Safest Ace Inhibitor (Top voted first)


What is the safest ace inhibitor with the least bad side effects? I currently take Lisinopril and have discovered that it has some possible scary side effects.

2 Replies

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Hello, Cathy! How are you?

There really isn't any one that is considered safer than the others, most side effects are common among the various medications in this class. The FDA lists them as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, lowered heart rate, and hypotension.

What side effects did you read about that scared you?

It is really a matter of trying various medications to find one that works for you, without making your miserable from side effects.

Are you on any other medications?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Lisinipril for 10 years and I’m sure some of the side effects I have blamed on other meds and a severe anxiety disorder. I read about angioedema of the stimach which apparently can happen even if you’ve been on it for a long time. This month my pharmacy switched the generic brand I had been on, Qualitest, to one I’ve never heard of ~ Solco. I immediately got a bad pain in my upper stomach, like an ulcer pain. I stopped taking it until I talk to my doctor. I have done some research on other ACE Inhibitors and found one thst is supposed to be safer with fewer side effects than most. It’s called Telmisartan. I’m going to discuss it with my doctor ~ I’m sure it’s probably much more expensive. My other option is to contact Lisinipril at a different pharmacy that carries the Qualitest brand. My pharmacy is a small one and they don’t have the ability to order certain brands like a larger chain would be able to do. It makes me angry when they just switch brands without discussing it with me first. Pharmacies tend to think all generics are the same, but I found out the hard way that they are not when I was switched to a different pain med. i never use to pay attention to generic brands until I got one that made me extremely ill. So, bottom line, I will see if I can get the new ACE inhibitor and if not, discuss other options with my doctor. Thanks for your reply!!

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