Sandoz Ativan (Page 6)
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I switched pharmacies and was given Sandoz Ativan, I have been having a terrible time- it is like it is creating more anxiety. I switched back to my old pharmacy and am counting the days until I get back to the Milan manufacturer. It has been a horrid 2 weeks. Melatonin helps a great deal with sleep. I started off with Milan and had been on that for 2 years with no problems, I wonder if your body resists another generic brand and you have to adjust. All I know if Milan is what I need and I always get the same manufacturers for all my meds since 12 years ago from CVS- they are very consistent. Be very careful if you switch pharmacies, I learned that all generics are NOT THE SAME.

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The pharmacy I deal with said they will not order it. I called another independent pharmacy and they said they will not order it (Sandoz SZ198), the reason, they both advised that the government now has a say in what medications (substance drugs) can and cannot be sold through the pharmacies. So the medications are being monitored by the government (federal). So which pharmacy are you dealing with that will get you the Sandoz lorazepam? I used to deal with Target, but they said they no longer purchase outside pharmaceuticals, they deal with Watson brand only. Rite Aid, Watson brand, CVS? Suggestions? One said I need the prescription first and then they could check. I told them to check their system and distributor on line and they refused. One pharmacist advised me that the government is controlling more and more people's medications. They can't dispense like they used to. So anyway, Britt, I need a name of a pharmacy that doesn't mind ordering from Sandoz.

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High Anxiety; Yes, I should have said that the new pill debossed SZ\198 is already out. If your pharm still has the older version they will use that up first before getting the new drug. Also want to that I debated about getting the name brand Ativan. Instead I got Sandoz (( 59 and they do work for me. It was the loraz. made by Major Pharm debossed EP 905 that did next to nothing for me. They gave me that last month, they had run out of Sandoz. I am super sensitive to meds so the Sandoz has always worked. Some of you may have a high tolerance to meds. In that case you need higher dosing ( not a good idea) or multiple meds to ease the anxiety. Also, your chemistry changes with time, stress, etc etc and some days the drugs don't seem to work at all. If they don't work consistently after several weeks then talk with your dr. I will take the Sandoz this month then tell the pharm. if I want the name brand next month. They have to order it. But who wants to pay more $$?? if they don't have to. I understand anxiety and feel for all of you. It is a debilitating thing to live with. Whoever tries the new SZ\198 please post here and tell us want you think.
take care

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Today, 03/17/14 I called Sandoz Customer Service. I was advised that the new generic brand lorazepam is out and as Britt mentioned in her reply the logo is no longer ((59, this was deleted and is no longer used. The new logo is SZ198 and supposedly has the same ingredients as the original R59 & ((59. Am going to see my doctor and get a small prescription of this new substance just in case it doesn't work for me. I know things must change and they never stay the same for any length of time, but when something REALLY WORKS, they should leave it alone. But its all about the MONEY. If any one is interested in calling Sandoz about the change, you can dial 1-800-585-8747, wait for the correct prompts.

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Thanks for the update on the lorazepam, when is Sandoz planning on releasing this new version? In a few weeks, months? years? So the logo will change from cresent moon 59 to what you show on your response? I think I'll ask the pharmacy, which ever one will order it when its available to let me try 2 of them. Just in case they don't work for me. I hope it's the same formula. Thanks for update.

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hope your right britt, they should have been put in jail for trying to pass that junk off as lorazepam, it was worthless and it didn't take long for people to see through this sham

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Sorry for intruding... This might sound crazy but why not use another generic brand or even the "real brand"? Insurance wont cover it?

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BTW, the new Sandoz lorazepam that will be coming out soon will be imprinted SZ\198. Have a strong hunch that they have tweaked the formula back to their original. They've had too many run ins with the FDA to make an inferior drug at this point. Hope you all find peace.

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Thanks Britt!

