Sandoz Adderall Reviews (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Sandoz is the best generic ir adderall I've used. August 11, 2017 I was told by the pharmacist they no longer produce this product. I asked if brand name was available and was told yes. When I received them I noticed they were made by Teva and let me tell you they are awful. I don't know what to do if I can't find a decent generic brand.

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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Most cvs pharmacists will order Sandoz if you ask it takes about 3 to 5 days to come they special order if the mfc on on there list I'm Houston and I will never go anywhere else they are truly accecptional in a aspects of care ! Shout out to Ken ,Manuel and the whole Gang there y'all Rock

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Most cvs pharmacists will order Sandoz if you ask it takes about 3 to 5 days to come in , they can special order if the mfc is on their list I'm in Houston and I will never go anywhere else they are truly accecptional in a all aspects of care ! Shout out to Ken ,Manuel and the whole Gang. there at Furqua , y'all Rock

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Re: Jenny (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I just picked up Sandoz Adderall IR from a cvs in pacific beach. They use to only carry Aurobindo, who they were in contract with. Aurobindo was incredibly ineffective for me so I was thrilled to see Sandoz on the label.

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Re: Scanner (# 2) Expand Referenced Message
I called over 40 pharmacies in a good 50 mile radius - some had 20-30 Sandoz 10mg so I did research an an alternate generic brand. Problem is that the reviews go both ways. I started looking for Sunpharma and Mylan 10mgs. 4 days of looking and found both at two different locations. Mylan seemed to have more favorable reviews so I tried it. 3 days in and I can attest to it being on par with Sandoz 10mg (remember I reacted well to Sandoz 10mg and Horrifically to Sandoz 20mg). They are less euphoric but 100% effective for focus w/o side effects. They also alleviate my stress, anxiety, that barrier holding me back, improve mood in terms of social interaction, grant me hope and take away my despair. So definitely worth trying!

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Re: RobynHood (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

I thought teva was who bought the patent for "brand name" from Barr/shire years ago, and currently produces it?

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June 1st, 2018. Another week has passed. I called Sandoz today and the 30mg IR tablets are still back ordered with no expected release date. They assured me that it is still a current product but could only suggest I contact my physician for alternative treatments.

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They've just screwed up everything so horrible! WTH have they done?? Better yet, why?? It's 100% trash. Don't waste time and money trying to get this garbage!

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Sandoz is the best for me but I cant find it. Teva is like water.

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I'm amazed at how many people are stating Sandoz works wonderfully for them. This IS NOT MY EXPERIENCE! I never checked brands of generic adderall 20mg ir over the years until this week. The past 7 days I have experienced severe intolerance, anger, fatigue, anxiety, all which are not common for my character. It wasn't until I realized the recent pattern and did some retracing of these days events that I realized it all began, LITERALLY, when I started taking this months dose of adderall 20mg ir. So I checked the generic brand and realized it was Sandoz. I looked up what I had previously been taking and it was Barr. I'm very upset about this and feel it's wrong that pharmacies can just switch like this. Sandoz has a completely different effect on me and now I'm screwed for the next 21 days. Users take caution. Not everyone has a good experience with sandoz. I sure am not.

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Re: Clinician (# 58) Expand Referenced Message

I reply to the message about the newer generic brand from CVS and the patient's reactions such as being tired. The choice CVS made in sourcing its adderall generic manufactured by AuroBindo is profit margin. That's true of any business. That's the bottom line. I have not recovered the excellent-albeit-former condition I was in prior to the pharmacies who carelessly switch products they provide their "customers." Never mind we are "patients."

Who is our advocate to the providers of retail pharmacies?

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Re: Clinician (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

There's more you should know about all this. You might try to research earlier conversations from 2017 on this site. Fellow chatters post links to describe the original brand and list all the other available brands. As for me, reducing the dosage of this particular brand does at least keep me out of the bed. But, there was so much more to the affects that are lost in the generic forms.

I will point, as you will see while reading through posts, people respond differently to each of the generic forms. For me, the Core Pharma shot me out of bed in the morning with lots on my mind. I loved that. No so much for any of the other formularies. And, if you suffer from anxiety, Core Pharma would not have been your formula. But this leads me to the point that the formulas are not the same.

