Sandoz Clonazepam (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I hope that I can save just even one person from taking clonazepam. The FDA doesn't protect us from these pharmaceutical companies. I've been living in pure hell for months due to bad batches of clonazepam being sold in our local pharmacies. Google FDA warnings to Sandoz. That's all it is, a warning not a recall.

39 Replies (2 Pages)

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Please look up clonazepam withdrawal symptoms. That's what is happening to your husband. Please seek medical attention. These pharmaceutical companies keep changing ingredients causing withdrawal while still on it. The same thing happened to Faith 2113 because Sandoz and the other pharmaceutical companies can't be trusted.

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Thank you! For replying to me. I intend on telling his doctor. He's also been withdrawing from nicotine! Chewing tobacco!

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Have you tried by tapering the dose? He needs something but has become paranoid about mess!

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Please seek medical advice from a medical detox professional! That is, if you can find one. I've tried for months and couldn't find one until I finally ended up with a stroke that ruined my vision and my life Don't take matters into your own hands. Blessings!

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Ditto on the Teva! I've looked up the fillers for "pretty much" all brands. Teva has providone, which seems to be the filler that helps. I haven't done enough research as to "why" it helps, unless it helps carry the remains of the "yuck" fillers out of out our bodys. It's so odd how certain brands for certain meds work. As far as my oxycodone, ONLY Mallinckrodt won't give me the "yuck"(bad med) feeling, but it also has the least fillers which is what I try to stick with. I could probably write a book about my medicine experiences but as far as this post goes stick with Teva for Cloazepam. Best of luck! PS. one more example, I only take Watson for Lorazepam! (Some brands for certain meds! And most Dr.s & pharmacists think I'm nuts!)

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Thank you yes i thought i was dying. The shakes depression and could not walk was confused and then had trouble with breathing. I was a mess. I did not even know what i was doing i was so confused. I needed that validation after arguing with the pharmacy i always use. I got worse every week but due to a major loss i attributed it to that. I swear it would have killed me and it is not even the same drug. Did you get better after going onto a another. I hope so and thank you after my pharmacy thought it was nonsense.

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THE BIG CHAIN PHARMACIES DO NOT CARE! Whomever wrote about the "bad" & changing ingredients in the generics is RIGHT! More of us have to make the pharmacies do their jobs! Not like years ago when your neighborhood drug store knew your family by name! I took one tablet of 1 mg Teva klonipin & had severe heart palpitations! CVS was very rude & offered NO help! Perhaps a bad batch & they don't care & certainly won't admit anything that is true!!!

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Glayle, I was also on Sandoz clonazepam for years when I came upon five bad batches. File a complaint with Sandoz and the FDA. Although I'm sure they aren't going to do a thing. I honestly thought it would help but was sent a letter from Sandoz that nothing is different. Pure lies. It's a real shame that the FDA is not protecting us. Try to get another manufacturer I'm on Mylan right now but not as effective but way better than Teva and Qualitest. Although everyone's different what works for one may not work for another. O Lord good luck and my God Bless you. It's so sad..

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Re: Sandra (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I picked up my script a couple days ago and for two days pacing floors til sun up . That pill kicks my ambien in and have taken ambien and clonazepam both teva and would be out for six solid hours within ten minutes . I took four last night instead of one and nothing ever happened . taken 3 tonight and now taking half the bottle . I desperately need sleep . I am exhausted and extremely angry and going to picket walgreens for not informing me of this switch . Heads are going to roll in the morning

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Re: Susan (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I learned a while ago I think on this thread that there was NO active ingredient in it from some that had it tested. I know that is true as I felt dreadful and kept getting worse when three weeks later on this batch I was shaking and legs began jerking...I was in total withdrawal. It was living a few stated there was no ingredient in it and though reported it is still on market. Just a warning but Still on market? I went to brand. Get to doctor as that is abrupt withdrawal that not only does not work but us dangerous to abruptly stop. I was on high dose and my doctor watched observed me for hours concerned of stroke or seizures. Again on high dose. Regardless my internationally known doc years ago said abrupt withdrawal of Klonopin is emergency. Trust is not working right? Makes sense as there is no active ingredient. Trust me save yourself from hell and wondering let alone researching. Awful experience. Posting this as I hope it spreads so prevent all the torture risk to health u know it causes and felt. Spread the word as I am here. Okay. On market yet warning? Why do they not care..greed takes over on this world. Awful!

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My pharmacy recently refilled my clonazepam 0.5 mg made by Sandoz. I do not know what brand I was taking before. Since I've started taking the Sandoz 0.5 mg clonazpeam, I've noticed it doesn't seem to work at all. Maybe I get a little drowsy, but no anti-anxiety relief like what I experienced before.

This same pharmacy has also passed me fake bupropion twice. I'm switching pharmacies immediately.

There are a lot of bunk prescription drugs out there and the FDA is in complete dereliction of duty to protect people.

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Re: Bunk clonazepam (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

It's not so much your pharmacy that's the problem, it's how these pharmaceuticals companies are producing their products. They can only purchase what the pharmaceutical companies are producing, with no knowledge that they are not of any good quality. In the last few years Sandoz has dangerously produced unacceptable clonazepam and God knows what else. I had the worst reaction to whatever it is that Sandoz is producing these days and I was picking up my prescription from a reputable pharmacy.

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Re: Sarah (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I ran out of Teva.5's and got Sandoz instead I guess because Teva stopped making Klonopin, they made me sick! Terrible product should be taken off market!

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Re: Ron (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

If you have your doctor fill out a pre-authorities for insurance and you can get the ODT’s oral disintegrating tabs, they melt on top tongue in a second without water. My doctor said I had a problem swallowing pills, and insurance approved it ASAP. But in reality I can swallow tabs, just prefer these! Seem a lot more potent. And taste like strawberry kool-aid!! But need pre-auz because of the price is few hundred compared to $25.

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I've never had a problem with Sandoz brand since day one of taking over 10 years ago. Sometimes when you switch from one type to another can react in a different way. Even if they all say they are made the same they truly aren't. My friend who's a nurse has seen so many persons react differently to drugs. Example for myself when I was taking Prozac I could only take the real deal, generic never worked. They tried 4 types, I was able to get the real Prozac for the same price under my insurance plan because of this.

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"Many have been found to have contained some bits of glass and I hate to say this but fecal matter."

THANK YOU! I thought I went crazy when I started setting up the agar dishes. I was in denial! I could not believe it! I ended up in the hospital again and they said "take the damn roche pills"! I have had only one problem with klonopin, that being it wasn't klonopin! I thank sir for confirming my insanity...

my oh my, It was like examining mexican marijuana that was smuggled in the rump of a chicken! Fiberglass and .... so scary. so so scary... I had to take antibiotics that stuff was so nasty! How? Why? I even gave away my microscope I was in such denial... I though the lens went bad! It was worse than Trichoderma! And no, I am not a germ-aphobe :) (that is again denial)...

thank you, I haven't laughed in some time, but now I know I am not alone...

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Re: Sandra (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

"There are no 10 mg clonazepam. Must be 1 mg."

I think I have heard this about valium several hundred times. I have also heard ambian. Boy, now that's a bad mix.

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Re: J GREEN (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

What brand wafer and what mg? How does it compare to tablets?

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My husband takes clonazapam and has for few years.. Was prescribed for restless legs. His is 10mg. What are the side effects you are having?

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