Side Effects - Any Negetive Effect With Prozac (Top voted first)



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Yea definitley i can relate.. ive been on fluoxetine (Prozac) 20- now 40mgs for 7mos...I honestly must say i do feel gradually better, but I have gained weight.19lbs....( From 129lbs to 148lbs .) i know that doesnt sound like alot, but being know as a small scrawny, skinny, 5'8 tree limb, thats a dramatic change.. Sometimes i think its kinda defeating the purpose , I feel very embarrased cause of my weight. Im starting to get man boobs, i have a gross looking pot belly- So Unatractive & my face looks wide & chubby cheeks as is. So I told my doc. about it, & she said that was odd, because most people loss weight , told her yea but ive did my research & people do gain weight from it as well, but she insisted that is wasnt my ant-depressant, this was about 2wks ago, ive gained 3lbs since....I watch what i eat & drink, but the weight is becomeing a daily battle for me....Ive notice i dnt go out much, just feel really rejected.... Please reply if you can relate? Or have any advise/diets/effective ant-depressants/ect...

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kasey, i am also on fluxotine - 40mgs - i have also put on quite a bit of weight - although was hectically thin before i started taking them - i also worry about weight gain - i read the package insert and it says that one of the side effects could be weight loss!!!!!
and loss of appetite. i suppose it depends on the person. want to try SIBUSLIM-10 - do you know if it will cause any reaction with the fluxotine.

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Just to answer the original poster, I would like to add that this is NOT the same as Sibuslim. Totally different medications.

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