Am still waiting to see if they (pharmacy's) in my neck of the woods will order my medication for me. Lot's of pharmacy's (privately owed) will no longer order Sandoz/lorazepam. I have no idea why, except one did say it is to expensive. Well, that's stupid because the cost are coming from my pocket not a prescription program. I may have to resort out of state, cause I can't find a pharmacy that will order it for me. CVS, said they would try, but then I heard that CVS tracks what you take in prescription form, like NSA is tracking our phone calls. Am kinda weary of CVS pharmacies. I'd like to know when is Sandoz going to put the lorazepam back on the shelves of the pharmacies? I was told they are back ordered and it may take months. Meantime, I am really trying to cut back on my few Activas lorazepam's left. I still have panic attacks, but am really careful where I go and the time of day if am outside. So far I've had 2, but they were mild. Thanks for your update. When and if Sandoz puts the medication back on the market, I think I will only have my doctor prescribe 90 day supply, just in case they no longer do the job for me. I have heard so many bad things about this company and how they kidnapped the good ingredients in the Activas lorazepam from PurPac/Elizabeth, New Jersey. I hope its like you said, the logo will be changed and not the ingredients. When it comes to big business, sometimes you just don't know who to trust anymore.

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Joe, you may be right. Have to admit I don't check my rx to see who's making it unless it looks drastically diff. This new Lzp pill was much bigger, not hard to notice. It gives very little relief from anxiety. It's made by Excellium\Major. I thought I had been taking Sandoz for years..maybe not. The pill used to have the R on it, then changed to half moon imprint. Regardless, both were working for me and were effective compared to this current generic. Every one's chemistry is unique. I have found posts where people were fine with Sandoz and other posts where people say they adjusted to the new generics. I don't want to get caught up in group hysterics. Not saying this is the case here, just be cautious. I think I am going to get the Brand name Ativan next week to make a comparison then go back to sandoz or watson since Brand name is exp. Sandoz-Novartis,Watson-Actavis, etc etc. This is another thing I found in researching. These companies buy each other up so damn often it's impossible to follow the trail. Not a coincidence, no doubt.

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can only say that i took activus for 15 years with no problem then when sandoz took over ownership, i couldn't sleep as in all night, by reading some of the other comments, it looks like i wasn't alone, if sandoz work for you, stay with it, if you read the comments here you won't find anyone who likes the NEW sandoz lorazepam, if your relying on honesty from companies like activus and sandoz, i wouldn't, you have to remember that if these companies did admit they changed the formula, whether active or inactive, they would have to admit this to their friends at the FDA, and then there would be the suits for lying to the public, not in their best interest

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Sandoz is not changing the formula, just the imprinting. The only thing you can do is try it and see how it works.

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I have been on the Sandoz 1 mg lorazepam ( crescent shaped logo on pill with 59 imprint ) and it has worked fine. My pharmacy just switched to another generic lorazepam made my Excellium or Major Pharm.) I don't like it, doesn't soothe the anxiety. The pill is twice the size but feels like half the strength so there are lots of fillers in it. Most likely the switch was to save money..duh. This new pill is imprinted EP 905. I talked with Sandoz, they said no changes to active and unactive ingrediants have been made. They also said the imprinting on the pill will change in a month or two. I called my pharm., they are switching me back to the Sandoz brand. It pays to ask a lot of questions and don't hesitate to ask your Dr. and or pharmacist. You are paying and you are the one being taken care of so get what you need. I'm very sensitive to meds also and have panic attacks so am surprised at how many here don't like Sandoz. It's probably one of the better generics.

