Sertal Compuesto In Usa (Top voted first)


Does anyone have information on the availability of Sertal Compeusto (pink tablet) in the USA?

Active Ingredients: Lysine Clonixinate + Propinox (Propinoxate)

14 Replies

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I got the little pink pills called Compuesto Sertal in the caribics prescribed, which worked for me like a miracle. Since it is not available here, is there any similar or generic product available?

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Can I buy Sertal Compuesto in the United States? I live in Orlando, FL.

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Did you ever find how to get Setal Compuesto in the USA? My mother in law is visiting from Latin America and ran out. She is in severe pain and we need to know how to get some of this, or a generic equivalent.

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I went to the Dominican Republic and I caught a stomach virus with a lot of pain... I went to the Dr and he prescribe me the pill Sertal Compuesto and it work wonderfully. In about 5 to 10 min the pain was gone....

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IT IS A MIRACLE PILL PERIOD... I just took a Sertal Compuesto 10 mg PAIN Pill my friend gave to me yesterday that she gets from her family in another country (I won't say) however I was in so much pain in my left leg from the knee down I was in tears and COULD NOT WALK it was SUPER PAIN felt like you were twisting my kneecap and my heal off my body, after I took the SERTAL COMPUESTO within 10 minutes I felt the severe pain leaving my body and within 2 more minutes (so 12 minutes total) I was 100% PAIN FREEEEEEEEE, UNBELIEVABLE RESULTS and I am NOT JOKING but I could dance from here to HEAVEN AND BACK, what a relief. Thank You Rena : ))))))))))))))))) Love, Hal

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IBS in south america.

The little pink pill: Sertal Compuesto (Propinox clorhidrato, Clonixinato de lisina)

I'm 65 and a veteran. I've had this condition for 20 years at least. When I visited Ecuador a few years ago I had an attack that put me on the floor (again). It wasn't food or the water! I'm a big boy and I know the difference.

I had to return to the apartment and cry and roll around like a baby.

The woman I was with went to the pharmacy and got a syringe and some Sertal Compuesto.

10 mins after the inj. the IBS was gone. No pain. I stopped crying due to the pain and began crying because I was so happy.

It also comes in a pink pill that takes about 30 mins to work.

I had attacks every 6 months. I changed the diet lost weight etc. Nothing worked.

Sertal Compuesto works. The FDA won't allow it into the USA for sales. Must be purchased elsewhere.

I now live in Ecuador. I keep both pills and inj. on hand.

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It's not available in the USA. I know this medicine because it's from my country. Shame that it's not available here in the USA.

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Can you take sertal compuesto with floratil, the probiotic?

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Refusal Details as Recorded in OASIS by FDA for Refusal XXX-0110893-6/1/39
Manufacturer FEI: 3004771274
Manufacturer Name: Roemmers S.A.

Manufacturer Address:
Cno. Maldonado 5634
Montevideo, Uruguay

Product Code: 65QCA99
Importer's Product Description: SERTAL COMPUESTO
Refusal Date: 05-Aug-2005
FDA District: BLT-DO
Entry/doc/line/sfx: XXX-0110893-6/1/39

FDA Sample Analysis
No FDA Record of Private Lab Sample Analysis
No Charge(s)

Violation Code: NO ENGLISH
Section: 502(c);
Charge: 801(a)(3);

Required label or labeling appears to not be in English in violation of 21 C.F.R. 201.15(c)(1).

Violation Code: UNAPPROVED
Section: 505(a),
Charge: 801(a)(3);

The article appears to be a new drug without an approved new drug application.

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Is there a drug in the USA that's similar?

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Re: Catherine (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Buscopan works the very same way. You may need to take 2 10 ml tabs but it is wonderful

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Re: ela (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

This are the active components of SERTAL COMPUESTO in case you ask for a similar product in your country: Propinox + Lysine Clonixinate.

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Re: bob2v2 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Can anyone tell me if I can order this from Equador or anywhere that it is sold and shipped to me in Canada? It is a miracle med for my IBS!!!

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Re: Tracey (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Not available in the US.

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