Saboxin Strips
UpdatedWhat is the difference in taking the Saboxin strips as opposed to taking the pill?
1 Reply
The reasons for choosing film over tablets can be different for each person, however from what I could gather, several patients said the film dissolved much faster and felt that they got better absorption or bioavailability with the film for that reason.
If you have to take the medication several times per day (including while at work), then the disposable film packaging may not be as discrete as you'd like. You might have to be creative with the package disposal, so no one at work will see a discarded pouch and discover you're on Suboxone, if that is even a concern for you.
Also some patients note that the films tasted better than the tablets. On the downside, "some" patients report that the film isn't as potent as the tablets, despite the increase bioavailability. This however is based on each individual and not everyone would agree with that statement.
I hope this info helps!
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