In so far as addressing this problem, the only probable solution is to work closer with FDA to develop a guideline that stabilizes treatments for the patient. If the doctor work with us to find the right formula, then we should be able to depend on continued treatment with that medication. As it is, the pharmacies dictate what medicine we get. But, of course, doctors follow treatment limitations of insurers that require generic products be "tried" by the insured before qualifying patients for brand coverage. This procedure coupled with the never ending pursuit of profit margin, patients lose quality treatment. But, if you are aware of how we might garner support for stabilizing treatments using products that work for us, let me know.

Best of luck to you, my friend.

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Re: Chris (# 67) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks Chris! It's definitely been a learning experience. A few years back, after trying, and eliminating a multitude of other things and still not being able to find relief, I acknowledged the possibility that medicinal treatment may be the best way to go. Especially considering the fact that as a teenager and young adult medication was highly effective. So in my mid thirties, I decided to go and be evaluated. This resulted in the medicinal regiment that I am remain on today. However, up until my last prescription fill, unbeknownst to me, I had consistently been given the Barr generic which positively impacted my life in more ways than I have time to list here. When I picked up my script I had a half days worth of the previous script, so I began the sandoz a little bit after mid-day. Within 1 hour I noticed that something was different and not in a good way. This is when I began to troubleshoot the problem, ultimately leading to the realization that it was in fact the sandoz. Since then I have spoken to my doctor 4 separate times, 3 of which he's attempted to send in a script for a different generic, and 1 where he requested brand name. Every single time, at every single pharmacy, the fill was denied. They did not care about my adverse effects and reported their primary concern is that they do not get flagged by the government for filling the script prior to the exhaustion of the existing scripts fill duration. Furthermore, 3 of the 4 carried only sandoz. So I am stuck with this subpar, unhealthy, completely different version of adderall. My frustration tolerance level remains extremely low and I feel like I have a cloud handing over me. Completely unmotivated to do anything, much less communicate with other human beings. This his highly problematic due to the responsibilities that I have as a Clinician. I spend all day helping other people try to achieve optimal health in each dimension of wellness, yet here I am getting screwed because of several systems in place. I am no addict. I have never increased in dosage. I am a responsible husband, father, employer, friend, and member of society, yet this is what I get. So, like you, I have reduced the dosage to about 3/4 in size and yes, it's helped a little bit; about 10%, but still, it's horrible. If you have the ability to post a link to the old threads and can do so here, I'd be very grateful.

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Okay, so in the beginning on july I started on sandoz 10mg, wow what a difference it made!
However, now it is only giving me racing thoughts and not helping with focusing or finishing tasks, yes I know that the medication should not make you want to complete tasks, but this medication has went from 100% to 0%.
I am tired of these horrible generics, I am switching to dexedrine, and in the future possibly even paying for the overpriced TEVA brand adderall XR. I feel like I am jumping through hoops and am close to giving up on being medicated.

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I know these post are old but I've been on adds for years 2 30mg ir a day . Yesterday I got the orange e 404 Sandoz and in my opinion (which everyone is different especially with medication) these worked better then any I've had before . Everyone's body .. tolerance is different and I'm guessing is fillers are different that's why people like one rather than another . To me why argue over it ? If something doesn't work for you but works for someone else then who cares ?

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Re: Quality Advocate (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

At one time they were, but they have changed and they are way more toxic or at least as toxic as the other brands now:(. They bring on an instant migraine and hypertension. You must be some Sandoz pharmacy rep trying to convince people to drink the kool-aid, because I guarentee there's no way you've actually tried them and felt this statement to be true!

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Re: Quality Advocate (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

I switched from Sandoz adderall(after the change) to vyvanse. This wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Right now I'm trying the teva brand Adderall because I prefer the instant release over the extended release of vyvanse. Teva has always been second best for me in the choices of Adderall, but it has more side effects than Sandoz used to. Good luck.

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Re: Lv4art (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, what the hell have they done to ADHD drugs to make them feel like cold medicine?

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Re: Neil (# 111) Expand Referenced Message

I'm currently trying the Teva brand this month. Imo they don't work quite as good as the Sandoz used to but they are close. And no unwanted side effects so that's a huge plus!

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Re: Jessie (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

That U31 pill that was crap is Aurobindo / Aurolife. Took 140mg today (no exageration) and not as good as the 50 mg I would take on average of my regular brand

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Re: Unmedicated ADHD (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

Got the same affects it’s poison

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