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can only hope the day comes when those of us who took activus can take legal action against both activus (for still making the lorapam for sandoz) and sandoz for the lies that they have told, both companies claimed that the sandoz product was the same as the old activus, that was a lie and they knew it, haven't found one former activus lorazepam user who still takes that garbage they they're putting out, what makes this case real bad is the fact that i contacted both my representatives in washington and got no where, would be surprised if they both are getting contributions from the pharmacy trade, we need to keep informed on what the new sandoz lorazepam is like, anyone with any info should pass it on, good luck

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I have to agree with you, Sandoz bamboozled a lot of people who took Activas Lorazepam for years. I called another customer service rep for the Sandoz Company in Texas, and the lady advised me that the formula was being changed (probably to a sugar pill). And the cost would be much higher for the pharmacy's distributors to purchase. Most of the pharmacy's in my neck of the woods are refusing to order Sandoz lorazepam. They say its to expensive. Anyway, I haven't had an opportunity to call the FDA and ask them question on this medication now by Sandoz. Am seriously thinking of switching to a natural no medication involved sleep aid and relaxer. I used to take 2 mgs each night and 1/2 of 1mg when I had panic attacks. So far, the panic attacks have subsided some, and I dropped down to taking 1 mg of the ((59 Sandoz/Activas brand. Am hoping that in a few months, I will be off of it completely. Have to find a substitute that my body can tolerate. Am very sensitive to Watson (which does nothing for me) Ranbraxy (gives me migraines), Mylan, gives me upset stomach. Activas R59, was the best, but its long gone, and sold to, and Sandoz has watered it down to practically nothing. Am glad all of you have in put a lot of good information for us lorazepam takers.

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According to Sandoz, they are back ordered with their ((59 Lorazepam. I was told by the Sandoz rep, that a new version is coming out in the coming months. In the meantime, I running out and can not take Mylan, Watson or the one that starts with a R. All of them effect me in adverse conditions. Watson brand I have to take 5 in order to fall asleep. Mylan, gives me a headache and nausea, plus I my anxiety is worse. The R one, which I can't recall, I tried that and it made me nervous, I mean shaking nervous. So the R59 changed to Sandoz brand ((59, works for me. I have never hard of Sandoz D59?

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I called Sandoz 2 weeks ago, and I was advised by their Customer Back order rep that the ((59 tablets are in short supply and there is a back order for the tablets. The rep was not certain how long it would take. Then this week, I went on the FDA site, and the only back order that Sandoz has for Lorazepam was for an IV-able kind. So am going to call FDA this week (January 30th) to find out what's up with Sandoz and this tablet ((59? Will get back with you all with results (hopefully)

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I have taken alorazepam (xanax) for at least five years and they seem like they are not doung the same for my panic attacks and anxiety because of having lung and breast cancer.I was getting a different brand od Fentyl and the smaller patch seems like it dosen't help my pain they are made by actvis I think I spelled it right do the companies buy cheap drugs and we pay higher prices for it.I also have had 2 failed back surgeries the last leading to having my back fused in three places and that is another thing I use opoids for pain that never stops does these pharmacies buy cheap meds and sell them to us for higher prices?

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Yes I inspect my pills every time I get them to make sure it is the watson pill with the number 241. I always request the watson brand. I cannot take any other generic form. I called Sandoz and asked them why they were not making there formula that they had about 6 years ago and they stopped making it. They said they were putting the activis brand under their name. I took the Sandoz brand before they stopped making it which was about 6 years ago and it was the best generic for Ativan. I don't know why they are not making it. Any way Watson works for me now I just have to be careful always to tell the pharmacist what I want.

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I just spoke with Actavis (Watson) re: Lorazepam. They told me that they did hand off Lorazepam to Actavis, but they also kept their own formula and will still make their own Watson Lorazepam and will continue to make it. It is on backorder right now and should be shipped to the distributors in the next couple weeks. So if you have been happy with Watson as I have been, it should be available soon. It is a matter of leaning on your pharmacy to get it.

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welcome to the club, please take the time to file a complaint with the FDA, you can do this online, haven't found a single person who can say that this sandoz, formally activus lorazepam works, after taking this for over 15 years, this product by sandoz doesn't work, what sandoz won't tell you is what they changed in making this stuff, activus is actually still making the product foe sandoz but either both decided to cange one of the ingrediants or activus did it on their own, either way its like taking a sugar pill

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