Sandoz Adderall Reviews (Page 3)
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Sandoz is the best generic ir adderall I've used. August 11, 2017 I was told by the pharmacist they no longer produce this product. I asked if brand name was available and was told yes. When I received them I noticed they were made by Teva and let me tell you they are awful. I don't know what to do if I can't find a decent generic brand.

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Bob (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking the Sandoz methylphenidate, I haven't tried the Adderall yet, but am looking for something to replace the methylphenidate since it’s been discontinued...

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Re: Bob (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking it for 15 years.. they just discontinued the Sandoz methylphenidate. Do you have a recommendation of a brand that works for you? Thank you!

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Re: Quality Advocate (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

At one time they were, but they have changed and they are way more toxic or at least as toxic as the other brands now:(. They bring on an instant migraine and hypertension. You must be some Sandoz pharmacy rep trying to convince people to drink the kool-aid, because I guarentee there's no way you've actually tried them and felt this statement to be true!

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Re: shimmer (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Sandoz is the best of the generics, with the least side effects. They use toxins in their medications than other manufactures & you can tell the difference. Sandoz is the preferred manufacturer in multiple forums.

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Re: Tyler (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

I've read avoiding anything acidic(like orange juice, vitamin c, etc.)around the time of your dose is important, as acids can cause the drug to be metabolized quickly thus shortening its duration in your system. I've also read taking something to lessen the acid in your stomach can help it last longer in your system, such as an antacid like tums, Prevacid, nexium.

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I take Adderall IR 10mg twice a day by Sandoz. It only lasts 2 hours and then it goes away. How do I make it last longer or am I just growing a tolerance?

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Re: Em (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in Indiana too hola!!! Ya I get sandoz too from CVS works great for me. The malkrap one is garbage tho

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Hello. I've been taking sandoz adderall ir for about 5 months now, so far so good. I am taking around 10mg x2 a day and it doesn't last long enough, and when the crash comes I become very confused and bored.

1. Does Sandoz make adderall xr?

2. If not, what is the best generic for adderall xr?

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Re: Clinician (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your collaborative approach to problem solving our life-changing challenges. So, I did experience the low motivation problem with the expedited release as well, when taking 1/2. I decided, what the heck! I took two pills, instead of the one pill. Finally, my motivation and level of interests were served. The balance between treating hyper-transmitter firing with an increase in productivity was met. At the end of the day I am tired. So, I slept well. However, I cannot know if the first products, including the brand name, would have produced more desirable results using less medication. I am looking now for a new psychiatrist who may be able to re-evaluate me,as well.

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Re: T (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you find the Sandoz generic? I've been looking all over for it but no luck so far.

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Re: Krissy (# 78) Expand Referenced Message

As far as I can see, these posts are very current. I think the argument(at least for myself) is not that Sandoz Adderall is better or worse than others, but that it's changed and not working like it used to. Where I'm from Sandoz has been consistent for at least 3 yrs, then bam, now they suck(as of January, that is). But maybe with all the complaints they've reformulated back to good. I sure am hoping that's the case. My life has gone to hell in a hand basket trying all the other trash generics since February/March. I even tried brand vyvanse (almost killed me). Lol

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I don't know what happened, maybe adder all itself is not for me, sandoz has gotten worse for my focus even with adhd, it made me become obsessive and more angry, but at the same time i became so focus so obsessed I never got anything done. I have been off adderall for about 4 days and wow, my appetite has returned, i am myself again, hyper and more over the top and hard time focusing. I am honestly happier like this, sure I am struggling to get anything accomplished, but I swear adderall has been good maybe for a month or two then bleh, I am trying dexedrine later today, hopefully I do not become a robot on these...

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I know these post are old but I've been on adds for years 2 30mg ir a day . Yesterday I got the orange e 404 Sandoz and in my opinion (which everyone is different especially with medication) these worked better then any I've had before . Everyone's body .. tolerance is different and I'm guessing is fillers are different that's why people like one rather than another . To me why argue over it ? If something doesn't work for you but works for someone else then who cares ?

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Okay, so in the beginning on july I started on sandoz 10mg, wow what a difference it made!
However, now it is only giving me racing thoughts and not helping with focusing or finishing tasks, yes I know that the medication should not make you want to complete tasks, but this medication has went from 100% to 0%.
I am tired of these horrible generics, I am switching to dexedrine, and in the future possibly even paying for the overpriced TEVA brand adderall XR. I feel like I am jumping through hoops and am close to giving up on being medicated.

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Re: Lyssinna (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

Try Medlife pharmacy in Irvin. I checked that out few days ago

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Lo (# 74) & Chris

Update: So I've now been taking 3/4 of my dose each time. I've determined the brand Sandoz releases much more rapidly, coupled with an effect targeted at the "hyper" NOT the "attention" part of my disorder. The expedited realease is evidence by severe headaches after only 3 hours and by an overwhelming lack of motivation, yet the constant stream of running thoughts remaining ever present. In my opinion, this generic medication is garbage and furthermore, the way all pharmacy staff and medical personnel keep claiming it to be exactly the same while disregarding my experience is shameful and disgusting. In a world that continues to promote person/client centered care, this arena of human service does not.

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Re: Ronmexico (# 73) Expand Referenced Message

sandoz I loved until this month. No drive no nothing called manufacturer and they aren't willing to give a refund nor replace "placebo" over it

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Just got my Sandoz 30 mg generic Adderall.. night and day difference!! The aeurobind (sorry I know it is misspelled) was horrid. I couldn’t believe how bad it was!! And to know I had a 3 month supply was depressing!! I could tell an immediate difference in the taste alone. Too bad there isn’t a way to test the “purity” I firmly believe the Aeurbind generic has a 10 or 20% purity level. They should exploited for “false advertising” ..

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Re: Chris (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you Chris! So my Doctor is not willing to change the dose therefore I was told today that they've done all that they can and I'm going to be forced to wait it out and suffer. Furthermore, I'm at a loss as to which direction to go from here. I believe it was the Barr that I was taking all this time and now after all my research I'm not even sure if the name brand will work equally. This Sandoz is horrible for me. Complete lack of motivation even with 3/4 of the dosage. Mind running constantly, with increased anxiety and extremely low frustration tolerance level.

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Re: Hope to help (# 69) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you! So my Doctor is not willing to change the dose therefore I was told today that I'm going to be forced to wait it out and suffer. I'm literally sick to my stomach.

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