Severe Panic Attacks, Almost Psychotic Feeling, Scared (Top voted first)


I was prescribed 1 , 4 mg med pack for cough and fluid in lungs that wouldn't clear up with antibiotics alone. This all started with strep and pneumonia. I have a history of panic attacks and depression, but it has been years. After the first 3 pills it was time for bed. Awoke after 2 hours and remained awake for 24 hours, 4 panic attacks in that time. Called doc. She said take a day of off of pack to rest, then continue. Major panic attacks, racing thoughts, anger, fear. I only took 2 of the 4 pills for yesterday. Will not take anymore. How long before these crazy feelings go away. I have elderly family members to care for...I need to be me again. Please help. I have taken alprazolam 3xper day to help with symptoms...not much help.

2 Replies

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Hello, Holly! How are you feeling? I'm sorry about what happened to you.

Yes, if you read deeply into the side effect information for most steroid class medications, you'll see that they can cause anxiety, irritability, panic attacks and etc. in some people that take them, especially if that person is already prone to such.

Were you taking them all at once, or splitting them up throughout the day?

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I was taking them throughout the day. I am feeling somewhat better today, and the Dr. assures me I should be back to normal hopefully by tomorrow. Thank you for your response. I have had to take this same medicine once before,...several years ago. That time they actually made me feel really good. Almost like super woman. This time I seemed to have all the negative effects. Will never take them again. I had the muscle weakness, thick feeling tongue, almost all of the side effects that they say call the dr. If you have "this".

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