed...
My mom was given Acyclovir 800 mg to take 5 times a day. What does that mean??? ## 24/5=4.8 hours or 288 minutes or 4 hours & 48 minutes ## Your math is right, but should we take the number of waking hours and divide by 5 rather than the entire 24 hour period? So accounting for sleep, 16 hours awake / 5 times = 3.2, so about every 3.5 hours? Update - I looked up the Acyclovir dosage guidelines on DailyMed, and it states "800 mg every 4 hours orally, 5 times daily for 7 to 10 days." ... So it seems like somewhere in the middle of both of our answers lol
Topical anti-tumor medication ## What is aldara used for? What are the side effects? ## My GP is pressuring me to use Aldara on multiple skin cancers on arms and legs caused by autoimmune meds eg Azathioprine. I have resisted so far but because of the numbers, he is saying “ I can’t keep chopping these out there are too many” The specialist will not reduce or stop the Aza even though my blood readings are very good. Help!
Is this medication good for a situation where you might have a venereal disease (STI)? ## Hello, Cw! How are you? It depends on which STI the person is infected with, this antibiotic may not be appropriate to treat all, thus it should only used if prescribed by one's doctor. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Is this medication good for toothache/infection? I'm in a lot of pain. Can anyone help? ## Hey, you get an answer as to if Ampitrex is useful for a venereal disease such as gonorrhea or chlamydia? ## Ampitrex (Ampicillin) is a penicillin antibiotic which can treat certain bacterial infections. According to RxList, it is ...
2 and a half years I have suffered from taking Aldara. The muscle and nerve damage has disabled my left arm. My hips, knees, elbows, have all been compromised. I suffer gland and throat swelling when bitten by an insect. I have lost 80% of my physical strength. I lose consciousness from time to and pass out, nerve damage is severe. ## Hi Darren, Sorry to hear about your situation with Aldara. Have you taken any sort of legal action or visited a doctor regarding these side effects? I would like to offer more helpful advice, but it's not clear on what type of information you are seeking or asking for. I found several articles on the potential side effects of this drug and I would certainly agree that it's not something that should be taken lightly. My last question is, why would y...
where can i get terrasil her in philippine? Terrasil can cure a genital warts? Almost 3 yrs i suffered this kind of warts. ## You can purchase Terrasil online at ## There is actually not cure for the HPV that causes genital warts. Once you are infected with this virus, you will have it for the rest of your life and the risk of infecting a sex partner is always present. There are treatments that can help reduce the occurrence of warts. Have you consulted a doctor? As to Terrasil, I don't know where it can be obtained in the Philippines and, since it is an over the counter product, it has not been proven to have any effect at treating genital warts. You can learn more about them and the treatments options here: ## i'm not sure about terrasil. but what i'm u...
I have developed facial rash, can Canex v help get rid of them? ## Hello, Ray! How are you? The best thing to do would be to see your doctor to discover what has caused the rash and find out what the appropriate treatment would be. If Canex V is used inappropriately, it could actually make it worse. The FDA lists its typical side effects as including skin redness, dryness and irritation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Can I use Canex T for my excema on my eye? ## i have warts on my thighs and around vagine for more than 4yrs.i consult many doctor and they priscribe aldara cream but its not worried plz help ## M suffering from eczaema,ring worms on my body n auckney on my face,i don't know wat to use pls help
I've been searching everywhere for an answer to this, but does anybody know if it is okay to take Advil with Valacyclovir? My wife's gotten a headache (a reported side effect) and is really wanting to take a pain medication. I have read that individuals should check with their doctor before taking Valacyclovir if they are taking NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen, but I can't seem to find a definite answer if one Advil will be harmful. ## Ibuprofen is not specifically listed as a drug which interacts with Valacyclovir (meaning it is not implicitly described as dangerous to take together with it, whereas other drugs have been mentioned). This does not mean that you shouldn't double check with your doctor or pharmacist, but she should be good to take an Advil, as lo...
I have used norflox tz tablet after my doctor prescribed and started a sever skinny burn at few locations on my skin and itching on my private parts , sore throat( pain while swallow) with severe joint pains...does the side effects of usage of norflox tz lead to syphilis Orr arthritis... My doctor hazd said he has given small dosage only... Still these symptoms are have come I have stopped using the tablet...should I see attend to these the skin rash is manageable but the doubts of syphilis or arthritis causing tension.. ## A medication cannot cause Syphilis, so there is no need to worry about that. The joint and muscle aches, however, can be normal side effects, but given the other symptoms, you should have it checked out by your doctor to be sure of what's causing t...
Lately, Addyi has been taking strides to position itself as a sensational new alternative to Lady Era and effectively lay claim to the hailed title, "female Viagra". You might be wondering why a medication like Addyi is even referred to as "female Viagra", but some people do believe that's this is because Viagra has arguably set the global benchmark for a consistently potent and compelling product [insert exclamation point]. It may be true that Viagra doesn't work for everyone, but Addyi aims to fill that gap with a solution for women. Even though Addyi is often compared to Viagra, they contain two completely different active ingredients and work in the body differently. Addyi contains the active ingredient Flibanserin and is designed to increase or restore a wom...
my doctor prescribed ciprofloxcn 500mg, but idk if it is a bladder infection or std. would he have told me if it was an std? ## In theory, he should have, because when someone has an STD, they should be informed of such, so they know to avoid sexual contact with another person, to avoid infecting others. In addition, there is also the chance that their sex partner may also be infected and need to be treated. This is an antibiotic and may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## Recently underwent Hernia surgeryApr/May in philippines, now brown ubine some nausea and edema in ankles and feet, no pain just annoying, also some insomnia . prescribed ciprofloxacin ## my doctor prescribed 500 mg ciproflaxin for bladde...
I stay in Nigeria in a city called Warri to be precised..... My name is Juliet and I have warts and infection....and have asked for this wonderful product. I hear about but can't seem to find it. Please where can it be found here in Nigeria? ## All the kind of products available in online so no need to worry about. you can search products on the internet or any other drug stores. hope it ill help to you. ## @Juliet.I don't when you made your request,but have you been able to get the product?. ## where to get terersil in abuja Nigeria pls ## Where can i get terrasil warts removal cream in Lagos Nigeria ## Where can I get terrasil in Lagos? ## I am in Abuja pls direct me where to get terrasil wart