Sandoz Adderall Reviews (Page 3)


Sandoz is the best generic ir adderall I've used. August 11, 2017 I was told by the pharmacist they no longer produce this product. I asked if brand name was available and was told yes. When I received them I noticed they were made by Teva and let me tell you they are awful. I don't know what to do if I can't find a decent generic brand.

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Still Seeking (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I too switched from the 20s to the 10s after suddenly experiencing negative side effects starting in March. My doc said maybe a developed an allergy to the dye in the 20s, so he changed me to the 10s cause the dye is different(same dosage though). Yes, all was going well UNTIL I picked up my May refill and the 10s looked different, by they ARE Sandoz. Took part of one, and they too are now hideous with terrible side effects. BEWARE SANDOZ HAS CHANGED AND ARE SOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!:(:(:(

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Re: Scanner (# 2) Expand Referenced Message
I called over 40 pharmacies in a good 50 mile radius - some had 20-30 Sandoz 10mg so I did research an an alternate generic brand. Problem is that the reviews go both ways. I started looking for Sunpharma and Mylan 10mgs. 4 days of looking and found both at two different locations. Mylan seemed to have more favorable reviews so I tried it. 3 days in and I can attest to it being on par with Sandoz 10mg (remember I reacted well to Sandoz 10mg and Horrifically to Sandoz 20mg). They are less euphoric but 100% effective for focus w/o side effects. They also alleviate my stress, anxiety, that barrier holding me back, improve mood in terms of social interaction, grant me hope and take away my despair. So definitely worth trying!

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Apparently Sandoz is experiencing delayed production for adderall. I have no idea what to do. My script will run out in a few days and my other options: teva and Mallinckrodt make me nauseated to the point of throwing up and sleepy. Does anyone know how I could get brand name without paying full price? I could see myself having sleepless nights and losing my job. I don’t have health insurance and if I do get it now, it won’t cover it.

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May 25,2018. I just spoke to Sandoz, USA. The 30mg IR tablets are still back ordered with no expected release date. I didn't ask about any other dosages. Their only suggestion is to continue to check in periodically for an update. Meanwhile, my prescription remains in the Alliance/Walgreens mail order system...

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Re: RobynHood (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

I thought teva was who bought the patent for "brand name" from Barr/shire years ago, and currently produces it?

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Re: Crazythat (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

I think the only name brand available in 2018 is Shire/Barr Adderall XR. Teva now has the license for IR tablets, which are generic. This is my understanding.

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Re: Jim Cricket (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

Same here what's up with sandoz? Is it because people had finals or what

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RobynHood (# 43)

I had to go without for two months and I was afraid too of all those things but I survived without the adders and I am amazed and am considering quitting for good

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June 1st, 2018. Another week has passed. I called Sandoz today and the 30mg IR tablets are still back ordered with no expected release date. They assured me that it is still a current product but could only suggest I contact my physician for alternative treatments.

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Re: Carey (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

same. I might just quit overall. It's a waste of money and time.

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Re: Sleeta (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

The Kaiser Permanente in Georgia only has Teva,it made me feel like I had drank 10 cups of coffee. I think they get the cheapest brand generic brand they can get. I'm not happy with Teva.

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Sandoz isn't the same great generic it used to be. The last two months I've been able to find Sandoz at Costco's, however the effects (or lack thereof) have been vastly different from the Sandoz a few years ago. The new Sandoz feel weak and put me to sleep, while adding anxiety to the mix. I've also had muscle aches and overall lethargy on these Sandoz pills.
Prior to these Sandoz fills, I was getting Mylans at CVS. It appears that Mylan has upped their game and is now possibly the most effective generic (for me, at least). I haven't tried Teva or Barr in years so I cannot comment on their efficacy, but I'm most certainly going back to Mylan once these Sandoz sugar pills are done.

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They've just screwed up everything so horrible! WTH have they done?? Better yet, why?? It's 100% trash. Don't waste time and money trying to get this garbage!

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I am taking sandoz, I switched from aurobindo a few days ago. I am noticing that I can focus a lot better and remember things, it only lasts for maybe 2 hours, then I notice 0 crash. However, I experience extreme muscle pain in my upper, lower back and in my neck. Even worse than aurobindo. At least aurobindo did not cause this pain. I may try teva next. God this is bulls***.

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Re: Chris (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Barr is Teva and Teva are the best I am confused at everyone saying otherwise (Teva the orange oval ones that say b973 otherside 30) those other that wtv company makes the omega of all adderall and markings are A1 or something like that

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Sandoz is the best for me but I cant find it. Teva is like water.

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Sandoz is too potent. It causes me to overfocus and time goes by too fast. Hours will fly by. Ever since I started taking medicine for adhd, adderall brand or generic IR I notice time no longer drags on, but I notice ill be working on something important or fun, and time will fly by. I am talking hours/days and it's over. Is this normal? Am I going to lose my time and life?

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Re: Derek85 (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

I have taken Barr for years with no problem. Then last week Cvs gave me sandoz and it's a nightmare. I'm tired, edgy, and outright mad. I am very very upset and plan on talking with my pharmacy about it today. Now listen, I know my body. I don't use alcohol nor any other drugs. I am a professional who works in the behavioral health field. I'm not saying this brand will mess you up, but it sure has messed me up. Take caution.

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I'm amazed at how many people are stating Sandoz works wonderfully for them. This IS NOT MY EXPERIENCE! I never checked brands of generic adderall 20mg ir over the years until this week. The past 7 days I have experienced severe intolerance, anger, fatigue, anxiety, all which are not common for my character. It wasn't until I realized the recent pattern and did some retracing of these days events that I realized it all began, LITERALLY, when I started taking this months dose of adderall 20mg ir. So I checked the generic brand and realized it was Sandoz. I looked up what I had previously been taking and it was Barr. I'm very upset about this and feel it's wrong that pharmacies can just switch like this. Sandoz has a completely different effect on me and now I'm screwed for the next 21 days. Users take caution. Not everyone has a good experience with sandoz. I sure am not.

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Re: Karen (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Try calling different pharmacys and ask each one before hanging up if they can check a different store that may show it has it. Make sure you state what you want specifically. The word generic can confuse the pharmacist. If you want the generic for Sandoz make sure you say that, not just a generic Adderral. Mention the XR or IR when you say Adderral. I found Sandoz XR at a CVS inside Target. None anywhere else near me. I will be curious to see if I can find the pink round IR if I need to change from XR. The XR has a smoother transition. When I took the IR it seems stronger than the XR, though it is the same mg.

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