Smz Tmp Double Str 800 160 Reactions
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After having 2 sinus infections within a month, I was pretty sure I had yet another one. I took Cipro for the first two and they seemed to go away. I was sure that I had one again, so I returned to the doctor. He prescribed that SMZ-TMP double str. 800-160. I read the side effects that came with my prescription and thought, wow there are ALOT of side affects to this medication! I haven't really had a bad reaction to a drug before except when the doctor was trying to get my thyroid dose correct. At that time, I thought I was going crazy! I had anxiety really bad. I called that doctor's office many times and they finally called me back. When I told them all of my symptoms they acted like it was no big deal, just switch to this dosage. They were unsympathetic and really didn't care. I already suffer from depression and Fibromyalgia so I really needed them to fix my dose! After suffering for about a week it was finally corrected. I'm off on a tangent, so back to the SMZ-TMP....I started taking it and as each day passed I felt worse and worse. It only took a couple of days for the reaction to start. I had a headache even though I was prescribed this for a painful sinus infection to start with. I continued to have more symptoms every day. My stomach was sort of growling and rumbling like I needed to eat something but did not feel like it. I continued with a headache, chills, stomach cramps and nausea, real high energy with trembling hands and nervousness for 3 days, constipation, blood in my stool, dizziness, sore throat,feeling very unstable and tripping and falling down. I also started to feel winded just going upstairs to our 2nd story house. I know I could be more fit and I do exercise but this feeling was really abnormal for me. After taking this drug from hell for 4 days, everything got really bad. Two days later I reread the side affects information. Alas, I figured out that it was the drug! For two days I have been miserable. I have now stopped taking it--thank god. I take several medications anyway but it took me a while to actually figure this one out. Now I feel stupid that I didn't realize it sooner. My doctor did not tell me there could be side effects. No need to call the doctor's office--they couldn't help me. If I did get ahold of a doctor they would have just told me to stop taking it, which I already knew to do. I go to several doctors and I keep a folder for each one about every visit, new meds prescribed etc. This is very helpful because I cannot remember it all. I've always felt that you are responsible for your own body and have to advocate for yourself. You know when something is amiss. Use your intuition and you will probably be right. I always go online and look for information when I am prescribed something new. It's a GREAT resource. I will never take this medication again!

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I hope you are feeling better. I went to my ENT BECAUSE of my constant dizziness. My heart was ruled out so to the ENT I went. I had an Audiologist test my ears and they "found' some issues there. Also they suspected a problem with my sinus. Not sure what I sinus infection feels like, but I was not having much symptoms. However I blindly trusted the docs since I was suffering with dizzyness for going on 8months. I lost my job because of it as I could no longer drive to and from work. Anyway, the ENT prescribed Prednisone and Cirpo 500 x 2 daily. Side effects have started on day two ever so slightly however now is day 5 I have officially stopped taking Cipro. Did some research online and I'm scared out of my life. I feel worse then I did before and yes I am aware Prednisone also carries side effects with it. I just hope my Cipro didn't completely destroy me.

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Hello, Aubergine! How are you feeling? I am very sorry about what you went through.

And you are actually very fortunate that you realized it was this antibiotic, when you did and stopped taking it. I didn't and ended up with much worse symptoms and allergic hives that lasted well over a week after stopping it.

And yes, you will need to stay away from it in the future, because bad reactions to these sulfa medications usually just keep getting worse and worse each time you're exposed to it.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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