Soma 350mg With Imprints Of Sg 109 (Top voted first)
UpdatedJust received my refill of soma 350mg but they look different than the ones I am used to getting from the same pharmacy. No read out was put in the bag. The white round pill had a SG 109 on one side & blank on the other side. Anybody ever heard of these before? Because, since there was no print out of the new different medication I was a little worried, "what if the pharmacist made a little error in mine & somebody else's medications". Thanks for any feedback.
Errors are made every day but these pills have been identified as Soma
I assure you this is not groupthink or persuasion. I just filled my script today and wound up getting these instead of the normal Qualitest. So far, I'm really upset, as they don't even compare offering little in the way of relief. They contain a bunch of fillers and are as hard as a rock. They might even be worse than Aurobindo, which I didn't think was possible. I don't know how there is such a discrepancy between generics of carisoprodol specifically. Pharmacists want to say they're all the same,however, generic manufactures can get away with +|- 20% of the active ingredient. If one manufacture has +20% and another has -20%, that's a 40% difference; that's hardly the same med! I would urge others to stay away from this brand if possible.
I have taken Soma for years. This one is the worst. It doesn't help my muscles at all. The manufacturer Qualitest is by far the best. After investigating the SG109, I think they're made in India. I would appreciate a feedback on this please.
That is correct, they are manufactured by ScieGen Pharmaceuticals and they list them as containing 350mgs of Carisoprodol, which is a generic for Soma.
The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth.
Is there anything I can help with?
(Thanks again, Eddy!)
I receive my Soma from the VA. They just dont seem like any others that I've taken in the past. I'd rather have the ones made by Qualitest. But I won't complain to the VA, because it took me yrs to get back on them. It has something to do with their formulary. They really do help my muscles and that's the main thing.
Kathy, I agree, they are terrible. CVS gave them to me 2 months in a row and they have not helped. I am going to ask them to order something different. I prefer Watson brand. Hopefully they will work with me.
I noticed this too!? One month they'll work fine and the next is useless. Wonder if my generic prescription is open to different manufacturers (no consistency?)
I respect all of this feedback, but I must comment: The power of suggestion can be a powerful thing, especially when medicine's are being commented on. Just a thought!
Re: Kathy (# 4)
I've been on this medicine for 15yrs and these are by far the worst! I got them from cvs 2 weeks ago and they arent doing anything for my muscles and unfortunately I can only go to 1 pharmacy or I'd definitely not be going back there.. I asked my pharmacist if they could possibly get my normal brand but he confirmed that this is the manufacturer that most pharmacies are using..
Re: Con con (# 18)
They are very different. I have taken Soma for years now for a neck injury. For the second time in years, just today, I was filled with the SG109. They do NOT work the same as the V’s. I am not happy. It’s almost like a scam. From now on I will call before and make sure I never get these again.
Re: Litte40 (# 5)
I would love to get the old supplier. It used to say Dan on the pill. They were always consistent for years. Now they get these cheap suppliers and they don't work. We're paying for medicine that doesn't work at all.
Re: Pseudonymish (# 13)
I noticed this too and talked to my doctor about switching pharmacies, as their vendors differ. I think it's the coating put over the pill to make it easier for swallowing that I didn't like. It doesn't metabolize as easily as the chalky tablets, so my doctor suggesting crushing it first with the back of a spoon. It has helped some, but sure is bitter going down.
Never get medication from India!! I used to receive my Xanax prescription from India and they were so weak, so if the Soma's are from India that is probably the problem.
Yes they say there Some but they are useless been on Some for years and this is the poorest quality of medicine I have ever had. I can't seem to find who the manufacturer is if anyone knows please reply. Tired of getting ripped off.
Re: Kathy (# 3)
Soma is meant for SHORT TERM USE, not long term as Valium or flexerall.
I get about 30 every 6 mos or so, use them when I have to keep moving and they do not interfere at a low dose( 1/4pill) in my activity level( fatigue)
I’ll be on these meds a long time for anklosing spondylitis and cervical stenosis so I’m not trying to pollute my body till I , am told, gets worse as fusions persist. Mobility helps more than the muscle relaxers so I only take them when I’m having a down day and can relax and let them do THIER job, which is how they are supposed to be used. ( SOMA)
Due to this, I find them working fine when I do need them. Weak muscles hurt more and the more fatigued you get from relaxers, the worse it gets..
Re: Kathy (# 3)
Kathy my name is Jim I have taken Soma about 12 years
the best Soma I have Ever taken was Watson Brand I got a refill
of the same pill SG 109 Same strength 350mg.I agree they are not worth a damn. If you find out how to get Watson Brand Please let me know.
Re: goozer (# 30)
I'd take a Qualitest SOMA over a Sci Gen SG 109 SOMA any day of the week. You really lost your credibility promoting Breckenridge Xanax Bars. However the Breckenridge 1 mg pills are fine, go figure?
Indian Medicine in America isn't illegal and used and sold by many Pharmacies.
Just curious I guess why it switches from time to time I guess....$$? Wonder if I could request one over the other...
I am showing SG 109 to be made by Vensun Pharmaceuticals based out of Yardley PA. It seems Rite Aid has just switched to this brand. Got 90 350 mg pills for $1.20 with insurance today.
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