Seroquel Dosage Safety (Top voted first)


My Dr. started me at 300mg on Seroquel is this a safe dose. Im scared to take it.

2 Replies

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I have read that seroquel can be prescribed for up to 600 mg but I have never heard of 300 to start. My pdoc started me at 50mg for two nights, then Im supposed to increase it by 50mg every two nights until we get to 200 mg. Im a 5ft 5 1/2inc woman who weighs 130. Maybe the dosage is depending on your weight- I don't know.

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No. Seroquel, Seroquel XR and other meds have a dose schedule. Look for "prescribing info" from the manufacturer. For Seroquel XR the dose info is clear.
The 1st day you take a low dose (50mg). Increase dosage each day. On day 4 take 300mg .
If you miss a few days, lower your dose and start over.
Take the smallest dose that works or do not take an Antipsychotic.

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